TWO fucking weeks until the last chapter.
Other urls found in this thread:
Save me from this shit serise Aizen
Two weeks to do what? Color the middle spread?
tell me you are not hyped for a full chapter featuring a 28 yo ichigo and some aizen pages
I guess I'll have to pick it up again then
Same character
Same ending
Two weeks because there's no WSJ at all next week.
Will you appear in the last chapter?
Will the anime get a different, more proper ending?
But it wasn't the same ending user. Rukia is now a Court Guard Captain Slave.
are you dead?
This might be the shittiest ending I've ever read.
Remember to watch out for the following:
>The passive aggressive Orihimefag who says: "I'm sorry you feel that way." There is another user who posts similar to him about how much he loves Orihime.
>That user who screams "Fuck off, ESL ape!" whenever IchiRuki comes up.
>At least two RenRukifags who promote their ship but claim they don't spam.
>That one Isanefag. He is buttmad because some user who happened to like Rukia insulted his waifu.
>That user who calls everyone mentally ill for liking IchiRuki. He could also be the same guy who calls everyone a child for arguing with him.
>The "You are not a real fan" poster who calls you a newfag and accuses you of samefagging if more than one post disagrees with him.
>That one user who posts that image of Rukia dressed as Sakura.
You bet my sweet ass I allow it.
You haven't read the ending yet
Someone didn't read Gantz
She's mine.
But that's not the ending.
If only Kubo had the balls to do this as a final fuck you to his editors.
I'm so confused.
One week for Obon vacation. No Jump that week, I think.
Good, because the previous Nemu is mine
Everyone agrees that Ichigo was the one that was coming in the last page and he is just coming to see Rukia become captain with orihime and the other niggas
Right? Its obvious
Kenpachi is carrying her around in the chapter.
Post long-hair Rukia.
Pretty much. Unless Kubo is going for a bad end.
How can shippers ever recover?
Aizen himself is shit
You can easily come to these conclusions on your own but let me help you.
>SS Siblings
Probably dead
Shes now Kenpachi's sword.
>Rebelling Quincies
There is literally so many plot holes to resolve. Also Jesus Christ what ever happened to Ichigos classmates after Aizen?
At least with Naruto it was consistent as fuck. With Bleach it's just a gargled mess of unresolved plots, side characters being less of side characters.
Why the fuck wasn't there more of a fight between Ichigo and Ywach? This whole entire arc sucked ass compared with Aizens arc. Both were fucking similar and thus just fell down flat due to being a repeat with Quincys being arrancars.
I'm mad I kept up with this shit for years.
Are you the reiatsu that they detected at the end? Did you merge with Yhwch's powers and give them the false ending while using KS and Almighty?
Where is the big list of unresolved plots.
It wasn't posted in the last few threads.
>Again with the copypasta
Stay assmad, fucking manlet.
You are ending up with Ichigo, right?
>yhwach claims he appear during the happiest moment and kill everyone
>yhwach riatsu 10 years after war when everyone has settled it
You were going to confess to Ichigo in the last chapter?
>Trying to bully Isanefag
Ichihime yes?
Oh right, that happened.
So much bullshit happened, my bad.
If Yoruichi and Yuushirou are really dead... fuck Kubo, honestly, just fuck Kubo.
if that's Isane, why did her tits shrink?
Unless Yhwach actually wins, then yeah, that is obviously what's happening. Yhwach reiatsu is probably Ishida or maybe Ichigo.
Small chance it could be one of their kids, too, but it is probably just a strong character with quincy blood, now papa coming back for one last ruse.
It's quicker to just list what IS resolved:
>Rukia is a captain
Do you love me?
Suck it!
It does not make much sense to be him, of course he would check up on Rukia and Renji to see if they are well after killing Juha, they would know his spiritual power.
For soul society to not reconize his reatisu after ten years of Ichigo doing shinigami work it would be incredibly retarded and incompetent on their part.
>tfw your shitposting hasn't made it in the shortlist yet
So seriously, why does hitsufaggotya dislike his adult self if he had a height complex throughout the first 700 chapters? is it just an oversight?
Should I divorce?
Kubo...what happened to her?
Who is she?
Does she know Isshin and Ichigo are spirit beings?
Can she see them?
Why'd you introduce her but do nothing with her? You're so good at create characters, designing them, making them seem full of potential...
No seriously, who the fuck is she? She just appeared in the timeskip, showed up a couple times, never came back.
Is she Isshin's new fuckbuddy?
What does that make of her son? she a Shiba herself?
He found out dick growth isn't proportional to height
Yoruichi, Urahara, Yuushirou, and Grimmjow are all either alive or dead because of Askin's gift ball. If they are dead I will cry. I haven't cried in 8 years but I will cry tears of defeat.
considering the monologuing of the captain commander I think he does have the balls
But this theoretically means Bleach will continue for another 10 years doesn't it?
all those chapters wasted on the miracle
Is Renji banging Rukia now? Asking the important questions here.
Is Kitty Titties dead?
So what is the announcement going to be? Bleach Part II?
Gantz hasn't ended yet, chapter 8 came out not too long ago.
That's good, he should keep his feminine penis just like the doujins foretold
>10 years later
>Orihime is still pinning after the Strawberry
Would Kubo be this cruel, Sup Forums?
Yuushiro wasn't in Askin's Giftball. The fourth and last Reitasu belonged to Askin himself.
Nel is full-sheep hollow for some reason, it was in the last volume.
She would be a delicious cake at this point, getting herself pounded into oblivion every night by faceless guys in her quest to forget Ichigo.
Didn't someone draw fanart of Captain Rukia with long hair years ago? I guess they called it.
>renji is tapping that
I think she's a Shiba that's been fucking (having sexual intercourse with) Ichigo's dad. The son, is related to Ichigo.
Didn't the son also say something amongst the lines of
>I know your secret
? I can't really recall but that explains the hair color of her son too
If neither of them are in a relationship, that's pretty normal for a manga to end. I mean, I doubt any of the Bleach relationships will have real resolution, even the obvious ones like Urahara and Yoruichi.
Anime continuation
He's going to kill them all next chapter, right?
is kubo the worst mangaka?
user, on the one hand, I want to go through and make that list myself. It would take dozens of posts to ask all the questions.
On the other hand, fuck that. Nothing in this series is resolved. Kubo doesn't resolve anything.
>Orihime has now disgusting saggy tits
What would Sup Forums reaction be like?
Ichigo is 27 in canon now. There's no way he's still a virgin at this point, right? It wouldn't be realistic. Even a loser like me was able to lose mine at 21.
Not even close.
Miracle was a good fight though and Kubo could've easily cramed like 1 or 2 new Bankai reveals from that fight alone.
Namely Shinji and Love
So did bleach just do a negima?
stop trying to make me gay
Does Pierrot even have the space? El Dive is starting after the NS fillers end.
Renji is fucking the Rukia?
Do you have a bucket to keep her in?
If not, you'll have some trouble.
Why are bleach threads so cancerous?
You are literally the worst fandom on Sup Forums
Is there any reason it took you 10 years to escape from Yahweh's man juices?
Probably ruling Hueco Mundo again.
Playing eternal tag with her brothers
Yuushiro is ruling the family. Yoruichi is spending her days as a cat in Karakura town.
Is Kenpachi's Zanpakto.
Are serving the new Quincy King, Uryuu,
you ask after you've read at least 700 of his chapters
Maybe he's gay or something? I always thought he was asexual when nothing happened with Yoruichi
For years i've been reading new chapters and waiting for something interesting or fun to happen. And i think the occurency rate of such events was like once per year.
Bleach is about to be over. All that'll be left after it is a sense of disappointment. Now that we get such an unsatisfying ending, there is no excuse for the rest of manga being equally bad.
And no, i dont believe the last 2 chapters will somehow resolve this shit, there are just too few pages left and too many loose/ambiguous ends to tie.
I didn't know Bleach was still going until I saw this thread.
I'd give Kubo props if he did this.
>being a ichirukicuck
you're fault
will I be admitted to grad school for fall?
I'm pretty sure he intended to reveal a few more bankai against Gerard, and then have Isshin and Ryuuken help against Yhwach. Probably another volume or two altogether just for those fights.
Decided to wrap it up quick for whatever reason. About midway through the arc you can tell that Kubo aborted any plans he had, when he has Ichigo immediately run back to the royal palace and Kubo kills off sternritters en masse instead of showcasing more abilities/bankai.
Rangiku only wants him when he's little.
I feel like these threads are full of 14 year old girls
well unless I see these people alive they might as well be dead to me.
No wonder. This shit should have ended 5 years ago.
Ikumi is my #1 biggest black hole of plot.
We know NOTHING about her...but we're teased into thinking we should.
I'm deleting my Rukia hentai folder now that rukia x renji is confirmed.
Some thoughts on this chapter:
- super glad kensei is still alive, and rose too I guess;
- sad that jushiro and yachiru confirmed dead;
- glad of the new line up of captains overall (apart from lisa - irrelevant as fuck).
Not a bad chapter. Good screen time for good characters.
Rukia/a/, Eh?