I had such high hopes for this series, but it just gets worse and worse with every new episode

>I had such high hopes for this series, but it just gets worse and worse with every new episode.

What's her name, Sup Forums?

Rolling Girls.

Every haremshit anime.
Guilty Crown.

>how to go absolutely nowhere with an interesting premise: the animation


this shit right here.

>that ending
Kuma miko was crushing

What do I win?

This looks pretty cool

unintentionally funny

is she gonna be ok?

Holy shit, I can't stop laughing everytime i see this scene posted


My wife Machi is so cute.

She's actually mine.
So kindly fuck off

The bear has her. Fuck off.

I would kill the bear

God dammit, Sup Forums.

I thought there would be more tits, not stupid skits.

Was it rape?

I would kill the girl

that fucking bear looks so good to hug like goddamn

I would kill you as well

please hurry


I'll get you addicted to smoking and wait 40-50 years for you to die a slow death.

No game no life
But maybe just maybe the film will redeem it.
it won't

And I thought there would be skits, not blatant marketing.

How was it?
Have it in the back log and only reason I want to watch it is for that sexy imouto but if it's not good I guess pics/doujins will suffice.

Episode 12 of watamote look better and better now.

I really didn't get why people hate episode 12 it had a 3 episodes build up.