Why are republicans so retarded?

Why are republicans so retarded?

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I think she should've had a gun.



Why are all of the photos from ww2 blurry shitty photos which were then scanned in 1982 and compressed by Facebook? It was fucking film, there is N O E X C U S E for this bigfoot image quality.

if she had a gun she could have killed the nazi..

because they were secretly taken with experimental small size cameras....

Not like you could walk into a concentration camp and start making photos...

Looks fake as fuck must be another photo shopped holocaust picture

prove it.

This photo is fake

>twist ending - the owner of the house wishes a nigger would and put that sign up as bait

its blurry as fuck, its not authentic. looks like something created recently lmfao.

prove it's real

fake and gay

This. Times 6 million.

>touching your naked kids
>while naked
Should've shot them in the lungs and left them to drown in their own blood

>emotional animal calls others retarded

Obvious shop. Look at the dude with the guns waist line. Bonus look at the dude peeping over her ass.

Right now, Hans, are you ready with the camera? Have you got it framed right?

Now, Jewess, lift your daughter up so that we can see her pretty pale behind and nice blonde hair. Is your face in profile?

Right, now I'm going to point the gun. Take the photo now Hans so that we can get on with The Holocaust.

I'm not a holocaust denier, but 90% of this sort of imagery is fake.

That implies the photo was taken by one of the other people in the death pit. Not some nazi scrub documenting murder for...reasons?

We know claimed mass graves were never excavated. So where did the photo come from?

2 x 6 000 000 = 12 000 000

all kikes must be gassed

Right, who would be agree to take the picture. The photographer is looking down the barrel of a gun.

It probably would have increased her odds

It was Google image search only brings it back. Looks like it started on pintrest. Best suggestion "24&ready to die"

a good portion of voters on both 'sides' (really is no real difference now, except welfare, illegals, abortion and godshit) are functionally illiterate and politically ignorant, so this question could technically apply to leftards and rightards.

Confirmed fake


Skip to 9:35

nice try cuck

Found the Schlomo.

>positioning the camera in front of a man holding a pistol
>people think dumb shit like this is legitimate

Photographer is standing in front of a man with a loaded pistol rather than to the side or rear.

Gun Safety 101: Never stand in front of a weapon

i came

Can you prove its real or the context?

Maybe the property owner just wants to try out his new AR15 on some stupid nigger that'd fall for that.

Why is OP so retarded as to take a picture from a television series as reality?

It's from War and Remembrance, edited to be monochrome to be a "WWII" picture.

exactly my thoughts Nigel

oy vey, the six gorillion!

I wonder what that blonde girls ass crack would taste like..

we need more anons like this

Believing in muh Holocaust in 2017... baka.

was pretty obvious it was not a 40's era photo (...for anyone with an I.Q. over 80, that is)

this is the kinda shit republicans share on Facebook and twitter u tard.


Why is OP a retarded Shill?

Yeah, who the fuck would have taken that photo anyways

Looks fake as fuck; too composed.

Photographer is in the line of fire?
Among the dead bodies?
Come on, now.

perfect hair?
no bush?

Which basically means almost no liberals and a fair bit of the more inbred portion of the south.

>I don't see this shit splashed on liberal boards as "this is what the alt-right wants", only with a different caption

It's retarded either way, fake news for right or left

But you know what the kicker is? This really got dumped into the media by a site called...

JewsNews. Oy fucking vey.

>Why are republicans so retarded?
Because the South was infested with Hook Worm that made them dumb and lazy.

Nazi Officer. == Government

Yeah, the civvies couldn't fire back because owning guns was prohibited.

Learn to history