>go on shooting spree
>better dress like a black thug first
What did he mean by this?
>go on shooting spree
>better dress like a black thug first
What did he mean by this?
>Arr burakku peopre aruuka da samu!
Perfect cover.
He just did not want to be recognized, and the media would love a black kills japs story so its doubtful they will look to debunk it.
>that gay ass handbag
what a faggot
He could have just put on a mask or something stupid, the mangaka having him dress up as a black gangbanger seems like an over the top racist joke.
Not that I care or was offended, but it seems so ridiculous.
Can someone really apply makeup that effectively though?
Japan has never been known for it's cultural sensitivity.
Racist? it was the perfect disguise, first he is an unusually tall asian, then he is a black man, who would recognize the real shooter is actually an ikemen asian with long hair?
How can the Japanese be racist if there are no black people in Japan?
Just like all other mass shootings, its a false flag to cause political tension
no one expects a black murderer in japan
it is a good disguise, look what happened to the idiot in inuyashiki
>but it seems so ridiculous.
Remember what series you are reading.
>Have you seen this black guy killing everyone totally innocent jap guy
It was a great disguise
>shooting spree
better be carrying 80 magazines and an extra gun in case it breaks
No one cared who he was until he put on the make up. It doesn't matter who he is, all that matter is his plan. And yes, getting killed is part of his master plan.
Is this dude like seven feet tall?
who do you expect to shoot a bunch of people more, a black guy or some gay jap teen?
the best disguise is always the most obvious one
why did he kill people anyway?
No he's 5'10''
Just this is japan where the average is like 5'
in japan? a jap.
did you not hear about that mass stabbing that just happened
Honorabru katana sprees aren't the same
Decent point.
he was 6'2"
He doesn't care who people think did it, as long as they don't know it was him. What does he have to gain by specifically making people think it was a black guy? There are several ways to conceal your identity, almost all of which are much easier than black facing yourself and buying thug gear.
>Gantz doesn't have 100% sound logic
no shit
>What does he have to gain by specifically making people think it was a black guy?
This is fucking Gantz you retard. It's a mess of a story and poorly executed edge. Please stop acting like this is a story deserving of a serious analysis.
shootings in japan is a statistical zero, so no matter what the person looks like its unexpected.
>What does he have to gain by specifically making people think it was a black guy?
if they think a black guy did it, they wont think it was him
art imitates life
>Please stop acting like this is a story deserving of a serious analysis
I'm doing the opposite. I'm saying it was more likely a joke than something the author put any thought behind as some are implying.
Work on your reading comprehension bud.
I think he had an Uzi.
Maybe he thought disguising as a nigger would make police officers to think twice before they shoot him since that would be racis and black lives matter.
This reads like dialogue from Idiocracy.
Wanted more players for the next game.
You started off asking if it was just a racist joke but have spent a couple of posts seriously trying to suss out character motivation. It's a bad series that goes for shocking imagery and not much else. People have known this for years.
See , in particular the last line.
it might have been harder to pull off looking like a Caucasian, if i was going to pull off a robbery as a person with a notable height i would probably want to change what my race appears to be so they arent just looking for a tall guy of my own race, it would throw them off.
its not a racist thing, just smart.
japan is the opposite of racist if you are a black guy
they will treat you like a rare animal
and you will receive infinite amount of japanese pussy
>be american
>go to a store
>get shot
that whole sentence is nonsense since japs try to take people alive regardless and cops still dont give a shit about shooting at people in the US
They're shitting all over Tokyo, and Military bases bring a lot of them here. Usually the criminals of that military are black.
This little event got the entire community angry at nig nogs.
See , and ask yourself this. If it's just an over the top racist joke what does it matter about the characters logic? Why do you care that there are better ways to hide your identity than black face if it's just a bad joke? Why do you care about the implications of a japanese person disguising himself as a black person if it's just a joke? Like I said, it's Gantz and you shouldn't take it so seriously.
And since you seem to have trouble understanding what I was replying too and what I mean by that see , in particular the last line.
>live in europe
>leave your house
>get stabbed
>get run over by truck
>get bombed
>get shot
>get called racist for not liking it
MFW Japanese people stopped me and my sisters in the airport to talk to us and take pictures with us because it was their first time seeing black people and then they purchased us a bunch of gifts.
Japan needs a lot more black people to learn what real black people are like. Just because a few black people raped some japs doesn't mean all the black people are like that.
I hate black people too! Are you from Sup Forums too friend?
>be american
>go watch a movie
>get shot
>Japan needs a lot more black people to learn what real black people are like.
They could just look at the US, any part of Africa, China, and any other civilized area that took in a large number of blacks. They're playing smart by keeping them out and making migration there tough.
>Be fat Fuck American
>Suffer from diabetes
>Go to mall in disability chair
>Get shot
>Pay hospital bills
>Suffer heart attack cuz of fat unhealthy slob ass
>be American
>go to night club
>get shot
I have to say, they depicted Americans very accurately in that series.
That guy was from osaka though
Triggered europeans likely to die from terror attacks in the near future. No need to take it out on me, it's not my fault.
>Triggered europeans likely to die from terror attacks in the near future.
>says the amerifat
You're like one of the hot zones.
Only Canada above you is safe
in the last 24 hours, there was a mass stabbing in London, and a bus got firebombed in Paris.
sure 50 of our fags got smoked in the nightclub (after one who escaped locked the rear exit behind him), but at least some of our politicians are trying to keep the snackbars out.
>what is Boston marathon bombings
Do you not realize there has been daily terrorist attacks in Europe over the past month? You're in denial or you live under a rock and actually believe you're safe.
What the fuck is it with Paris lately? They can't catch a break.
>one lone gunman able to kill over 300 japanese
explain this
Those were brits, americans were busy jobing to honorable alien commander.
>be western suicidal piggu
>invite niggers into my home
They've been minor compared to the shit that happens in amerifat land when they're under attack.
>84 killed
>308 injured
>europeans are this retarded
>be american
>got to school
>get shot
as said earlier, the only reason the florida attack was so bad is that one stupid fag locked in everyone behind him and was dumb enough to freely admit to doing so in a live TV interview.
Emo Robot Boy Mass Shooting: The Manga
You're acting like all of that is in the same area or something. You people have just half of that dead in one city alone that was like what month or so ago. You lot get bombings there too.
>You're acting like all of that is in the same area or something
I was referring to the Nice attack, so yes, it was all in the "same area".
That's american, the osaka guy left the game.
I would fuck giant alien ass too user.
>This is fucking Gantz you retard. It's a mess of a story and poorly executed edge
We take manga seriously here. Fuck off.
putting on a mask is extremely painful
>t's a bad series that goes for shocking imagery and not much else. People have known this for years.
Stop belittle this masterpiece.
>be american
No need for anything else, really.
I wonder how they live with themselves.
>one who escaped locked the rear exit behind him
Americans everyone.
>Taking it seriously
I can tell neither of you were here for the Gantz threads. I bet you think the revenge manga the mangaka made was insightful commentary as well.
Would you still bitch about it if he disguised himself as a white guy?
No one gives a shit nigger.
I have all physical Gantz, of course I wasn't here for the threads. I know retards hated it, especially the ending. But they're just retards who have never heard of Zambot 3.
Fuck off.
>see truck mowing down the crowd
>no one reacts or tries to warn people
>camera guy films kid getting hit by a truck instead of telling him to get out of the way
Do these people even have brains? No wonder they elect officials that let terrorists flood your nations and destroy them.
It seems ridiculous until you read about gun violence stats in black communities
Since it's licensed it's barely on any sites and I didn't feel like downloading the scans again just to have that panel.
>all the triggered euro replies to this post
great job user, you're doing god's work
Why do you reply to bait?
I liked the ending for Gantz. I've also seen Zambot 3, liked that as well. But I'm curious what connection you're alluding to? I can't think of anything other than "aliens attack earth and people fight them with robots"?
>I know retards hated it
You don't have to be retarded to recognize a story that has flaws. Gantz has a lot of pacing issues and does suffer from being "edgy" in an uninteresting way (although that's completely subjective going off all the purchases you made). Towards the end some people just stuck around to see how ridiculous it would become. stuff like , was amazing if only for the reactions people had.
I'm bored and actually liked this series.
Niggers ruin everything.
>being a nigger
Just die.
>defending black people
>no muscle rider
>no host samurai
So whatever happened with that new Gantz manga? Last I heard was when only one or two chapters were out and people were saying it looked like Nishi was in it and it was either a prequel or a reboot.
Sfx and theater guys.
Bystander effect.
There is no other form of media that works harder to make the consumer racist than Gantz. After reading Gantz it's really hard to argue that the entire island of Nippon shouldn't be purged of every last worthless whingy whiny sheep in that place.
It's up to chapter 8 and they are training for the next mission. It's getting better as it goes along.
>Not that I care or was offended
Sure, bud. Post a picture of your hand.
>Not that I care or was offended
Yeah ok.
The crew that did the most recent Thing movie could handle it but it's not like anyone saw their work in the theatrical release.
Why is Kurono in the Gantz:O trailer?
I thought the movie is just Osaka arc.
long time since ive read it, what was his deal anyway? was he the one with mental powers? or was he stopped by the one with it? what was the mental power deal anyway....
>or was he stopped by the one with it?
It was this plus muscle rider that stopped him.
>what was his deal anyway?
He cleared the game and wanted to get back in despite having no memory of it since clearing the game erases all your memories. He browsed /x/ which had information on the Gantz balls or something like that. The guy just enojoyed fighting/killing and hated his normal school life.