Did DBS ever bring something new to the Dragon's universe?A new concept?I'm not talking abut the mangas and series only.
Did DBS ever bring something new to the Dragon's universe?A new concept?I'm not talking abut the mangas and series only
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Gave Vegeta some development. Beerus and Whis are usually cool. That's about it. You could blame a lot of the negatives on Toei, though.
>Gave Vegeta some development
But we already had that my friend
We got a new hair recolor and a frieza palette swap other than that, no.
Super Dragon Balls.
Basically it showed us that if Cell was stil alive he'd be the most powerful being in existence, quite literally.
He has Frieza's cells and we know that he is better than Frieza. If Frieza reached Golden form in a few months, Cell could reach his own Golden form by just training for two months.
He has the cells of 4 Saiyans, meaning he can also achieve easily Saiyan God form, he doesn't even have to do the ritual with Cell Jrs., he can just absorb god ki.
The Cell Jrs. would get stronger the stronger Cell gets. Imagine mini-Saiyan God Golden form Cell Jrs., just imagine that.
Due to Goku's and Vegeta's cells he has the constant need to fight and improve, aka get stronger and stronger.
The final result is Super Saiyan Golden God Cell Kaioken 10000...x (add as many zeros as you like, due to Cell's regenarative abilities he can withstand any Kaioken form)
Resurrection of Cell when?
>2 months
He just blows himself up 10 times
I always thought he had the potential to be strongest even before the frieza bullshit. Couldn't he just constantly put himself in danger a number of times and just rely on his broken healing factor to comeback stronger?
Daily reminder that Cell is literally "WHAT IF WE TAKE ALL THE STRONGEST FIGHTERS AND MAKE THEM INTO ONE BEING" fanfic tier. So is ResF and super saiyan god..
it brought a new low to animation quality
Everything after Gohan's birth is fanfic tier, don't bullshit yourself.
That reminds me, if Cell remembered to use the Kaioken he could've beat Gohan, but Toriyama probably forgot that Cell should know Kaioken lel
Cell was using super saiyan powers, I think using the Kaio-ken in that state could have gone bad. That's for dead people, SSG makes it possible to use but as we have seen it's still too dangerous.
Introduced cucking by using future Trunks and 18
Kid Trunks only needs to point out to Mai that the dude she's crushing on is actually him and he'd have no problem.
This is Cell we're talking about though. He should not feel any strain from Kaioken, even together with his Super Saiyan-like Perfect/Super Perfect forms. Kaioken damages the body, and Cell is excellent at regenerating his body.
I just realized a bit of a bump in the whole 'Time travel as a plot point' thing.
So in the latest super manga, they tried explaining the parallel universe shit, resulting in Bulma asking Whis about when he reversed time to un-destroy the Earth in RoF.
Doing so would have created a parallel universe where the Earth is gone and Golden Freeza is alive and kicking.
So by the series own 'logic', the past that Trunks returns to should be one where the Earth is obliterated and Freezypop is strutting the galaxy, more alive than ever.
Is this how things would be? Or would there be multiple different 'Future Trunks' coming back, from a future that has be ravaged by Niggarot, to multiple different scenarios, with the possibility of involving multiple different universes with their own different parallel universes.
This is doing my head in just thinking about this shit.
Are you fucking retarded?
Kid Trunks is a spoiled, greedy brat that has no hardships in his life while Future Trunks has spent his whole life trying to save and protect his planet.
Their hair isn't even the same anymore for fuck's sake.
A bunch of new things, but they're all kind of fucking terrible.
Speaking of Super: what was her deal? Was she posessed by something?
Is she secretly Black?
>Doing so would have created a parallel universe
I think that the difference is time jumps made by Kaioshins or other such beings like Whis don't create parallel worlds like human time machine interference, but instead affect the timeline they're on, that's why they're allowed to do it.
Xenoverse certainly works on that principle.
I could just hear Goku's "hehe" from that screen shot
>Average still shot from super is almost as poorly drawn as third string animator battle scenes from Z
>With worse animation
The original screenshot is from a battle scene, when Goku's fighting Winnie The Pooh
I was talking about Super in general, not that battle scene specifically. See: the Trunks/Gohan episode.
>You could blame a lot of the negatives on Toei
>toriyama apologist
yeah I can blame more than just Toei
Yeah, Dragon Ball Super's budget seems to be in the future scenes only
Are the dubs out yet?
I cant listen to a female voice actor play an adult male.
From the same episode
Nope probably won't be out for at least a year and even when it comes out you're gonna have to sit through the first 27 episodes
>at the end of Z, Vegeta finally acknowledges Goku as number one and stops trying so hard to surpass him
>Super makes him go back to the whole "WHY IS KAKAROT ALWAYS ONE STEP AHEAD OF ME I MUST TRAIN HARDER"
Pretty much every character in super is flanderized and / or regressed hard. 18 is one of the few who've stayed more or less clean.
>Cell training for two months
He would probably be more savvy than Frieza, and spend a year at least training. Also, besides achieving the Golden form and Godly Ki, he would probably also blow himself up a few times, for good measure.
Really, Cell is the most unintentionally broken character in Dragon Ball.
DBS (so far):
- Gods of Destructions as the destroyer counterpart of the Kai. Each with their own attendant.
- 12 universes. Paired off into "twin" universes.
- King of all, and the universal god heirarchy.
- Planet Salad, the original Saiyan home.
- Pre-Freeza Saiyan armor design
- the god of Dragons, Zarama
- the origin of the Namekian dragon balls
- An omnipotent being (Zuno) at the center of the universe.
- The galactic patrol's anime introduction.
- Galactic King introduction
- Tights Brief introduction.
- time-travelling against "galactic law"
- Freeza as Beerus' underling.
- Freeza's race able to attain an "Ultimate Evolution"
- Freeza's 3rd form named "Assault form"
- Your "Hell" is tied to the planet you died on.
- Earth's hell is a personal hell.
- De-fusing Potara fusion is possible.
- The SSG ritual
- God Ki. Calm and undetectable.
>You could blame a lot of the negatives on Toei, though.
Pretty much, the manga is pretty damn good apart from it being rushed.
And people like this guy are just retarded.
>the manga is pretty damn good
>le smug anime girl reaction pic
>that will show him!!
But it is.
>damn good
This is the same Vegeta who promised never to fight again after the cell arc. Getting discouraged / giving up has been part of his character since Frieza, but it never sticks for long. You can make an argument that the characters are flanderized but Vegeta being competitive with Goku is not a good example.
Toriyama even added a line to certain editions of the end of Z manga where Vegeta promises to surpass Goku.
>stops trying so hard to surpass him
Lies no where in that speech did he say that.
introduced the Deviluke sisters
>- Gods of Destructions as the destroyer counterpart of the Kai. Each with their own attendant.
This is okay.
>- 12 universes. Paired off into "twin" universes.
This is okay.
>- King of all, and the universal god heirarchy.
>- Planet Salad, the original Saiyan home.
Pretty sure it had been mentioned before.
>- Pre-Freeza Saiyan armor design
What, the Cabba suit? That's modern saiyan armor, and it looks like ass.
>- the god of Dragons, Zarama
Stupid as hell and laughably poorly animated.
>- the origin of the Namekian dragon balls
Stupid as hell.
>- An omnipotent being (Zuno) at the center of the universe.
He's alright but his design is shit. Every fucking new alien is an oversimplified blobby chubby shorty.
>- The galactic patrol's anime introduction.
They're alright, but it's not a new concept.
>- Galactic King introduction
Metal slug alien. Toriyama's character design has seriously gone down the drain.
>- Tights Brief introduction.
Sadly super's artstyle makes her look ugly as hell.
>- Freeza as Beerus' underling.
Absolutely terrible.
>- Freeza's race able to attain an "Ultimate Evolution"
New transformations are nothing new.
>- Your "Hell" is tied to the planet you died on.
>- Earth's hell is a personal hell.
This is just silly.
>- De-fusing Potara fusion is possible.
We knew this already.
>- The SSG ritual
Absolutely fucking stupid.
>- God Ki. Calm and undetectable.
In name only. It's literally normal ki with another name and muh higher powerlevels. And it drains like crazy so it's not as stable as they claim.
>- SSG & SSB
It's not much different from Gohan being a useless fuck despite claiming time and time again he'd take things seriously. It's plausible for his personality, but it's still regressing character development.
You are trying to hard user
Last episodes of Z imply that in super gokus biological max will be greater than vegetas
you forgot, perfection
most of that is subjective
Meh most of your "points" are wrong and stupid but nice try.
Nice argument.
>Laughably poorly animated
They probably blew their budget on the SSB Kaioken fight
Subjective doesn't mean wrong. Some people subjectively enjoy eating shit.
>Meh most of your "points" are wrong and stupid but nice try.
Nice argument.
Which is pretty sad since the Kaioken was nothing special.
Yeah even the next episode's animation had really bad spot's but a few good ones
arguing opinions is pointless,
Then don't argue mine, retard.
>Nice argument.
And the truth
>Pretty sure it had been mentioned before.
>What, the Cabba suit? That's modern saiyan armor,
>They're alright, but it's not a new concept.
Your other "arguments" were "t-that s-sstupid" not really anything of worth.
I wonder how differently Toyotaro will treat the Black Goku arc, or how he decides to portray Zamasu.
Sure but making that type of proclamation and then going back on it has been in Vegeta's character all along and isn't a flanderization of him, it's part of the core of his character.
It can't even be fully attributed to Super because Toriyama already alluded to it in last panel of certain editions of the manga.
That doesn't mean he'll give up though.
The idea is that he logically came to that conclusion at the time but his pride will eventually lead to him no longer accepting it.
Wth the stuff super introduced you could have dragonball stories for decades. GT maybe 4 years
>3 points
The Galactic patrol was not a new concept.
So good for you, you caught 2 mistakes.
And what armor were you talking about?
This user is right. Super has actually introduced new content regardless. Doesn't matter if you think it's "Stupid".
You have down syndrome.
Black Cat vs Goku when?
He wouldn't know about it. Just like he wouldn't know about instant transmission. There was no reason for Dr. Gero robots to collect dna from Goku multiple times, just like there was no need to gather dna from Trunks since Cell already had 3 others in him.
I think them making vegeta remain asshurt about goku is what's flanderized. If vegeta's focus had shifted from "nuuuuh Kakarott can't be stronger than me" and gone to a more introspective self-improvement, he could have kept his character development and remained relevant.
>beach episode never
he litterally says anime itroduction, just imagine how pissy the fans would have been if the king and jaco just appeared at the U6 tourney
Man Trunks and Gotten are gonna have to hit a pretty big growth spurt
Can someone make some Zamusa edits of Angry Pepe/angry-crying Wojak for shit posting purposes please.
Fucking ningen, LEAVE!!
also Mr Satan needs reduction surgery for his gigantic fucking head
probably durring a time skip
Last arc of original db literally showed Goku going from a midget while training to a full grown adult at the tournament.
Heck Gohan was a normal kid at 12, then turned into a giant when he was 17-18.
Super didn't do that though, Toriyama did. Vegtea's line that I'm referring to is pretty much "Goku one day I will surpass you!"
Vegtea never used any other earth characters as his obsession/motivation/rival. Even when Gohan was stronger than him he never had that kind of relationship with him.
How does it feel to know that a ningen fucked your mom to conceive you?
That was 3 years and a few months, also Pan is still a baby
>hating on this cutie
that is not iino iino
You forgot to mention how Namekians can fuse. The Cell Jrs all carry Piccolo's DNA & therefore can potentially fuse with the original Cell.
Dragon ball super facking suck it should have bing cancelled a year ago.
>Pretty much, the manga is pretty damn good apart from it being rushed.
I just wish it was weekly.
I don't care who did it, it's bad.
I wonder if Chi Chi would have stayed with Goku if he came home from Namek looking like this? Does Ginyu even have a dick?
The anime debut of jaco doesn't make it a "new concept" that super introduced. He was already established and hell, Jaco's anime debut came before Super, anyway.
Gohan noticeably stretched throughout DBZ. By the Cell games he was quite tall at 10-ish years old.
That's a cute callback, but hardly something that makes it good.
Where did I say that the manga is good simply because of that callback alone? Try not to put words in other people's mouths.
>Tights Brief introduction.
This image is fake
People keep posting that image when claiming the manga is good, so the implication is clear.
How is the manga good anyway? It's got the same awful plot Super does, it's just got less terrible art.
Ginyu's name is a pun on dairy milk, and Chi Chi's name is also based off of milk or udders. Something tells me that they would have been a great combination. So if she ended up getting pregnant by Ginyu's body, that kid would have been the strongest milk.
get in here
It's not here's the full picture
Also here's the next shot
You know if Z's third stringer mid-fight tweens look only a little worse than the average Super art you're not really helping you case.
>People keep posting that image when claiming the manga is good
I posted it once in this thread so that means I think the manga is good solely because of it? Stop being stupid.
Post more Dragonball QUALITY images please
I always love those.