Consider the following:

Bannon is a Hollywood insider, but he also has old business ties to Weinstein.

>Weinstein breaks from Disney to start his own company.
>Needs funding, partners with Genius Products, Bannon's old business, which dsitributed DVDs.
>Bannon also offers some of his Wall Street connections to Weinstein to help with financing.
>Genius tries to diversify its business partners, and brings in WWE, Discovery, ESPN, and others.
>But Weinstein is still 70 percent owners of Genius, and pushes it into an "onerous and one-sided distribution agreement."
>Genius starts losing money, and relies on its other partners to extend lines of credit, which it funnels back into the Weinstein's pocket.
>Around this time, Weinstein starts renting luxury hotels and perving out with hot actresses.
>2011, Vince McMahon calls in a $8m debt Genius owes the WWE, forcing it into bankruptcy.
>Allegations that Weinstein was using Genius has his personal piggy bank.

Basic Gestalt:
Did Weinstein use Genius to finance his pervy lifestyle and then burn-and-turn it when it ceased to make money? And if so, did Bannon handle those moneys as chair of Genius, thereby getting an inside track on Weinstein's sexual misconduct? And is he now taking revenge/trying to destroy Hollywood with this leverage?

Breitbart has been covering the shit out of this Weinstein stuff. There have been all these vague threats about "Bannon the Barbarian," and how he'll be more dangerous outside the White House than inside it.

Is this what has been planned all along? Is this where everything has been leading too?

Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/??





Other urls found in this thread:


Bannon is a pedophile



Bannon had nothing to do with taking down Weinstein OP is literally Bannon trying to suck his own dick.


fuck off.

I dunno, user. Breitbart seems awful interested in getting the Weinstein story out these past few days...

Also, source.

>literally Bannon trying to suck his own dick.

Hi, George. Don't you have some sexual misconduct allegations you should be paying attention to?

Big if true.

Bannon has been too busy dickering around with the CCDI and Guo Wengui recently

Bump for Rose.

monitoring the shit out of this one.
If zerohedge is breaking it, I'm interested

no it was the mooch, he said he was going to kill the leakers and he did Don Dromph is connected

what happened to celeb user

True if big

Bannon is best shit stirrer around. He won the white house for trump. he destroyed not just hillary's reputation but the republican establishment's.

Bannon is attacking factions of the deep state on both the left and the right.

He will go after the cali and new york liberal hollywood and wall st elite AND the sects of corrupt bought-out cuckservatives.

being outside of the white house frees him from any rules and regulations regarding impartiality and party lines. he will help drain the swamp by dousing it with gasoline and setting it on fire.

Holy shit. Fucking Vince dropping the white collar stunner on those mf dirty -steins. God Bless Vince.

harbey pls go

The same guy who wrote about it in ZH also did a piece 2 mos ago theorizing something along the same lines. Bannon's departure from the WH may have been planned.

The fact that this is coming out at the time of the NFL controversy might not be accidental either. Take em all out at once.

>Fake news


Breibart sure has been pushing these hollywood pedo/rape stories. They haven't missed a beat. To the point where it does indeed seem like Bannon might have known what was coming.



>OP post time 10/13/17(Fri)16:34:45
>user post time 10/13/17 (Fri)16:34:58
>10 seconds apart.
>Folder of Anti Bannon memes at the ready.
> 5 consecutive posts in attempt to sage.
>Checks out.

Shill detected. Sure jumped on this one fast...

And we have the Amazon guy, Affleck, and now George Clooney who are all getting slammed. Part of it could be the natural fall of the dominoes, but it could also be coordinated as well...

Bannon knows that hollywood is the kingpin of social engineering.

If they can permanentely dethrone Hollywood, there will be nothing stopping republicans in 2018/2020

I have been annoyed with Kikebart several times but I do appreciate the way they accomplish so much while just being six or so autists with fidget spinners operating out of Bannon's FUCKING LIVING ROOM.

Many of us may be basement dwellers but at least its our basement

He's also just showing proof for what has already been hinted at before, either with Pizzagate, Epstein, or just the open secret that everyone knows Hollywood is run by pervs.

Different ZH guy, I think. Are you thinking of this one?


Oh shit that might be it. Thanks user.

I hated when I get my sauces mixed up.

Bannon is breathing fire lately. Love it.


No problemo, Deus Vult. I hope Bannon gets those fuckers soon.

>YWN be powerful enough to force Rose into every unspeakable position.
Why live?

You are right, user.

At 3:52

"Listen to (((us))) you stupid fucking goyim! You don't know what's best for you, (((we))) do!"

What did she mean by this?




God wills it, frater.

So im guessing that inside user isnt going to expose jewwood.


Ohhh Sheeeeeeit.
>t.actual insider
Hello fren, no bully plz.


Yeah what was the deal with that guy? Nother LARPer?

first post alinsky post

ZHedge guy owns Dystopia where he is dropping pills like crazy. Hes got a storm central happenings post where he just wrote about a kid who was raped as a minor and sued Brock Pierce. Pierce was assoced with Clinton Foundation and Epstein. Raped kids mom wrote to Robert Muller by certif mail and was ignored. That Robert Muller.


I know Andrew, he was a good man. The guy would have been the Steve Jobs of news, his was really a visionary. Sadly Andrew, he was always on his own side, which is why he is dead. This thing, this movement is bigger than him, it is bigger than all of us. It is imperative that we win.

Bannon said he left Trump's side because this is bigger than both of them, it is bigger than Trump himself. It is bigger than both parties.

>Bannon's departure from the WH may have been planned.

Why are you speaking as though it's a conspiracy theory? Bannon confirmed in the 60 Minutes interview that the plan was always for him to opt out of Trump's official team after 12 months.

Sure. That's what he said. But I could see why one would disbelieve him. But with all this shit coming out, it's getting easier to see he may have been telling the truth.

some of celebanon's post seemed a bit heavy on the persuasion technique, like someone practicing. the structure of some of the claims, testimony, comerarderie. i dunno, just a few things seem a little well dropped, NLP style.

Anyone got that cap of larper saying Bannon is behind it all? This was like a week ago



>yfw this exposes pizzagate

I wouldn't get my hopes up.


>Shillbots aren't re-

>Mwf shills post only 13 secs after OP.


Well, well, well. And what wretched organization should rear its ugly head? The Clinton Global Initiative.
All of this is connected, every last bit of it. And the shills cannot and will never stop the dominos from falling now.

Did this all happened because Obama daughter wanted to work for him?





Beautiful digits and post. Witnessed.



So we got two /ourguys/ that are great at playing the long game and paying back those who wrong them. Beautiful. Just beautiful. Bump

daaag yo

where my /kekistani/ bros at
praise kek
hollycuck BTFO




I agree. If someone looks like a pedo then they probably are. When I have kids I'll never let them near any guy that are balding, pot belly fat, and white.

I like jews, but those digits ...

Banon got kicked from government. This is not a masterplan. Stop LARPing.




Here it is:


Funny how the leaks dried up after Bannon left the WH...

What the fuck is happening

That's not what I'm referring to but I'll take it.

This makes the most sense. I don't think there really was a falling out, more like moving Bannon into a better strategic position for maximum fuckery of the left.

Does this all end at a pizza shop in DC with all of the Dems heads rolling?

I probably shouldn't get involved in this conversation, but maybe Weinstein got thrown under the bus because he promised something he could deliver on, in terms of Hilary 2016. Maybe he came up with a plan, and it didn't work out, and now the hammer is coming down on him for his fuck up.

That would be fucking awesome

>Bannon used to work at Goldman Sachs doing entertainment and media deals
>Weinstein was finances by Goldman Sachs

You might be onto something user

would make sense, he was largely protected because of the Clintons

And since Hillary lost, people have started to realize she can't guarantee the same level of protection anymore. She probably still could if someone like Jeb were president, but with Trump in charge, she still wakes up at night hearing "Lock her up." She's going to need all her protection for herself.


Ya i'm almost positive this whole thing is connected to Trump somehow. I think it's more that Weinstein used to basically get his marching orders from Obama and he tried to back through those channels and the new administration was like "wait, what's this about you sexually harassing/assaulting women" and just blew it wide open.

that burn on Canadians at the end

It just keeps getting better.

i suspected trump or bannon behind all this

fake news crusade

now this? i bet you it leaks over to the music industry...someone is exposing the evil in the control mechanisms of the jews...the news hollywood music industry and tv...once these fall the jews lose their brainwashing machine

No friend you think the fappening data was everything obtained? It was a poppet valve to stop paid talent from circling the wagons once the other degenerate data was teased out to certain parties not aware their comms were already ours. Needy people are the easiest to trick and the fastest to click without a single thought.


Imagine how much joy Bannon must feel, knowing God has called him to spend his days driving evil people insane.

It's about time somebody stepped up to drain the cesspool

2018 Movies are gonna be so overly female it's gonna be laughable.

Don't know if SB is "behind it all", but there is pic related twitter.com/andrewbreitbart/status/33636278100561920?lang=en

The most electrifying move in political entertainment


There will be C O N S E Q U E N C E S