Why is she so perfect?

why is she so perfect?

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Please post nui

Because she's not real

Why do people always call Ryuuko edgy? Is it literally just because of the hair? She spends half the series in bunny pajamas. Satsuki is 100 times edgier but no one ever says it.

Because she's literally the cutest.

>at the forefront of a trend; experimental or avant-garde
because she is edgy
>look at me i'm a super powered girl wearing a skimpy outfit saving the world lol check out my hair i use scissors as a weapon
which is why newfags like her, she's a hipster.

Nonon thread?

Don't delude yourself into thinking that's why people say she is. It has nothing to do with that and everything to do with the the first impression.




she's sexy



>daki case
>less than $4

link pls




Because she can be super-cute when she wants to, has a cool uniform, and nice hair.




Which art book are these from?

Bunny pajamas are her best outfit.
Why isn't there more porn using them?

They're from the Trigger newsletter while the show was airing.

>tumblr gif
Fuck off.

wew lad thanks

now I can have a daki with a girl I actually like instead of some random anime girl from a daki case I bought for $60 at an anime con.


Too cute.

no problem, I just hope it's good quality.

Within the setting she is hardly the only person wearing skimpy clothes or weilding a retarded weapon nor the only one with silly hair or superpowers.

Satsuki isn't edgy with an ass that round

You won't beat my autism with my waifu.

I have every single figure of her, daki cases, wall scrolls, posters, mousepads, everything.

I don't regret it, although I wouldn't do it again.

Ryuko's like my mistress, I have plenty of her but not a lot because she's secondary.

Here's a page from art book 5

she gets her ass kicked before she finds the outfit, which it's skimpiness is later explained.


I need to see a picture please user. I don't think I'm gonna get everything for her because some of the figures cost more than I have since I'm neet.

here's my battlestation, you can see the panty figs in the case. The wall-scrolls not seen are on another wall or tucked away.

Also I lied I don't have the recolors of the lottery figs because those go for $1k+ and I already have the regular ones.

these are the figs I am talking about



not a fan of the first one but the second one looks good
very nicely setup

nice pc/wii u combo. why need anything else ?


Why is Nonon so short?

I /satsuki/ here.

Because it means her holes are tighter.


Kiyuins got too many euro genes to be pure jap, Inumuta's dad was the police commissioner of Tokyo pd, Gamagori's dad was a US serviceman, and Sanageyama came from a country family to the north.

Nonon and Iori are the two possible pure japs and they are the shortest of the cast.

>Inumuta's dad was the police commissioner of Tokyo pd
How does that translate into Inumuta not being completely Jap?

>Sanageyama came from a country family to the north.
Unless you're implying he's part Ainu or Russian, the majority of people from Hokkaido are in fact, Japanese.

So yeah, likely as not, Ira and Satsuki, and by extension Ryuuko, are most likely the only three part-Japanese major characters.

So it's even cuter when you lean down to kiss her

I never understood the appeal of this show

It's a deconstruction of anime in general. It single handedly saved anime.

Poorly put together, my bad. True about the trio.

Meant Uzu and Houka come from working families, more likely to be structurally taller than Nonon's social tier.

We must not have watched the same anime at all

But she's not even the best girl

How is Satsuki edgy? Have you not finished the series yet or something?

Mindless fun with endless amount of action and good music.

The same as TTGL which has worse music but better animation.

The same as Getter Robo Armageddon which has worse characters but better fights.


your daily reminder

Why must you make me sad user?

remember when this show was airing, people said "I can't wait until the season is over so klkfags will go back to Sup Forums"

I still wish klk would die, it's easily one of the shittiest entry level trash anime I have ever watched

my b

it's not that bad

It's the panties, stripes are reserved for the top-tier girls

I own both those sega figures.
I look at Satsuki and Ryuko's panties every day

the satsuki one didn't look that good in the pictures on amazon, I might get it next but I'm not sure. I hope you lick their panties

Are Ryuuko's striped? And what are Satsuki's? Your answer will determine whether or not I get them

I may or may not, I will confirm nothing.

Ryuko are blue and white stripes.
Satsuki wears glorious plain white.

Because hot.
She doesn't afraid of anything.
She becomes an imouto.
Has sexy voice.
Best soundtrack plays behind her.

The list goes on and on...

okay senpai lick them for me

I want my dakimakura right now so I can snuggle with her!!!

Heading out now, but I promise I will

I've never seen Kill la Kill and never will but she's got a perfect design.

>and never will

Why the fuck not?

Really not up my alley.

Just watch for the fanservice then. Her design is shown off pretty liberally in every episode.

Fair enough. I was just expecting a half-assed bullshit reason.

>no one will be talking about klk 3 years from now
I would've been right if I didn't underestimate the power of meme waifus.

Well technically would I be half right because no one talks about the plot right?

Well the plot of KLK is just Ryuko learns she likes wearing pretty clothes more than getting angry over stupid shit like being late and alien conspiracy theory.

So in a way, we're always talking about the plot.