Consider the following:
Bannon is a Hollywood insider, but he also has old business ties to Weinstein.
>Weinstein breaks from Disney to start his own company.
>Needs funding, partners with Genius Products, Bannon's old business, which dsitributed DVDs.
>Bannon also offers some of his Wall Street connections to Weinstein to help with financing.
>Genius tries to diversify its business partners, and brings in WWE, Discovery, ESPN, and others.
>But Weinstein is still 70 percent owners of Genius, and pushes it into an "onerous and one-sided distribution agreement."
>Genius starts losing money, and relies on its other partners to extend lines of credit, which it funnels back into the Weinstein's pocket.
>Around this time, Weinstein starts renting luxury hotels and perving out with hot actresses.
>2011, Vince McMahon calls in a $8m debt Genius owes the WWE, forcing it into bankruptcy.
>Allegations that Weinstein was using Genius has his personal piggy bank.
Basic Gestalt:
Did Weinstein use Genius to finance his pervy lifestyle and then burn-and-turn it when it ceased to make money? And if so, did Bannon handle those moneys as chair of Genius, thereby getting an inside track on Weinstein's sexual misconduct? And is he now taking revenge/trying to destroy Hollywood with this leverage?
Breitbart has been covering the shit out of this Weinstein stuff. There have been all these vague threats about "Bannon the Barbarian," and how he'll be more dangerous outside the White House than inside it.
Is this what has been planned all along? Is this where everything has been leading too?
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/??