Rei or Asuka when Misato is clearly superior to both

>Rei or Asuka when Misato is clearly superior to both.

Is this all a big joke?

Other urls found in this thread:

I like dicks so Kaworu is for me.

>old hag
>just as mentally unstable as any of the other girls

>he doesn't want to fuck her used up ravaged cunt

What are you, gay?

I want Misato to teach me the ropes so I can rock Asuka's world.

The Rei or Asuka thing is a pleb filter

Treat the topic with a little more respect. This debate has been running wild when you were still in diapers

>Everyone forgets true best girl because she's a side character

I didn't forget about her. I just keep remembering her fucking that dog.

Fuck off Toji!!!! I want you to go and stay go and take your freckle faced bitch with you so the real girls can compete!!