2 years of semen
flowed endlessly
into Asuna
's pussy
and Kirito
When he had a female avatar, that included all the body parts right? Couldn't he turn off the clothing protection and check it out?
Was this actually in the official source material.
I miss the SAO threads, Sup Forums.
It was in the Web Novel
Kawahara has spent the last decade trying to wipe all traces of it out from the Light Novel continuity
Too bad for him Sup Forums will forever meme it
>Kawahara has spent the last decade trying to wipe all traces of it out from the Light Novel continuity
Except he then went on to write 16.6, 16.7, 16.8, 16.8.5, 16.9, and then he ran out of numbers, so he started calling it "Sugary Days". If he's trying to make people forget it, he sure did a piss-poor job of it.
Oh hes trying to cram the "Look at how fucking cute these newlyweds are" down everyone's throats for sure. But he still acts like he wants to distance himself from GLOP. He's a real author now dontcha'know
>He's a real author now dontcha'know
top kek user.
I miss the SAO threads BEFORE anime.
Back when vol1 wasn't even translated on B-T, when there were like 10 guys posting in a thread to discuss like 20 chapters, when there was that guy who come in and do live translation like a fucking god.
Anyone would want to distance themselves from the hilarious atrocity of writing that is TWO YEARS. But I'm pretty sure he's accepted that 16.5 is public knowledge and he is accepting it as canon.
Also, it wasn't exactly IN the main web novel. It was a side story, like a bunch of other SAO material, except this one had doujin-tier sex put into readable form.
you can still get that feeling sometimes if you are lucky and time it right
post about Alicization and don't actually mention "Sword Art Online" and you can get some decent LN discussion safe from the hordes of anime-only secondaries that have no idea what the thread is about
Come to bed, user
This guy died, and the girl is now lusting after Kirito right? I remember reading the WN chapter and how interesting their trio relationship was, aprehensive about that harem dream ending, but seriously the last I heard about Alicization was that he's gone and now Alice is clinging, wtf, really, dude was fucking best bro.
I still remember the day anime was announced and we were crunching down on what needed to be fixed, go full on death days and hopefully fill in the time gaps with V2 that was out.
The people that lost hope were right, all along.
The day the anime was announced, there was that one guy who called everything out:
- NTR Asuna doujin
- Cancerous secondaries ruining the threads
- SAO actually goes mainstream because of its self-insert nature
- Eventually everyone would hate the entire SAO series because it attract normalfags
Fucking anime secondaries.
Well yeah, we all knew it, we just didn't want it. I even remember when the first episode aired everyone was hyped, and I was going on about 'Where the fuck is the explanation of Sword Arts'?
By second episode I knew what it was and dropped it, and the saddest thing is there were some left of the LN/WN fags that were looking forward to it.
I'd literally never pull out of Asuna.
How do I bring myself to read LNs? I barely have the motivation to watch anime let alone read.
Just read progressive since it helps with the roughness, the LN is really really bad if I was to ever reread, I only forgave it since the concept was fresh at the time. There was more than 5 years since .hack was good and it filled the void.
Do you have a job? I do most of my "reading" by using a TTS program to make mp3s out of shit from bakatsuki, baencd and Gives me something to keep my mind occupied, with the added bonus of running through my backlog at work
Isn't Progressive a recap or something? I'd rather just read the new saga, or sagas. I don't know what Kirito is up to these days.
Just read chapter 16.5. Am I suppose to fap to it ?
best girl
It's an expansion of the introduction, clearing 1st floor and what happens on the 2nd, suppose to have a dark elf.
It's probably the proper take on what he wanted Kirito's journey to be, the problem is he's kind of screwed like he was since Volume 1 since canon relationship is Asuna and all these harem things are nuts. Probably why he did the harem end spoiler to keep himself towards that final goal.
All the memes aside and ignoring what a shitshow SAO and its fandom is, Asuna is waifu material of the highest grade. Of course she's been designed to cater to nerds like me, but god damn, it worked.
>*2 years worth of semen.
The airing anime threads for S2 surprisingly had little retards. It was fun.
Every girl except Cowtits McGee was high-tier at least. The two or three semi-relevant non-antagonist male characters were OK too. Just Kirito and the plot, writing, pacing, and concept ruins the show. Otaku pandering is done best by an otaku.
I feel like some weeks the airing threads even failed to hit bump limit. It was cozy.
There was another FOTM anime that people were busy shitposting but I don't remember what it was.
No, you're supposed to fap to the doujins. You're supposed to laugh at the glop.
I want tripfags to leave.
There's a doujin of 16.5.
So who do you think is getting an ethnicity change in the TV show?
Put the link.
Search "Sword Art Extra". Or was it Ultimate? In either case, it was the same artist who did it. It's one of those two.
Reminder that Alicilization is the best part of SAO and contrarians and secondaries have no idea what they're talking about when they say the LNs are shit.
Id like the semen off of Asuna's clean.
Gotta admit, she's a good lookin girl despite everything. I like to pretend the anime doesn't exist and have the Progressive LNs fill the void
user you have good taste. I'm glad someone actually appreciates how good Progressive is in this clunky shithole.
As an aside, her rampage in volume 17 was pretty fucking brutal.
Best Asuna moment in Alicization is surely the catfight with Alice in Vol. 16
>"Why? Because he's mine!"
Also, next chapter when, I'm hankering to read Vs. Subtilizer 2: Incarnation Boogaloo