How do you like your steak, Sup Forums?

How do you like your steak, Sup Forums?


so rare it walks to your plate and sits down


I prefer medium.

oh oh, i know the joke
because she is called meat in her show

Blonde girls with intense tans look incredibly trashy. Second from the left already looks like a slut.

On the other hand, second from the right with dark hair would be bretty sexy.

Well done with ketchup

People with hair lighter than their skin are so repulsive

so does she win or what

Why do only Rare and Medium have tanlines?

With no skin cancer

Medium Rare


Blue Rare is just as disgusting as well done

In terms of the images presented, Rare is literally the perfect meat.

In terms of actual steak, I usually take it Medium Rare.

Not from shit shows

All of it.

Only far left, god the rest are ugly. No homo.

You sound extremely homo.

You are extremely blind.

At least I'm not a faggot.

Even if I am a faggot, it's okay to be a faggot in 2016. Stop being a biggot, gramps.

>calls me bigot
>only likes white

You were baited just now.

I can at least pretend far left isn't a slut.
All of the other ones are guaranteed sluts.

Meat's for dinner.


Steamed, dripping wet and agitated.

>so dark they can't have tanlines
Why waste the best part of brown?

blue rare, rare, medium rare, medium, medium well and well done for me

>no terry crews
what's the point?