"Why you should not let menstruation stop you from enjoying sex."
Swedistani newspaper
Why do swedes tolerate this?
How to get prostate cancer 101.
Not much we can do about it buddy
Why do you tolerate shitskins raping the same girl 3 times within a hour?
Holy shit. I don't even know what to say to that. Fuck, at least here when they try to sell juice, they talk about vitamins and lack of preservatives. But no, in Sweden, you show pictures of grade a cuckery to sell juice. Just amazing.
>Celebrate the birth of your wifes son with a cold glass of juice.
Don't think I've seen any media come out of Sweden portraying a white-white couple. This is pretty much the norm there now.
Literally an organ for the homosexual agenda
absolutely disgusting, everyone involved will hang on the day of the rope
Fuck off. And as if Finnish girls aren't the biggest race-mixers in Sweden.
>Finnish slags go to Sweden to race-mix
Sweden the fucking Bangkok of Big Black Cock.
true knight has blood on his sword
>Anglo posting
who stops fucking if shes rag'n? im marred so ill take it whenever i can get it
I wager the hebrews are at fault for this
"Yo, hi ! I'm Mother Nature. I just wanted to wish ya good luck. I'm off. Good luck with that shit !"
Wat mean?
Jesus. They got other holes you know, you filthy feral nigger.
Start with the one that talk comes out of.
hahahah where will this end? i want off this ride
i like to hammer it out at the end and i still want my wife to have teeth. dont even start on a poop>blood argument
Chicks bleed when I fuck them whether they are menstruating or not, so who cares? Just got big meat.
Kek, best thing about blowjobs is you know she can't talk until she's done. Silence + good feels down below = heaven
This is what happens when you let woman in charge
>tfw swede
Story of my life.
>literally get arrested in UK for saying mean things online
This. It's all BMWW shit in Sweden these days.
Third times the charm eh?
The same reason you let shitskins rape the same 8 year old 6 times within an hour then marry her.
It ends with the forced extinction of your people after gradually becoming a minority and loosing every remnant of culture and pride.
I'm so happy that my MorMor and MorFar aren't alive to see this...pathetic.
Brilliant. Tell shitskins the only women they can get are creepy feminists with bad hygiene and they'll pack their shit and run home to the desert.
They do it to limit the population of earth via peaceful way. Otherwise we're going to hit the limits of our resources very soon.
Just encourage dumb people to breed with niggers and go gay and do your job.
Sweden is beyond salvation at this point.
>cant tell if boy or girl
>its probably a guy
Sweden yes!
Good? I always had to facefuck them to feel even remotely good.
Shit can only go so far user.
There has to be a breaking point.
>Creepy feminists with bad hygiene
is still an upgrade from goat.
>"Why you should not let menstruation stop you from enjoying sex."
this is a fact for men, and news for boiz.
Think she’s supposed to be a surrogate for the gay couple, of course the black guys sperm was used
post beautiful swedish women destroying their culture and themselves
t.Hemi Tamaki
Pull the Chink cock out of your arse and their fingers out of your bank account you dirty mongrel who said you can talk to a white man like that?
>Colonies talking shit
Fuck you worthless bargain bin Australia the only thing I regret about the colonies is that it lead to your "country" existing you make me sick
I fucked a girl in the ass while she was on her period once
Rest in piss degenerate bitch.
rest in piss
>encourage dumb people to breed and mongrelise
>let the (generally) smart and creative people (gays) die childless
>to limit the population
I see
I fucked a girl who was on her period with a condom on then I took the condom and lay it on her hair while she slept I then took all my things and left.
She was Australian, met her in a hostel she still tried to add me on Facebook.
What kind of people are these Swedes anyway?
toll paid
The same kind of "people" we suffer from in our respective countries just a hivemind collectivist cancer that needs to be removed.
That American nigger who killed that Swedish woman did Sweden a favour I hope she suffered and cried and hoped for a god to come that she insulted by fucking an animal.
It's so fucking weird how they keep pushing the white female + colored male thing.
Like they keep claiming it's about being progressive I guess, but they never ever do white male + colored female.
I know Sup Forums will bring up (((them))), but I get the feeling it's just spineless cunts in general who want "progressive" race mixing, while they try to not offend any sand nogs, since the sand nogs are really protective of their women.
No surprise from a cucked country. fake
Lmao that brutish black woman and that effeminate swedish "male" standing on his toes in order to kiss her.
Sweden you so gay lol
I'd say yes it's that and it's also that they prefer belittling us too.
No. Gays are dumb. Who said they are smart?
>white male + colored female
that would be culturally insensitive
White male + coloured female might trigger swedistan women to resent coloured people.
Gays have too many mental health problems. There's more smart and creative heterosexuals not having children because of muh career.
What's the matter?
Interracial couples and cuckholding are part and parcel of Swedish culture, you guys need to be more open and tolerant
You should have put it on her face.
She probably didn't realise, leaned up making it fall behind her, saw it and thought you lost it in the bed by mistake.
Shit I hadn't thought of that you're right.
It will just justify further their slutiness
I fuck my gf in the shower with a condom on when she's bleeding. Did it in the bed once and had a massive blood circle around my pubic area and her ass. Shit was gross. Never again.
At least she died doing what she loved.
>the WORD producing proofs.