First for qt waifus, reply with your qt waifu or you will be visited by the ghost of Jimmy Saville
Josiah Howard
Dylan Russell
also holy kek the horse is called free speech
Cameron Bell
tfw working class grannies will freeze to death this winter
Jackson Bell
Kevin Gomez
What about Russians?
Ryan Ramirez
meet me behind holland and barrett in 15 minutes
Bentley Allen
Doesn't the horse die??
Charles White
Grayson Ortiz
Is this Public school thing after lights out the dorms ?
Nolan Wilson
Reminds me of those cringeworthy Murdoch Murdoch videos.
Joshua Roberts
>which cunt are you?
Luis Harris
Dylan Collins
Austin Thompson
and I hope you lads don't lie with women you aren't willing to die for
Hudson Taylor
it literally is a murdoch murdoch video
Joseph Morales
Working class Russians are a scourge
Xavier Rodriguez
trying to watch rick and morty so i can interact with normie friends and it's just so mediocre
Nolan Russell
Clinton asked about Weinstein on One Show btw.
Jayden Russell
>trying to watch rich and morty so i can interact with my genius friends but i'm just too fucking stupid FTFY
Isaac Cox
I would die to lie with my woman Evening
Aaron Scott
it literally is murdoch murdoch kek I TURNED INTO A PICKLE
Chase Williams
WN is my favourite Triplord.
John Sanchez
Daniel Bailey
Hello you lovely being.
Zachary Peterson
Clinton comparing Trump to Weinstein btw.
Nolan Rodriguez
do the army do drug tests when you get in like right away
Christian Long
Jackson Richardson
Leave my mother out of this.
Jayden Rodriguez
sorry sweetie you have to wait until after honk is done you can watch xx
Christian Lewis
The comments are just as bad
Holy shit, the anime degeneration got me cold at first but the overall message and the outro is just exactly what happens to all of us first nihilism then feminism and then realizing the beast that marxism is we come changed forever, this is somehow the true redpill in video format.
Ryder Lopez
You've caused all this.
Hunter James
I believe so ,and they can detect from 3 months ago
Carson Richardson
Montage of how Trump is literally Hitler on One Show btw.
Camden Watson
y-you're kidding.... right?
Carter Cruz
Nolan Howard
>poles are subhumans Meanwhile, the master Anglo race lets in millions of filthy foreign men into their country to rape their wives and daughters. Those stupid Poles and their >95% white country!
Not even Michael Moore was spared from Weinstein's perverted rampage.
Connor Martin
when i was 4 i was a nietzsche reading nihilist when i was 12 i was a feminist at 17 i read das capital now i love free speech i can change and so can you
ps: fuck boomers my parents are rich
Alexander Hall
Hudson Sullivan
all british cocksuckers should be raped and murdered on sight.
no sympathy for those scumbags
Caleb Nguyen
>he will never sit on your face why live
Grayson Scott
Benjamin Kelly
Never into Quare stuff tbqh
When will they do a Blakes Seven remake ?
Jayden Long
Fuck I love this...Best Murdoch Murdoch vid ever, Brings me to tears every time.
The end always makes me teary.
Aaron Powell
No one else watching the One Show? She's just blamed the Russians.
Brody Thomas
he is a funny miserable manc
Xavier Williams
No, 10 - 33 days
Dylan Green
>actually it's good because it's murdoch murdoch
mental dysphoria now we see murdoch fans for what they really are
Grayson Perez
I will concede that working class Anglos (Northeners) are irredeemable scum, but middle class/upper-middle class WASPs are the master race.
Christopher Gomez
"Poles hold only two things dear to their hearts: jingoistic patriotism and sucking black cock in London"
Aiden Richardson
i'm too stupid to know if you're being sarcastic or not desu
Zachary Miller
Anyone want to bet she'll mention THE Alex Jones?
Brandon Garcia
Look at the comments field of the video.
Jacob Edwards
Noah Edwards
I turned myself into a school idol morty
Lucas Sanders
cant watch that shit its too annoying
Samuel Reyes
oh lol. yeah it's pretty bad. and who is watching ARE HILLDOG on BBC ONE? the state of her self awareness
Parker Bennett
Imagine being this mad we gave your shithole aeway for your family to be raped and genocided by germans and russians lmao
Just lol at poorfags who label us as posh twats. We're utterly superior to you and you know it
William Martin
is anyone here a baker? my five year old son's birthday is coming up and i want to find him a cake themed after his favourite cartoon, the murdoch murdoch show
Brayden Hall
and being grasping greedy £££s whores ,I had a cleaner who knicked a £20 I left out on the dining room table ,had her arrested and deported !
Chase White
Should've raped her first and made her fight dogs.
Kayden Allen
Do you guys hate us as much as you hate poles?
Easton Howard
>your waifu will never suffocate you to death by making your entire live head the filling of an onigiri why live
Carson Baker
fuck off shariahblue
Ryan James
>that abysmal grammar £10 (that's a lot of money to you, I know) says that you're working class
Austin Hill
rate my kitchen lads
Ayden Collins
dumb frogposter
Ryan Campbell
I looked at this Murdoch thing and I think its been stolen from the old comedy show where cats an that talked ,cannot remember the name of it ?
Benjamin Moore
Elijah Price
dumb dumb frogposter poster
Eli Anderson
im not even sure what you are lmao
Andrew Torres
ur not special enough
Mason Stewart
Commie block architecture . 0/10
Jack Hughes
best biscuits
Kayden Stewart
family guy?
Cameron Peterson
>Hillary flogging her shit new delusional book on the One Show
Mason White
“As you know, madness is like gravity...all it takes is a little push.”
what the FUCK lads I didn't know the BBC was this bad, it's not like this on any other outlet, this is what it really sounds like (the last 40 seconds)
Jayden Young
it was called handsome and stan, 1990s kids TV show with adult references
Angel Wilson
She's bounced back...
Ayden Price
Anyone else unironically a Blairite?
Zachary Morgan
a cry from the white nationalist gut
Leo Ortiz
Now I don't know what's worse. Being hated or not known anywhere.
I am not cruel she let me spank her bare bottom over my knee for an Extra £50 note,she tried to bring this up to the coppers once arrested , I told them I dont know what she is on about , she got a suspended sentence but had a outstanding theft warrants for Polski, an was deported ! Good Riddance nasty lil vermin.I have a knew cleaner now a young girl from the local estate , she wiggles her plump arse in black leggings around my lounge the lil tease. INB4 I am not Kike weinstein ok
Benjamin Phillips
Honestly I would fucking die for Blair, he is a fucking national hero.
it’s been 43 years since Labour won an election without him. 43 Yrs.
Angel Nelson
It says "Hey European" not "Hey Pole" you subhuman.