What did Sup Forums think?
What did Sup Forums think?
Is this a tearjerker anime?
There is nothing in particular that I don't like about this show.
Alright show, it had some pretty weird moments, though.
I also thought the boy she ended up with was very annoying.
Only complaints are the production values and how blatantly it skips over things. I haven't read the novels, but sometimes the anime goes from one scene to another and it feels like something in-between is missing if that makes sense.
gay shit
The directing for the first half was a fucking trainwreck. The rumors about what was going down with the production make it seem like a miracle the series was even finished. The character designs and art style are all over the place. The shoehorned /u/ was a desperate and misguided attempt to boost sales and does not fit at all within the larger context of the story as presented.
Still ended up a solid 8/10, could have been a 9 if not for the production fuckery.
That rat shit did absolute everything wrong and their whole colony got what they deserved
Also, the best use of Dvorak by any fictional work so far
overated absolute pretentious TRASH!
When SSY was airing Sup Forums was busy sucking SAO's dick.
Yes and no. It had heavy emotional impact on some people, but it doesn't belong to one single genre.
The only genres it never touches are:
- mecha
- comedy
The genre tags you can pinpoint it to are:
- drama
- horror (perhaps the only anime that actually scared me)
- mystery
- thriller
- tragedy
- fantasy
- science fiction
- superpowers
- action
- adventure
- romance
- yuri
- yaoi (these two are laughably brief, literally one episode, but it was enough to made some people drop it)
There's even a fucking sports episode. It's as if someone went through a genre checklist and made a point to put as many of them in as humanly possible.
You can argue against the production values (I mean, A1 made two shows at the time: this and SAO. From a busienss point of view pumping that money into SAO was the correct choice), but story-wise it's a motherfucking masterpiece.
best animu of the 2010s so far in my opinion
>The rumors about what was going down with the production make it seem like a miracle the series was even finished
I haven't heard anything about this.
>The shoehorned /u/ was a desperate and misguided attempt to boost sales and does not fit at all within the larger context of the story as presented.
Maybe the part about pandering is true but I don't think it was entirely out of nowhere. Unless they just kind of shoved it in regardless of how the book handled it.
i read the novel so i cannot say anime is good story wise
but it has nice ost and the ed is really good
Squealer was right
>- yuri
>- yaoi (these two are laughably brief, literally one episode, but it was enough to made some people drop it)
This is what I think is hilarious. WHOA TOO GAY FOR ME on the gayest fucking board of them all.
Do you contribute anything other than bad opinions, tripfag? Cause I can get those dime a dozen from people without one.
>perhaps the only anime that actuallly scared me
Do you mean the hospital scene?
The show wasn't that big of a discussion topic when it was airing, because SAO was fucking everywhere. However, there were some rumors that managed to make their way into the .jp board threads that got brought over. I don't have any screengrabs from threads or anything, but there was a lot of drama in the studio about how each episode was handled. Last second director switching and starting from almost scratch on episodes shortly before they were due. Guest directors trying to change everything leading to infighting between episode directors about how things should be handled. That kind of thing. Hence why there ended up being such a huge difference from episode to episode for the first half.
Episode 8 is what I like to call "pleb filter". You have to be clinicaly insecure with your sexuality to stop watching a show that calmly explains WHY it puts gay stuff in because "it's too gay"
>Do you mean the hospital scene?
Mostly, though the very beginning was eerie enough to pique my attention. I'm sick of horror anime being limited to gorefests like Hellsing Ultimate. I mean, they're nice, but true horrors are hard to come by.
Psycho Pass has the exact same plot as SSY except with worse explanation why would the MC stick with the system. SSY shows that the system is absolutely neccessary to keep the world from imminent doom, while the Sybil System is only a "greater good", not something that's outright irreplaceable.
The only solid counterexample you brought here was Madoka. NGNL and KlK are fun, but if you define "good" as "well-written and intelectually chalenging", they can't compete with SSY. Re:Zero isn't even 10% done, and yeah, it deconstructs the neet isekai protagonist trope, but claiming it tops any of the other shows you mentioned, sans Psycho-Pass and maybe NGNL, is just silly.
And while Madoka is a masterpiece that shook the whole mahou shoujo genre, its depth never goes beyond your standard Urobutcher anti-utilitarian themes. Meanwhile SSY carries one of the most powerful messages anime has ever dared to bring to the table ever since Utena.
Needed more rats and less everything else.
hey user, sorry to be such a newfag, but I see you like SSY a lot. Do you know some anime that are sorta similar to it?
I saw Erin and Shiki being namedropped sometimes, and I saw Psycho Pass already. Also nagi no asukara seems to have a similar artstyle
Dropped it after the first episode
Nagi no Asukara seems to be compared to this
except the QUALITY drops.
Pretty severe.
not him, but
>nagi no asukara
It's not really comparable. I mean, yes it got a bit of Dystopic mood after the SoL part, it's also a bit drama-ish, and I liked it.
But it's not comparable imo, these anime are 2 completely different things.
But it shouldn't hold you back from watch nagi no asukara, it was a good anime, and it gave us the lovable Miuna mondays...
>Sup Forums
Haha good one
Tumblr - the Anime. All the hip bullshit in feminism has an equivalent in Shinsekai Yori, from "microagressions" to vilification of heterosexual normative behaviour.
Spot the SJW.
Here, have a fedora.
He is as much of a new fag as you are. If you're looking for a dystopia just use google.
Don't default to calling the yuri and yaoi in SSY pandering. The explanation was hardly any longer in the novels either, so there is no reason someone shouldn't understand why scientists discarded gender-dependent intimacy.
'A society in which all of its members possessed the ability to massacre others at will had to incorporate all means of satisfying the individual.'
The anime said many statements along the lines of 'certain personalities are incapable of passing the boundaries between gender' and 'teenagers are prone to confusing their admiration or attachment for love.' It also mentioned the bonobos and their low rate of violence and that they relieve tension through sexual proclivities.
Considering viewers later discovered the same group to be rigidly monitoring students, killing them for breaking game rules or being overtly anxious, practicing psychotherapy and spiritualism, it is not unusual to see why that the society that implemented such policies to allow interchangeable sex.
youre not going to find something else like ssy
it's best to read the novels if youre craving for it
also don't expect anyone who actually knows what they're saying to spoonfeed you because they won't
If I recall, they also stated that homosexual relationships are encouraged at younger ages, to reduce the chance of pregnancy before they're ready for it. It makes perfect sense really, it's just that Sup Forums can't handle even a tiny bit of
>muh gay
>read the novels if youre craving for it
It seems the translation project is done, so I should really get to continue reading it sometime. I can only recommend the books. They just have so much that the series is missing.
It's rewarding on subsequent watches. Things it explains later end up being relevant in earlier scenes.
Two things in particular that get more interesting the more you think of them:
Saki's sister tells her that names have meaning. This seems relevant to the other characters. Satoru, "to know/understand," may be a massive call forward to his revelation during the last few minutes of the last episode. Shun, "prodigy." Maria, "mother of the Messiah." Mamoru apparently means "protector" which I'm not sure about, might refer to the time Maria and him spent together in the wilderness. And "Reiko" means "Thankful child," who though she has little time on screen where she isn't just apologizing constantly, in the ending she is shown saying "Saki-chan, arigatou" during the last character montage.
Another good one is the Bonobo thing, the fact that sexual playfulness is programmed into these people as an alternative to feelings of hostility. It's interesting to note the times that the characters seem to spontaneously begin sexually "playing" and consider that this is their way of relieving their tension vis-a-vis one another. Satoru and Shun begin spontaneously making out while they're wrestling (which also makes sense in the real world). Much earlier in the series Saki and Satoru start making out when they're trapped by the Queerats, which seems completely out of place given the fact that they're constantly bickering with each other.
I mean, it's the kind of good world building that you like to see in sci-fi. The world has certain rules that explain it and it consistently applies them, even before they are made explicit.
>the translation is done
Oh shit nice. Time to get on that.
After reading posts here I wasn't really convinced about watching this show, but you sir showed my a really rational argument for it, so I will give it a shot
>Another good one is the Bonobo thing
Too bad everyone ignores that when you-know-which-episode comes up. Or maybe that is just one very adamant shitposter.
I literally don't even remember this character at all.
>that one girl who had huge tits in elementary school
Weird. Did your eye twitch?
I don't remember her either. Her friend with buns, on the other hand...
Not that user but Katanagatari is similar in terms of tone and pacing. If you read manga read Yokohama Shopping Trip.
Look up works by the same director.
He just did a movie, it was decent.
I didn't remember her either. But I didn't remember Reiko until they pointed it out in an episode so I may be a lost cause.
It's because for some reason the other characters acted like she never existed after she went missing. You'd think at least Saki would wonder what had happened to her.
The point is they were forced to forget.
This reminds me of Enders game. I forgot the name of the books in particular.
The biological reaction they get from killing a human reminds me of how in Ender the people of Path were genetically modified to have OCD to do weird ass actions as a means of controlling them because they were super smart. I also picture the pequeninos as looking like Sqeara.
I didn't get autistic about Shun and Satoru kissing especially when Saki and Maria made out way more. However I didn't really like the fag that was Shun's rebound after getting dumped by Satoru. Rebound-kun is everything I hate about fags. Mamoru was a little pussy too. He covered his ears and cowered I fear any time someone said something that goes against what he was raised with.
Messiahs screams and disheveled hair turned me on.