Where Frenchie fighting Nazis right winged or left winged?


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The French resistance didn't fight anyone. Too busy posing and writing memoirs.

Yo, and the churchill was best tank of ww2

ha good one

Mostly socialists and commies.

and it was a pretty awful, unorganized mess.

They were just French. When you fight for your nation's sovereignty, there's not much of a political component. It's just fighting for your nation.

While most of them were probably commies, it's not like they were fighting a communist revolution or anything. Their personal politics weren't relevant to their actions.

Both. If your country gets invaded, that transcends politics

There were hundreds of thousands of French troops fighting the commies in the East. There were more French soldiers fighting for Europe than Frenchies trying to liberate Paris from the non-commies.

How come many people supported the right wing then in France? Not sure where this belief comes from that Frenchies were united in their hate against fascism and love for communism.

Commies mainly

>unorganized mess
>doesn't know les rues de traboules

It was meant to be an "unorganized mess" to confuse the Nazis.

Most of french resistance was in fact eastern resistance... polish, etc

And the denunciation of rival cells, that was to confuse the Nazis too?

There were commies, liberals and even some pretty right-wing groups, bit from I've heard they spent most of their time and resources fighting amongst themselves, trying to figure out who would get to rule France after the occupation was over.

You seem to be confusing "supporting the right wing" with "supporting the collaborationist government" when the two are, in fact very different things.

They fought for their nation. Right or Left is irrelevant, Ahmed.

Wrong. Leftists never fought the nazis in France, you fucking fucktard.

There were leftists who fought the Nazis, but it was for UGH NAZIS, while for the right it was for France.

And yet many supported the right wing gov and fought against the commies.

Fascism is just the realistic communism.

>le French resistance

They were known communists

The Vichy government wasn't really "right-wing," it was more of a compromise that everyone in French society could work with. Like Petain was a popular hero of WWI who was a Catholic, which made conservatives happy, but he had also divorced his wife, so leftists knew that he wasn't TOO Catholic. Then his first minister Pierre Laval was a former socialist who came around to a more fascist view of things with time.

Tempère tes nichons, Pierre.

There was quite a lot of socialists who fought inside very scattered independent cells, because at the time, the SFIO was far less organized and centralized than the PCF was.

French leftists were actively collaborating with the nazis until at least 1941. Most of them then hid like rats, doing as little as they could. And most of them only became "resistants" in 1945... want it or not.

Leftists generally are weak traitorous cowards: nothing to be surprised.

1945 "resistants"... lol

Now go get your looting hands cut off, zinzin soumis.

Is that what they call "catering" in Germany?
