All your grandchildren will be brown and there is nothing you can do about it

All your grandchildren will be brown and there is nothing you can do about it.

Other urls found in this thread:

we'll see.


I hope my granddaughter is hot.

Just a heads up for the microdicks reading this.

A Yellow Incel's® life cycle goes like this:

-Was bullied in school for being a gook.
-Became an incel.
-Spent the remaining of his life collecting images of interracial couples to suit his incel narrative.
-Died. His unattractive soft virgin body rots in the ground. Nothing changed in the world.
-White men keep fucking/marrying/impregnating over half the Asian women.

You shouldn't be telling other Germans there's nothing they can do about the ethnicities in their nation.

Unless... this was your plan all along.

Sounds like a challenge

Neger RAUS.

>implying I will ever put benis in bagina

Why would i do something about it? Mixed race children are smarter, healthier and even better looking. Without mixing, the german race would deteriorate due to incest anyway. The new germany will be stronger and better than ever before. Let's all work together for this goal.

dont underestimate us.
we were lazy for the longest time
times are changing
look to the austrian election on sunday. they will make the start

t. Schäuble

I continously amazed at this assessrtion. Why shouldn't my response be: Well, why don't I just kill you?

1800 is never coming back, whitey.

You sound upset, and you fucking should be.

The brown people are coming in legions. They are progressive as fuck. Your women can't help but fall deeply in love with them even when black and brown wipe their motherfucking feet on your bitches.

They will vote to give us half your shit.

They will shit out our kids.

They will twerk, they will learn Spanish, they will recite the hadith and join the courts. Then they will give total immunity to every black and brown who ever attack, thieve, and kill whitey on the streets.

How many blacks serve less than 90 days for killing white tourists in New Orleans? The answer is A FUCKING LOT because we completely own your court system there.

We get more revolving doors by the day to wage scorched earth war on you white fucking cucks. the hate speech laws are coming as soon as Dems are in.

There's fuck all you can do about your dying race.

and this is a good thing why?


If i do end up with one i won't have it for long


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Sorry, but I have to let off steam here.

Everyone seems to be bashing European politicians for letting in refugees and not doing enough to stop terroristic attacks.

I've been living in Sweden for all of my life. Yes, there is inequality and crime and terrible things happening here and in the rest of Europe. Like everywhere else.

As to the refugees, of course they are an incredible burden for Sweden and other European countries. But what do you want to do if not let them in? You can't close the borders (see Schengen and the most fundamental elements of the EU). In my opinion, you can't send them back or just let them die on their own, because that's not only cruel but also selfish as f***. We have the capabilities of taking them in, the majority of these people are the most thankful and giving members in our whole society. And if other EU countries, or the US, or just anybody would have agreed to at least take in a fraction of the number Sweden took in, no country would have been in much trouble to give them a new home.

And what about the terrorists? First off, the majority of terrorists aren't refugees. Check that on Wikipedia or whereever you like. Most of them are radicalised at home or in the internet. And those who came as refugees would have found another way, no doubt. It's easy to get to Europe. This place is so open in any way, you just cannot give 100% security. As many of you might know, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.".

So for god's sake let these people live here, let us deal with islamistic hotspots and the real culprits, but don't blame an entire group that is 99.9% peaceful.

>smart like a white
>strong like a nigga
The best of two races.

Be careful of what you push nigger. The backlash may not be what you expect.

Holy shit is this new pasta?

Mine will have slanted eyes. China will never go down the white guilted SJW path the west is on

stop stealing america's memes.

Look LATAM, then look China: Your teory don't have any relation with reality.

How about not having children you dumb fucking faggot? It's only the shit skins that can't help themselves from fucking/breeding like rats, retard.


>All your grandchildren will be brown and there is nothing you can do about it.
Yes you can. Just don't have children and likelihood of brown grandchildren is zero.

>brown countries are nice places to live
No, user. They're invariably third-world.

They aren't though, just be heavier than one of these cunts and get them to the ground. You have racial hate and animosity to destroy them. These people are like turtles on their shells when they are on the ground

funny because actual science proves the opposite is true, you've been brainwashed my friend
every mixed person I know is generally less attractive, has more health problems (obesity, diabetes, acne, etc), and have more mental disorders

Actually I can. Because if any of my relatives or kids brings a non-Germanic person home - I will keep them both and then kill all close and exttended relatives of said non-Germanic person.

>not having kids
>not doing the only thing life wanted you to do

the ultimate cuckoldry

>LARPing as a leftcuck to rile up the right to action

The more shit you fuckers talk, the more likely that the Race War will happen

There is something we can do about it, and I don't think you're going to like it

>implying I will ever have children in this prison called germany

they wont, stop playing defeatist. Just cause you live in a muslim infested shithole like berlin, does not mean this represents the entire country! I am german currently in CZ.

is Maas paying you still?

Du wirst immer mein Neger sein.

Deutschland erwache.

>What you want to do if not let them in?
Let them out. There are borders, there are rules, if you are a guest and you shat on my walls, i wouldn't give you a stern talking to, i would THROW YOU OUT.
You mistreat the host nation, and its people so you've played your chances to be safe. petty theft might not seem bad to you, but they are FULLY aware that its bad since in their countries its punishable by cutting off your hands. Such is Sharia Law.

And once again the Sven tries to play the moral imperative game.

This is just swedecuck pasta right? Not sure I want to waste my time right now

NO Hanz, German children will be brown, German children

You won't be saying this when I publicly execute you for doing this to the free folk of Europe

>You can't kill me if I kill myself, first!
Collective IQ will be higher, what a noble sacrifice.

not before you become a mudslime colony though.

Stop bullshiting honest people. We all know what kind of subhumans post from Britain. From mulattos to part jews and part gypsies to trannies. Just open look at this general. 8million non-whites in Britain, James. More than in Germany or Sweden. Highest rate of race-mixing in the Western world. 90+% of all adult negros in your country are in relationships with non-blacks, mostly white. More biracial children than any other Western country

Difference is that even ethnic mixing, let alone racial, is super rare in Germany.

Difference is that we own way more weapons and hella proud to be Germans.

Difference is that I can come over to "my Chancellor" (Merkel is a polish Jewish subhuman) and say it to her.
Video fucking related

Average Briton can't get near their PM

No they won't. Your sandnigger.

needed to be said.

Who's this fluid druid?

It is, even if that's what our leftists actually sound like.

My digit confirm that it's my burden to rid the world of your presence forever


australian liberation of europe when?

Not a kraut. All your welfare recipients are already brown.

anglo women do not need to mix, they allready look disgusting.

My grandchildren will be white or my daughter and any pet apes will be wrapped in plastic at the bottom of a landfill.

>tfw i would rather end my lineage than let my children endure the so called multicultural society


>Without mixing, the german race would deteriorate due to incest anyway

Yes of course, Machmud. Say what you will, but you Muzzies know your way around Incest.
Now fuck off.

stop waiting for others to do your job! Start doing it yourself.

yes, be a good goy and have kids

Ethnic cleansing would sort all of this out

If you talk about the political colour I agree with you.

> EU flag
> promoting mgtow
> against having children

Non-white genocide would sort all of this out

This is like a leftist's worldview where they omit part of the truth and the solution because it is uncomfortable.

A genocide would sort all of this out

Check what they filmed on Stalin's orders

I mean if he didn't have all power in 1941 must have been a cuck of a leader. Of no surprise, Georgians are notorious idiotic inbreds

You know what Russians did to celebrate the 9th of May? (Cult of Death type V-Day for redskies)

They put plenty of internationalist, anti-colonalist, anti-racist propaganda.

In 1970s they came up with a shitty movie about pilots to show it every year near and during the 9th of May on TV.

They still do it.

That movie Putincuck orders to be shown on major state-owned TV networks each 9th of may - "V boj idut odni stariki". You know what this movie is about? Uzbek subhuman breeding Russian Slavic girl who happened to be a pilot

That's what the USSR and Red Army stood for in the long term - interracial breeding.

>You can't close the borders
That's where you're wrong, kiddo!

thanks Germany
2 world wars just wasn't enough was it

>implying G*rmany isn't already 100% mongrelized

Did Russia """"""""""""""""""win""""""""""""""""" the WWII? Even more than Britain it """"""""won"""""""""

>literally supports WHITE GENOCIDERS like Mugabe and Zuma
>literally open borders
>literally orders to use interracial propaganda

Russia is becoming very diverse, and it must, otherwise it won't survive

>The Chinese are invading Russia — not with tanks, but with suitcases.

>Alexander Shaikin, in charge of controlling the Russian-Chinese border, said on June 29 that 1.5 million people from China have illegally entered the Russian Far East over the past 18 months.

>It’s IMPOSSIBLE to know the exact level of Chinese migration into the Russian Far East; Russia has not run a census in over a decade. But by all indications, a significant river of people is surging across the border.

>The Moscow Carnegie Center, the only organization to launch an independent study, claimed that there were about 250,000 Chinese in Russia in 1997. The Interior Ministry has claimed that there are 2 million. Other estimates place the Chinese population at 5 million.

>Regardless, the Federal Migration Service fears a flood. The service has repeatedly warned that the Chinese could become the DOMINANT ETHNIC group in the Russian Far East in 20 to 30 years. Such an occurrence would require an annual influx of about 250,000 to 300,000 Chinese, LESS than one-third the rate that Shaikin currently claims

stop with the gibs burger.

your fault for siding with zionists

A former model for an obscure brand of Mexican clothing

>start doing "it" myself
>get ridiculed by other germans for being an evil nazi
>get arrested by my own government and "Frend und Helfer"for hatespeech and daring to oppose them
>media tells public that I'm just a paranoid neo nazi
>public believes it
your in cz right now, why don't you take a few firarms across the border, then we can talk about liberating this country

Look, yall are fat, Jew tier greedy, lethargic messes, addicted to spic cuisine and corn syrup fast food poison.

Y'all have nigger, spic, jewish, American Indian cum in your blood. Us real Whites don't want any of that, I'm planning on retiring in rural mountain region to spread my indigenous, pure South German line, you aren't going to ruin. You Americans don't understand public transport, building anything within walking distance, anywhere that doesn't have a mile square car park and drive through.


>Southern European 5,5%
>North African 0,2%
>Mongolian 0,1%
>Sub-saharan 0,1%


what i am doing mein Kamerade! Also being smart about this is key,, we can not just go full SS.

I can.

i'm fucking dying

>being smart
>trying to get rid off this system within the rules the system set

>we cannot just to full SS
how about full IRA?

your mistake to think that Switzerland works. Switzerland used to be German-dominated state with French minority and literally oppressed Ticino Italian spics that knew their place before the 1960s. It was a proper Germanic state. The average native Swiss is not rich. Banks, few individuals (many of whom are not native) and corporations are. Switzerland is everincreasingly socialist diverse shithole. nu/pol/ thinking Switzerland is good is part of the problem and a clear LARP. Full of Portuniggers, Albos, Serbroaches, Greeks and Italospics. Naturalized several nogs and gooks by voting as early as 1980s. Could have been homogenous, but no. Now some fucking subhuman naturalized tamil (descent of toilet cleaners with australoid blood) lectures the native races about possible African infiltration while wearing the SVP badge.

The only good option - kicking out Ticino(or better yet cleansing it from Italians) and repatriating non-Germans/Northern descendant French

>krauts insult americans and say le 56 percent
>flag is literal horizontal bars of shit colors
Nazi flag ironically better flag design

How can I have brown grandchildren in the future If I don't even have children now?

This. If you want the parties in power to follow the pureblooded Germanic voice, you must impose a great threat to them. Repeatedly throughout history "terrorism" has been proven to work. The IRA got what they wanted, so did the ANC, and so did the KKK for that matter--just a handful examples from many.

The IRA got what they wanted because they started bombing places like Canary Wharf, City of London and Manchester city center. It wasn't the killing and maiming of people that brought about peace it was the disruption of business, banking and commerce. The British government didn't give a fuck about dead citizens but they did care about business and banking going elsewhere.

Then there are things like Judeo-Bolshevism, which secured its power through terror, and so did National Socialism. You can question whether it's right, sure, but it clearly has and does work, because people are massive cowards, and will give up a lot when in danger of being blown up or tortured or killed.

This is just the reality, and reality isn't soft and cuddly.

That's a lie, and there is something we can do about it. The goyim are starting to wake up and there's nothing you can do about it. After enough are awake it's all over for you.

her attitude sucks


I can feel the sub-90 i.q. through the screen.

They won't breed, thus: they won't have grandchildren.

True, but literally every country with no imagination uses the colours red, white and blue. Look it up, it's more than 50% of all flags.

At least our colours can't be mistaken for Russia's. Yours can.

Im already brown checkmate :^)

my grandchirren will be yellow
your grandchirren will be exterminated by them
arr your country are berong to us

We could clone Hitler.

fucking germany

Döner mit alles bitte, danke
>Repeatedly throughout history "terrorism" has been proven to work
its also working right now, with europeans accepting islam more and more and getting increasingly scared of speaking out against it
Muss ich jetzt ins Neo-KZ?
