Jojo thread
Kinky cripple edition
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Dont say that you love me!
Yasuho is best girl!
man, i forgot how much of a dick fatso was. fuck that kid.
i remember not giving a fuck when kira made him bite the dust but, he didint deserve to die.
Yeah, he was irritating as fuck, and I wanted Josuke and Okuyasu to just beat the shit out of him every time he turned arrogant jew-mode. But his death was sad nonetheless, he really didn't deserve such a brutal end.
Your spelling is a little off, user.
i'm still looking for one image, let's see if i get lucky this time
genderbend okuyasu and josuke on a motorbike, I remember style being a little cartoonish
nothing was ridiculous and overdone, as far as I remember
this sounds so vague
no u
He can blow you up when he needs to
And stretch his arms out, just for you!
I came here to laugh at you.
So, are we all agreed that Harvest Part 1 is the best part 4 episode so far?
He has some style, and is pretty bland
This here guy wants to lick your hand
Wait, didn't jojo finish with Egypt Hen?
Or are we talking about the manga here?
Daily reminder that David are moving Cinderella to before Quiet Life.
The series continued past Part 3, I don't see how you didn't realise this. The anime is currently on Part 4. The series is still going today in the manga. Egypt Hen was written in 1991-1992.
wow, Pucci looks particularly insane here. not to mention i forgot the green baby ate his arm
Is it worth watching?
If it is completely different to the other 3 series I probably won't bother.
How else will your friend know you and you know your friend?
Part 4 is probably the best so far
Every Part is different to the last. They still keep the same spirit to them but tackle different genres. Part 4 is a mix of action, comedy and SoL. It's pretty good although the first half is a little unfocused. And the series gets better as it goes along honestly. Part 4 is pretty different but still really good. Everything after is more similar to the first three though.
rereading stone ocean made me realize it's not actually that bad, however, the real big problem is the punishment ward arc (+yo yo ma). it's awful, and it ruins the pacing. i feel like this part wouldnt get all the hate it gets without that arc. God, dragon's dream fucking SUCKS.
It's not that bad, it's just a little long. Cut Yo-Yo Ma and shorten the other fights by maybe a chapter or two each and you're golden.
I think part 6 was really good and built the most hype. Pucci had such amazing presence for a villain and Jolyne was really cool desu
another thing people complain about for this part is that the main group doesnt feel like a group. i dont know about that, but maybe they could have used some more "bonding" time.
>dat foot
user please, you have to have more
Is it normal to get a hard on immediately for anime feet, but feel completely repulsed by real life feet even if they belong to a woman?
Yes, because anime doesn't smell like shit.
Is this canon?
I don't know, I really liked the pacing of the punishment ward arc because it felt like a good premonition to all the one-wheels hype to come in the 2nd half.
And Yo-Yo-Ma! and Dragon's Dream really weren't that bad. The only bad parts about them were how long they were, both fights had some really good moments. Like in YYM all the Anasui and Jolyne antics were hilarious, and the F.F. vs Pucci fight at the end was great.
Dragon's Dream had that unexpectedly hype electric chair moment, and the stand itself was a very neat idea, a true neutral stand. Oh, and the way Kenzo was killed in the end was fucking brutal.
Hopefully if there's a part 6 anime DP will add some filler scenes to show the group bonding more.
So why the fuck does everyone have Saitama's face?
Oh shit wrong thread kill me please
Does anyone else have a list of all the BD extra features? I want to see if we'll get more BD OSTs like Daydream.
Yoyoma is the only thing I didn't liked in that part.
And Foo Fighter made me more sad that every other death in all Jojo
It's completely normal, accept reality as it is
Can't wait to see that animated.
I can't believe Dio reincarnated and is now in Morioh, wow
This anime is very bizarre
I can't believe Kars is back with amnesia
Haha, nice bait user.
I already laid out a theory that it's Kars reincarnated and not DIO.
Damn right, baby.
>independent and somehow long range at the same time
>can steal YOUR stand
>also a punchghost
why would you want any other stand when you could have Brokensnake
because his next two stands are even more powerful
Also, was White Snake confirmed sentient or did it just allow the user to talk through it, like RHCP?
why are pucci stands all OP and broken ?
He did get btfo by Stone Free, there is that.
Man of Faith, strong will.
The villains have the strongest ideals, and thus have the strongest stands.
the crazier the user, the stronger the stand.
Does anyone have a translation of the episode 19 preview?
All I could figure out is that Harvest found something possibly embarassing belonging to Okuyasu, hence the "Yamete" coming from the latter.
Nico Nico commenters seem to hear something about a poem though.
Pucci actually has conversations with it and expresses emotions that Puci doesn't, so I'd say sentient.
oh thanks
I wish that they would just skip this episode and air the next weeks episode already.
Are you dying, user?
i'm the cancer you all hate i started with stardust crusaders on a scale of 1-10 how much do you hate me?
You are not Naranciafag
I dunno, 2 I guess?
You probably had someone tell you to do it. Catch up on the other parts in-order if you like it.
Probably a solid Caesar dies
Kakyoin dies
Iggy Dies
Avdol dies twice
The World Stops Time
Koichi dies
Okuyasu dies
Abahachhio Dies
King Crimson just works
Jotaro Dies
Hermes Dies
Everyone Dies
Pucci wins and resets the universe
Gyro Dies
Hot Pants is a guy
Valentine did nothing wrong
The Corpse parts are Jesus
A second Diego appears and he has The World
Gappy is half Kira half Josefumi
people who hate on newcomers/ those who start with the anime are just elitists
it's okay as long as you read the manga after it
Should i finish stardust crusaders also this user think he slick trying to spoil baka
Eh, since you started with SDC I'd finish it first. If you picked up where you left off after watching/reading the rest then it won't be as fresh in your memory.
For all the bellowing this thread does about skipping parts, JJBA was always meant to be a series of stories, not one big one split up. You can still enjoy a lone part, but you'll appreciate it and the world in general more if you check out all of it.
Thanks, i'm onto episode 33 now and thoroughly enjoying it. Is it safe to say i'll enjoy the manga aswell?
What if I only watched anime of first three parts and read 4-8 manga?
Wait, did I missed something?
If you're enjoying part 3 which is one of the least-liked parts here you'll almost certainly enjoy all the parts afterwards.
Now get out before you're spoiled.
3-6 baits.
Thanks i'll heed your warning and bounce !
it's okay i guess. it would be best if you read them, but who am i to tell you how to enjoy the series? literally do what you want, phantom blood/battle tendency arent the best so i understand, and SC anime is pretty faithful to the manga.
Part 3 is one of the less-liked parts here. I still think it's good in its own right, but most of the other parts are better.
All a matter of opinion, though, if you love the 'feel' of part 3 then you'll love the feel of JoJo in general, and you'll hopefully like the other parts just as much if not more.
Well I would read them but not in vitrual form and I would pay too much for printed versions in my country. I read rest because there was no other alternative
I'd say Part 3 is one of the weaker parts, so you might even enjoy the rest of the series more.
A lot of people started with the SC OVA since it was the only JoJo material we really had way back when, so I wouldn't worry too much about starting with it. Skipping parts is not recommended, and in my opinion can put a damper on some of the parts (Parts 1 and 3 have the same villain, and I feel like it makes him more enjoyable if you know what he did in the first part).
You may as well just read the manga from the beginning/watch the anime from the beginning and pick up the manga from where the anime left off. After you've finished SC, I mean.
I agree.
I disagree.
I am indifferent.
I neither agree nor disagree.
I changed my mind.
I want to fuck Jolyne in the ass.
the scenes near the gate with FF trying to get to the sink outside make me believe that it's actually sentient.
Just finished Part 6.
Read Part 5 or 7 or 8 now? I love both Mafia and Western settings but I heard Part 8 is the best so far.
Anyone got this cover in colour?
Read 7 and 8, save part 5 for a bit since the bad translations really butcher the experience.
She seems happy knowing that.
Which one is in color? I can't read JoJo without the color scans, they hurt me physically.
Neither of them, part 5 benefits from the color scans but they're all in japanese. If you want you can read the english translation with the Japanese raws side-by-side.
Don't use color for part 7 and 8 though, the coloring actually hinders the brilliant shading of Araki's newer style.
Thanks, I'll read Part 7
I got you user
> Jolyne Cujoh
Jesus, imagine if Koichi and Yukako were genderbent. That'd be borderline rape.
Guys, I need this.
Genderbends that are both cute and accurate to the character
Rare and awesome, nice
That image needs more angriness.