What is the most redpilled pop brand that Sup Forums users enjoy drinking?

What is the most redpilled pop brand that Sup Forums users enjoy drinking?

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There is nothing red pilled about soda drinks fag.

coffee and water


Drinking the carbonated jew is bad for you, no matter what. That being said, I like Pepsi.


Fpbp + /thread


Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper
Baja Blast

pop is never redpilled.


Red Bull

>bought 3 cases of mtn dew last week
>neck started getting dark
dammit now i have to stop before i become a diabetic

coca-cola of course
because it's the best

Treating yourself once in a while is not bad

>the high frusctose jew
>red pilled

Come on now.


>drinking chemicals

Dr Pepper is number one indisputably. However I try not to drink pop very much cause it’s basically poison for your body, even though it’s my favorite thing to consume

>not solely drinking vodka

Any soda made with cane sugar

Come home white man

Nothing better then having coca cola next to you. Capitalism and Freedom

Play some PUBG, shitpost on pol and have Coke right next to you to drink while listening to FemaIe vocal duubstep


>Canned Welch's sparkling grape juice
My god, that sounds amazing.

user still unironically drinks artifically coloured and flavored surgary water for 50x its cost to make. Why user, why?


Mountain dew code red
Its fuel for beating up rapefugees

Moderation is redpilled. Saged tho.

This. Also like Stewart's rootbeer.

The only acceptable time to drink soda is when its mixed with alcohol or you're eating fast food.

Pepsi. Their stock pays dividends and the always hit their earnings target.

Water. At least the water company won't have an incentive to get me addicted to it.

There is nothing good about pop.

I have my morning coffee (cream and sugar being for degenerates) and then it's water for the rest of the day.
I do love some carrot juice in the early afternoon, though.

>Drinking Dr Pepper

Yeah I remember when we got soda on birthdays.

Coffee made at home and water. Coke and Pepsi are owned by Jews, RC virtue signals for migrants and that Blumpf is so Racist omg.

i have to drive to a location for work like twice a month, and it involves me getting up super early and when i fuel the van up i buy one of these, sometimes with a small redbull
soda is pretty degenerate though

Coffee/tea, beer, wine and whisky. Water throughout the day.

Bottled capitalism

fuck your life triggers me

cool, clear, water. ......


Based. I hate "soda" fags. Where are you from, OP? Pittsburgh here.

this is at kroger. it isnt even the original formula. its just transparent pepsi

I like gingerbeer and whiskey for dessert.

Coffee, water, tea.

Soda will fuck you up, retard. I only use it as mixer, there is no other reason to drink it.

Don't drink soda.

>Dr A+
>Big K Dr. K

How many times are you going to use this same shitpost in one day, leaf?

I live across the river from Detroit


This, once in a blue moon is fine but if you drink it regularly you're gonna have a bad time
It is, quite literally, bone hurting juice


wolf cola


You fuckin faggot back to plebbit and never come back.
Also consider anhero.

Go home, millennial woes.
I can smell this morning's fags all over your T-shirt.

>drinking the high fructose carbonated Jew.

If you're drinking soda, you have a chronic addiction to the blue pill. First post, best post

More like

Whoop whoop

Sipping redbull before working out is the only acceptable sugar fizz drink.

Arizona Tea... it's affordable, get a decent serving for the price, not too terribly bad for you.

This. If you're still drinking soda pop then you've already lost

Avoid coffee it causes your stomach to produce excessive levels of acid and fucks up lower intenstines. Water and weak tea. Avoid liquorice tea as gives high blood pressure so stick with mint.

Nothing wrong with a little half and half in coffee. But yes, sugar is for degenerates

Diet Coke is fine.


H2O you fagget

Coke is so addicting though. There's nothing better than a burger and washing it down with Coke. Help me stop this addiction.

Soda is the proper term.

You abbreviate using the first part of a word. Soda Pop = Soda, microwave oven = microwave, Pittsburg = Failure

Ginger beer. Any brand except Reed's.

Jesus Christ you sound like the biggest pussy on the planet

Why? It tastes like shit. Just drink water if you care about calories.

redbull is not /sip/ material, get out with your vomit beetus

You are right as a treat. I remember going to McDs only happened on birthdays not as the main part of your diet. I've not been to a burger joint for 7 years and fucking feel much better.

this is probably bait but drinking soda is 100% bluepilled

It actually hurts your stomach lining more than anything.

If you think about it though you're born addicted to it.


(90s kids will get this)