This is swimming pool in China. Left side is for those who paid more

This is swimming pool in China. Left side is for those who paid more.

wish we could getaway with that in the usa fucken niggers

Capitalism wins again.

>inb4 real (insert whatever political ideology) has never been tried
True capitalism has never been tried. Prove me wrong.

What are you doing, nigger? The point is, the proprietor of the pool saw a market and catered to it to turn a profit.

This has been posted so many fuckin times

Why would you pay anything to swim in that green shit

Why would you wanna swim in that nasty ass water

Can you imagine swimming with all those eyes on you?

Sometimes you don't have the choice. I went three months in Peru for work and in France I swim four times a week. As you would expect, Peruvian swimming pools are dirty and filthy as hell but when you need to exercise, well, you go there anyway.

in sweden is pretty much the opposite
plus niggers like you dont even touch the sea
rly nice

Just had to make this thread again for old times, eh?


Why do they look so eager to be on the left? Just enjoy yourself on the side you paid for or go home, I don't get it. Did they pay to look at the better side of the pool?

Or are they pissing?

Jesus Christ our local river looks cleaner than that


Why are those plebs polluting the water of that top tier citizen?

ChiCom Capitalism TM.

Niggers of asia.

No morals.

You can. Join a private athletic club with a pool.


Burger Peru expat here - you're spreading bad info about Peru pools. they are not all dirty snd filthy. I take my kids to a municipal pool in a not so nice area in Lima and it's just as good at anything I had in the states growing up. You're just a pussy, frog.

Looks like right side is for chinks who can't swim while left side who can(which are few in rural China)