Éire/pol/ - Weeb Bait Edition

Join National Party: nationalparty.ie/en/

Thread Theme: m.youtube.com/watch?v=3wkX0gn9sds

The repeal Referendum is coming! The abortionists must be stopped. Join your local church group or an organization like love both
And start campaigning.

>majority of voters OPPOSS full repeal

>govt forces land lord to let Indian woman with children back in

>Athiesm GROWS in Ireland, also, the most Catholic county, is it yours?!

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what do you mean wat?

Millennial Woes in Dublin slagging off Aodhán


Jared Taylor's speech will be up soon.

Jared Taylor was in Dublin?

(((Alan Shatter))) wants to expel the Egyptian ambassador unless they give him his pet Muslim jihadi back.


He was. Very tall, pure gentleman.

death to shatter

what event was this? were you there?

He was at Comhrá.
When he was giving his speech he mentioned that his roots were English and then gave a cheeky aside 'sorry'.
Everyone laughed.

lol I love Taylor
I read "sorry" in his voice

how big was the event, what was it about?

I don't think I should give any further details, sorry.

only 2 based replys wtf

thats fair enough, can you at least say what it was about, or no?

>faggots still think abortion is a bad idea for Ireland
Go to Moyross in Limerick, almost every woman there would get an abortion if they could, but instead they pump out an endless stream of knackers who're on the same level as travelers.
Abortion is just the first step, the second should be nuking Moyross/most of Limerick.

I'd like to hear him desu

probably more based retweets. However, Irish people need to up their tweet game. I feel like I am the only one battling all the mass immigration pushers sometimes. The Quangos are pushing out shit constantly and need to be demoralised.


>he doesn't think knackers are better than muzzies

and who do you think our benevolent rulers would choose to replace the knackers?

Reject American degeneracy. Their system is coming down.

The silver lining for Americans is that they were always better as a morally superior alternative. The west may rise again.

It was just about opposing the great replacement of Europeans - what you'd expect a conference with Millennial Woes and Jared Taylor would be about.

>Michael Moore
>steve colbert
eat a dick

Doesn't make sense, Britain, Germany and Sweden are the leaders in diversity in Europe - all proddies.


i agree

ayy lmao just was going to say that they are purveyors of diversity

>From death springs forth life

Who has been able to get a family member to vote for the National Party?

I have gotten my father a strict FGer to switch for the first time in his life and one brother who is red-pilled but was unaware of them.

They literally are though

good on you, how did you get him to switch? what was it like?

The majority of the migrants here are all Chinese since they're the main group taking the STEM jobs at most of the local companies. If anything, the Muzzies have been leaving Limerick at a steady pace because it's a shitty place to live, there's no real unskilled jobs left, and all the jobs that actually pay a decent wage require a BEng as the minimum requirement.

They won't replace anyone if all the knackers from Moyross were wiped out, they'd bulldoze the entire fucking area and shove something like a shopping center or a industrialized district in its place.
That land is expensive as fuck, and the only thing stopping the bulldozers are the knackers.

No they aren't
Cafeteria "Catholics" are not Catholics
Look at this man:
This is what a Catholic looks like.
and to relate back to your little info graph, he's a diaspora fag as well
>tfw the jews force you to heritage fag over national radio

Pretty easy, he absolutely despises what they have done to the country with immigration. He goes out on walks with his retired friends and he is constantly confronted with diversity on public transport. I'm always telling him all the latest migrant crime news and the stats about how much free housing and welfare they get. That's a big help.

He mainly votes FG for lower tax and to keep the lefties and Sinn Féin out but at this stage he couldn't give a fuck because he is already taxed up the wazoo anyway.

Stop trying to divide the Anglo-Celtic race over semitic desert cult. Christianity by itself is largely cucked, but if we are to cherry pick: it's Austrain archbishop of Bavarian descent to run anti-immigration nativist rhetoric more than anyone in "West European" Christian world and "Catholic" South Gemany and Austria to provide the most racial "native on immigrants" attacks in the West.



How are we all, éire/pol/?

>repeal dah ate,da Un toled us so


Why do the lower class gravitate to the national party?

Why do subhuman Galway mulattos feel entitled to post here?



>majority oppose full repeal
its happening

more like its NOT happening :^)

I like that song. Makes my mind still.

I don't even know how this somali language works anymore.

theres never been support for full repeal. How loose it goes will be the question

Appalachia region has some wonderful music

Bollocks didn't know he was here. Any videos?

anyone see that new Colin Farrel movie with Nicole Kidman? He's some wounded rebel soldier, ends up in her house with all her daughters and he rides them all so they get jealous and do bad things to him or something.

Soon. He's giving a similar speech somewhere else so it will be after that has all cleared.

Good joke. Tell me what local protestant paper I can read attached in. I'll wait.

yea I know what you're talking about, haven't seen it
>he plays a Yankee Virgin, not a southern Chad


Oh, just saw that type of house in the movie in your vid so I thought it was about a rebel


Lads wtf is this cuck about? I mean how fucking arrogant are these people?

nah, northern fag gets lost, finds plantation, seeks refuge

the dopes in japan must have mixed up this
they look lie the ira mixed with rubberarseabandits


raid this eire/pol/

Got ta remember that one. Sounds familiar.

Fuck i was about to post but it came to me

make memes out of this its a goldmine

((oy vey))

for what purpose?
love Ronnie
>sounds familiar
aye, many songs from the south and Appalachia have sottish/irish roots
(wearing of the green is obviously better, but you get the picture)

I'm currently making Pro-Life posters

>make memes
but I support the Dail determining the legal constrains of abortion

wont schill for the pro-life side

are you slow? only trash is capable of abortion in the first place

nonwhite subhuman do it A LOT

Ah the rising of the moon
ah the rising of the moon
The pikes must be together at the rising of the moon!

I love Southern US Music

Rising of the moon is a great song! especially the one sung by Luke Kelly

yea, theres a reason why John Mitchel supported the South in the Civil war

im not ((pro life)) or ((pro choice))
both are a scam
just like the nra selling out to the gun laws
shills in america
is that what u mean

the diversity meme put in niggers and terrorists in the pic and mosques

Abortion is what has killed birthrates in the west and brought mass immigration meanwhile africas birth rates flourish I wonder why?

What are you but coiled maggots, consuming carcasses with contorted countenances? Your precious God has given you 80 miserable years to rot on this shitball which orbits a flickering light destined to extinguish. Just about enough time to see the light, that light being the indisputable nature of the darkness which fills the universe and your hearts. There is no ocean deeper than, no philosophy truer than, no court of law as just as my hatred for you. You may snigger at me. You may call me an edgelord. You may even realise the seriousness of my words and feel a primal, sobering fear. But you will NEVER understand what got me to this point or where exactly this point even is. It lies on no axis you operate according to the rules of. I am the spirit of the void.

>I am the spirit of the void

Quick little lite one I made

we didn't have you'll never beat the irish because????

How about
"Ireland Belongs to Soros"

the alternative is letting non-productive chavs and travellers inflate our birth rates with 3 to 5 kids each.
Let abortion happen, let them kill their babies and the quality of the irish population will improve.

It's too specific. Normies wouldn't get it. The best way to piss them off is if everyone laughs at them.

no. abortion is disgusting murder. and then again its not like these people go anywhere and are reduced to shitty neighborhoods in places like south hill in my home town of limerick.


the next one should have memes for their faces
and how we plan on turning ireland muslim

more travellers = more autism

theyll move there caravans near a mosque someday and thats when the shit will kick off

>disgusting murder
Fuck them. They deserve it.

Biggest shame of WW2 was its poisoning of eugenics as field.

Autism is higher in children of technically skilled people, can't imagine travellers get much of it.

murder is murder. its not fair, and also it will lead to birthrates going to shit and emigration sky rocketing.

How about
"How we plan for another plantation of Ireland"

might work better for something like SF, but maybe
"Brits out Blacks in!"

Lets have another plantation!

If it removes some of the detritus from our people, I'm all for it.

>the quality of the irish population will improve

No it won't, birth rates need to be maintained for the (((economy))) the moment they drop they'll start importing shitskins. Travellers are at least Irish.

Plus baby murder is wrong.

You and the army of Merseyside octoroons and Luton pakis? Ireland belongs to the Gaels and Celtic-Germanic people that inhabit it alone

No. after this ireland will crumble to feminists, people like you make me sick

he's suggesting captions for anti fianna fail memes, not shitposting bruh

You're all for murder? So you support the death penalty and ethnic cleansing? Bit fascist no?

that's not how it works anyway. The ones having abortions are the "career women" middle class types.

What's everyone's view of religion here? I know Ireland is 90 percent Catholic with proddies pocketed in Ulster, but are there any of you who fall outside that spectrum?
I wasn't raised directly in the church like the older generations in my family so in my eyes religion should just be a cultural/spiritual guide post specific to each country based on their traditional Pagan gods and stories, only to be taken seriously for the purpose of morals/values.
Anyone on the same page here, or too autistic? (Not trying to start a fight, just curious)

>Celtic Germanic
GTFO with that. Not a trace of any other European, only Gaelic.
Prods can fuck off too.

I'm a republican livng in Belfast and I'm a prod

They are human garbage along with the trash in our council estates.
travellers: 84% unemployed, 40% are below 15, half have more than 5 kids. 167(!) in total have obtained a level 7 degree.

>B-b-but they are irish
they drag down the value of being irish.

at least they're white amirite?

>They are human garbage along with the trash in our council estates.

I don't given a flying fuck they're white. Get rid of em and they'll be replaced with swarms of niglets and muzzies which is infinitely worse and if you disagree you're a civic cuck piece of shit.