I'm not the only one seeing this...right?

I put this image together to help figure this shit out. I'm not trying to imply anything, but something is wrong with these images.

Other urls found in this thread:


Looks like it could be legit. bump for interest

Dead if true.

self bump


He's had his frontal lones removed and had a kikebook chip insterted by Doktor Zuckerberg. What you're seeing is an embalmed corpse being remote controlled CIA niggers.

....holy shit...

Could I get a speedy summation? I can't keep up with you kids and all your memes, gotta work.

So basically like this?

The last picture with the pantleg is very obviously the lighting. It's a shitty photo and those things are the same color.

What are you pointing at in the bottom left photo? The man with his hand behind him?

The top right photo - what do you call the effect that is applied to it and how does that indicate editing? It looks like it's just highlighting every area where there's a distinct color change.

Look at that dead hand on the wineglass. That's some Weekend At Bernie's shit.

Sup Forums at it again. How brain-dead can you guys get...

Damn, you're right... Ben Affleck has his hand on that dude's ass. Ben Affleck is Buttman...

Bottom left picture: Man has his arm against his back (possibly propping him up).
His pose is bizarre- he's leaning back and staring off into space, not looking at the camera, not smiling, anything. Also take note of his hand holding the glass. It's not grasping it at all. Not to mention the glasses appear empty and the plates are spotless, possibly a completely mock scene for a photo-op. I am willing to admit there may be white wine or something seemingly invisible due to photo quality however, this is the least prominent part of that photo.

holy shit, he looks like those very old post mortem photos

Who is that?

Looks totally normal to me. That's how every person who is alive smiles. Right, my fellow white human beings?


>movin like Campos
>We movin it like Campos
>Caught the false flag
>We movin it like Campos

ask yourself how did he get away from Paddock if he literally couldn't walk without double canes? Really activates the almonds


Honestly, the one in the old photo looks more alive.

that lighting though - think they're filming goodfellas 7?

Looks like dude is not real at all. Face has eyes with no one home! It is fake, we just need proof. We know already the company didnt have license to work in nevada for 2017, or was a fake company?! I forgot exactly. Confirm anons

Is that Jesus Campos?


Gay if dead

In the state of Nevada You must be registered with the Nevada Private Investigator's Licensing Board.
He's not listed.

>Is that Jesus Campos?

supposedly. I thought he looked very strange in only photo i've seen of him but I didn't even think about him being dead. honestly, he kinda does look dead.
This case is so fucking strange.

Pretty sure this guy is dead too

easy way to check this (if he is dead)

is there video from this photo op? Ppl record everything nowadays.

I'd be suspicious if there isn't a recording of them milling about, getting into position for the photo, etc.

Easy. All we have to do is ask the people who killed him, mounted him and then took photos with him, if they will give us the video evidence.

nah he's just blazed and has no idea wtf is going on

guy in center is David L Hickey


what about others?


Jerry Heyman on right?

that's what I mean. If some flunky or aide didn't record anything it should set off some red flags.

t. a former political flunky who knows fucking everything gets filmed now

Am I a bad person for never getting sick of this meme?

There's a hollowness in all their faces. Like there's an inkling that this picture is going to get them all in a lot of trouble. Not Campos though, that guy's dead or as good as.

gargantuan if factual

If he isn't dead he will be soon. How long can a person live with a chest swollen like that? What's wrong with him for it to be that way?

Is this what bognigger spam devolved into?

Not wrong...

if it isn't body armor and he is in fact off this mortal coil it could be the swelling caused by expansion of gases post mortem...but if he's in that stage already no one is eating or drinking anything within a 15ft radius.

dead or alive, he's obviously not in a good mood

maybe he's just autistic

Why would they stage photos like this with a dead man? They absolutely would not. Absurd idea.

Most likely scenarios
1. camera shy. hiding from the media
2. instructed by cia to keep his fucking mouth shut
3. dead or soon to be dead
999. They killed him and propped him up for these photos



That’s high pitch Eric

holy fuck. you're right


He looks bruised at the temples

This. Are we to believe that for some reason the lights behind the curtain are "heavily edited?" The only part that looks for sure, 100% edited is the black blob on Jesus' pant leg on the lower right directly under the plaque, and it is not at all highlighted.

100% LARP.

>The top right photo - what do you call the effect that is applied to it and how does that indicate editing? It looks like it's just highlighting every area where there's a distinct color change.

Does anyone know which leg he was shot in? All articles im seeing don't specify. Also his right hand is definitely grasping the wine glass oddly. My wife is a physical therapist and said that could be caused by some type of nerve damage but I can't imagine he would have such damage and continue his profession unless he sustained some damage during this event.

Please explain the gap between 3) and 999) if it's possible he's dead


Everything about this dude's posture is weird. Why would he hold the photo frame with his fist wrapped around the corner? It's like he's got cerebral palsy.

He wishes he was dead. He's being interrogated and paraded as blackmail.


The band aid is what seals it for me. He was shot in the leg and they realized a photo 2 days later no band aid. Now he's got a booboo from laying in bed too hard. Nigga that's where his forehead is decomposing.


They could have given him ect, he looks like he has marks each side of the forehead, now his brain could be fucked


OK so supposedly he got shot through the door... his leg would have gotten fucked up judging by this picture and then the police supposedly breached the door and only the top half got blown off?



confirmed private rooms in the restaurant

Top lel

Tv can take any tech from CIA and use it in their shows.

Definitely looks like he's in makeup


>his hand posture around the base of the glass


CHAD security guard
>dodges 199 bullets
>always where the action is
>Shows up to parties even though he's dead
>Fucked MaryLou Danley cucking Paddock

>Sup Forums already found the restaurant

you guys scare me

It is somewhat plausible that he's dead as part of the cover up.
It's ludicrously unlikely that the cover up included propping him up for photos

peak kek

How did you find this given the shitty lighting in the photos they took? U scary

He dead. FBI wants someone to think he is alive and talking.

These threads shit up Sup Forums so much its incredible.

Do people really have fun playing along to terrible "theories"

desperate times...

Is it though? Keep the body in a fridge at a morgue (or even a fucking walk in fridge in a restaurant), notice ppl keep asking, "hey where the fuck is this guy?"

"Why did he cancel his Hannity appearance?" well, just just pop him out for a quick photo op, then return to fridge.

Unlikely? Highly.

Impossible? no.

Restaurant at ARIA which owned 50% by Dubai World and 50% MGM

>7 neoshekels have been deposited into your account

Yes, I do. They force to me to think creatively and outside of my normal parameters. I do find these fun.

his jacket with the t-shirt should be illegal

Weekend at ((Campos))

I like how the photo is full of Asians. Keeping the theme of the entire vegas shooting story

Even if the dead prop is a stretch it seriously looks like every pic the camera man or someone was holding a gun to his fucking head that CIA brain dead stare is not hard to miss

Didn't you hear the presss conference goy? They said there is no conspiracy between police, FBI and MGM

oh, ok then.

Bearded guy was holding a beer and it was edited out kek

thats exactly what theyd tell you if there was one


Tell me about Cambodian Internet.
Is it run by some dude on a moped ?

None of this shit makes any sense. Why would they prop up a body in a photo? It would be easier to photoshop a postmortem face into a series of photos than manipulate a whole fucking body.

Jesus Christ, people, if you're going to commit to a conspiracy, you don't take risks this stupid.

>govt workers
>known for never ever cutting corners

had a good run
san bernardino
las vegas

“In Vegas, everybody’s gotta watch everybody else. Dealers watch the players, pit bosses watch the people watching the dealers, and the “eye in the sky” — the camera — watches over all."
- Sam "Ace" Rothstein

because this is a fun theory and everyone is having fun and a few laughs. That all that counts.

I honestly have no fucking idea what is real anymore, you broke me Sup Forums

Is this what it's like to have schizophrenia?

Paddock photo is tubro edited too

Dude...that motherfucker is straight up dead.