Why does Sup Forums like edgy trash so much?

Why does Sup Forums like edgy trash so much?

because Sup Forumsutist taste is trash. They hating on the best anime of all time Re:Zero

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candyass roodypoo

>he doesn't like fun

Better than harem and Slice of life yuri bait.

new chap when?

I for one, don't. Can't say the same about the rest of the Sasukes on Sup Forums.

Nothing wrong with a little edge sometimes for some fun. It's better than fucking moe.

>if it's dark
>if it has random
>if the character has an unpopular opinion
>if the character talks
>if the character doesn't talk
>if the character edges
>if the character kills
>if the character doesn't kill

Everything is edgy and it is edgy to not like it you edgy fucking cuck. This word is tossed around like no fucking other. Suck your dick you piece of shit.

Shock value does a hell of a job riling up people.

Anything that isnt Yuru Yuri or K-on is edgy

>Sup Forums is one person

K-on is pretty edgy.
Mio was almost raped.

then swap that for lucky star

Akarin got raped like 5 times, Yuruyuri is edgy as fuck.

yea but she was asking for it

You fuck, use your own bait!

Not rape unless there is a dick involved.

Things I don't like is edgy.

That user's definition of edgy is also wrong. Fuck off back to Sup Forums, you retard.

Goblin slayer is actually edgy though.

No it's not you stupid piece of shit. Go back to whatever shit hole you thing you belong because you obviously don't know what it means you retarded mong. Get out of here you cancerous fuck. These edge threads are terrible cesspools of shit.

Pronunciation: /ˈɛdʒi/

1 - Tense, nervous, or irritable:
>he became edgy and defensive

1.1 - (Of a musical performance or piece of writing) having an intense or sharp quality:
>tremendously edgy brass playing

2 - At the forefront of a trend; experimental or avant-garde:
>their songs combine good music and smart, edgy ideas

It literally is wrong, you memester.

You saw what Konata did to the chocolate cornettes right?

no. that's the very moment i dropped the show.

I like Goblin Slayer because is basically medieval doom with actual human interaction.
MC is insane, but he focuses his insanity in goblins and he still can interact with other characters.

How do you not like stories about adventurers, the struggles they go through, and the people they meet. This one even shows the consequences of novice adventurers messing up in a graphic way. Realistic people and realistic consequences in fantasy is a lot of fun.

But I need cute girls to distract myself from my hopeless inferiority.

imo the first two chapters were just trying to being overly shocking and edgy in order to attract more people more than aiming for realism or whatever.

>I am the goblin
I laughed

Stop eating the bait.

If there were more instances of parties actually being successful on-screen and probably more about Goblins (probably, because of plot reasons that can fuck it up.)

But regardless, I think what riles me up the most is that GS becomes less Doomguy and more open to people. Everybody wanted his "I AM THE GOBLINS" pushed to extremes yet what we are having is quite the opposite plus "every girl is wet for him bullshit."

Hell I wouldn't even care if the guy hired a prostitute and had her wear a goblin mask because that's the only way he can get hard.

Just wait until one of his seals is killed or he diecovers that the goblins happen because the gods are dicks.

Man, I hope that with the party we can AT LEAST get some tacticool scenes of them actually doing something. Like, everybody actually being important to the plan instead GS pulling a deux ex machina like in the fight with the oni.

>He is presented a someone super insane and super prepared
>Call his crazy teleportation scroll trick "deux ex machina"
And the oni pwned him the first time.

le colloquialism face

The colloquial usage has been mostly used like in the last definition of that post, only Sup Forums shitters and equally retarded people use it like it's defined in the image that user posted.