you "care about passing on white genes" and have literally never had sex

> you "care about passing on white genes" and have literally never had sex

>you "hate degeneracy" and masturbate to hentai, lolicon and trap porn

> you hate pedophiles but love watching "cute girls doing cute things"

stop living a lie. hating yourself doesn't absolve yourself for acting like a loser

Are u gay?

So you are literally saying for us to love pedophiles, neutering and being a degenerate?

Projection: The Thread

thanks for the insight animeposter

None of these things describe me or anyone I know.

Who do you believe that you are speaking to?

Sup Forums as a whole is just a bunch of counter culturing elitests, it's the maximum real hipster hive, now that the whole world and their mom are being fucking degens, embracing sexual children brainwashing, not having children, we are the sane few in a crazy world

Another fucking slide thread

its to attract the weebs flies to shit

>le Plebbit spacing

You couldnt be more wrong.

I'll do whatever the fuck I want bitch boy


>waiting until marriage
My only problem is that I'm Autistic and not really that good with women. But I'm improving.


Pic related is my sexy Nazi wife and her friends.

I only like mecha and sci-fi anime
Preferably pre-1992
You fucked up with that Italian girl
I think your aversion to cheerleaders due to being bulled by them in high school was part of it, honestly


Sup Forums isn't one person. I'm pretty sure that I will not be having children on Earth, for instance.

Fix the school system! It's a Prussian relic that teaches people to conform or suffer. I wouldn't put a kid through that. It's not good for individuals and it doesn't produce a healthy society. We need a system that rewards self-direction. Not even just self-expression. Self-expression is often the stuff of pure conformism. True autonomy is subtler than that.

of course you can do whatever you want, but i'm trying to help you.

you know there is a sense of shame to what you're doing and that your mother would cry if she found out.

don't let the post-modern internet age fool you, when you do something "ironically" or with "self awareness" you are still doing it

>> you "care about passing on white genes" and have literally never had sex
>>you "hate degeneracy" and masturbate to hentai, lolicon and trap porn
>> you hate pedophiles but love watching "cute girls doing cute things"
have a nice week end and God bless you all.

btw Expressvpn doesn't give you unique ips
nor does IP Vanish
only those proxies I bought with BTC were static
Also, one of my cousins uses my wifi
I unironically didn't look at the majority of shit people blamed on me

Do you think I'm somebody else blogposting?

>All that redditspacing
I know you're not used to diversity, but Sup Forums is not one person, nigger.

I'm just funreplying tbqh

Why did you post this with that image

>serve in military
>white blue eyed wife that cooks all my meals
>strong family values
And you all would call me a loser because I have tattoos
Fuck u no about anything u pathetic virgin

I fell for asuka first time I watched evangelion
> mfw there will be no other stubborn, spoiled, brilliant redhead cunt like her

obviously this post is not directed at you guys. congratulations you don't watch anime

wake up, it's a fucking cartoon. if it was my little pony or dr who you'd understand how pathetic it is, but somehow if it's anime, you don't

>implying my mother dosn't know what I do
She gives zero fucks you double nigger.

Captain Harlock is pretty badass, to be fair
Just sayin

on the contrary, I do fully understand. Platonic love is a real thing. I am fully aware there's no such thing as perfection. We strive for it, never to reach it, learning to live not to grow content with what we have, but truly understanding that there's is no dichotomy in wanting your imaginary idols to be real, and your real loved ones to be as good as the imaginary ones

also, shut up, you edgy fucklord