We came a long way, all things considered, we did go through lots of stuff.
Onepunch Man chapter 100
>Strong ego
Is that why she couldn't dominate her? But I thought Fubuki was a weak willed woman.
So Basically Do S ability doesnt work on strong minded people/people who are blinded by rage...
Bending over?
Well, ego is the keyword here. Not necessarily willpower, but a strong sense of self and identity. Though she's scared, she's always been fighting to establish herself on her own terms even while living with her complex.
Fubuki looks very Mob in that last panel
and that's it for today.
Thanks UK.
Fubuki looking real witch-y here. Wonder if this will lead to her switching her dress? Since the skirt part of the design changed later on in the webcomic.
0.00 am
It doesn't actually air at midnight, does it? damn.
I wasn't happy with page 8, fixed a few things.
It's 自意識 which means self-consciousness, I thought ego would be an appropriate synonym.
thanks based UK
>dat perfect body
Hey what happened to your translation website, for some reason i can't find it
It should be working fine, though if you're trying to access opm, it's no longer on my site.
Yeah, ego is fine.
>First thing first
Should be
>First things first
That's how the phrase goes.
Her second speech bubble in that pannel doesn't really seem to flow well after the first speech bubble. I mean, not that "surrender her heart" doesn't sound like a better way to phrase what I believe she means, but I'm just the beginning of the sentence doesn't really connect with her previous statement.
>VERY sexy esper moving at incredibe hihg speed
You're right, I misread the first bubble.
Yeah, that flows a lot better. Thanks for the work.
Still doesn't sound too fluent, well, gonna wait for MS translation anyways.
Hm? Sounds pretty fluent to me. The sentences' ideas are flowing properly. She's saying she wants Fubuki more now (because it's more challenging or because having a strong ego is better for a slave once they're dominated?) and that she can't wait until Fubuki buckles down and becomes a love slave. What's the error here?
Tatsumaki next episode?
Good, maybe this boring arc will finally get worthwhile.
It's probably referring to the high speed movement, I guess.
based UK.
Also are you the guy who translated Kyo Kara Ore Wa?
>Tatsumaki next episode
I was hoping that Fubuki would beat Do-S on her own without her. Maybe this can still be the case
Fubuki compilation pic update?
What the fuck is wrong with the "official" chapter numbering?
Last chapter didn't have a number, the previous one was mistyped as 61 although it should have been the 63 and now this is the 65?
Best boy on the back
Yes, kkow and GS Mikami too, all the stuff I grew up with.
I say update it after her fight is done
Considering the Chapters title is SISTERS, practically gives away Tats return.
Just how pissed will Tats be once she sees Fubuki all bloodied and wounded?
Will she torture Do S to death?(which would be great FS material)
The chapters are fucked up. Wait the volumes release and follow the number of updates. They haven't fixed the previous one: viewer.tonarinoyj.jp
Thanks, UK! Whelp, Do-S is living the last minute of her life now.
I expect a oneshot from Tatsumaki, nothing less.
So, until the 12th volume comes out, I just decided to change the number of the last chapter to 62-64 and uploaded the current update as chapter 65.
Nice, thanks
Or just a beatdown with Tats stealing Do S whip and uses it on her and mocks with something like "How does it feel to be tortured to death?", like how she mocked the Godzilla monster after she threw that meteor on him..
I know that this tourney shit has to go somewhere if ONE is making a point of writing it but god damn I hope it goes to that somewhere sooner rather than later.
It'd be one thing if it was just Saitama shenanigans but all this cutting away to other heroes battling who the fuck cares is boring the shit out of me even if it gives Genos a chance to not job for once.
That's the effect of slow update.
So, which is worse? OPM's Tournament arc or MP's claw boss arc?
Why havent you still dropped this shit?
Prison School current arc and pacing is far worse, Bleach was also garbage, and Magi...
I think ONE-verse has always had espers be somewhat resistant to mind control Just as latest chapters of Mob Psycho 100 with Teru and Psycho Helmet. Could be that the Monster here just had never fought against an esper before. Seems more sensible writing than having "willpower deus ex machina" resolve the situation.
I can see what ONE is going for, by making Fubuki immune due to her ego will later make Sweet mask's invulnerability make more sense.
Do S is a Demon level monster, its not like she had a mind control like Itachi..., she shouldve had certain limitations...
Because I recognize quality not based on how niche something is or how closely it emulates an original work. Like a normal, sane person.
I'm also not an idiot who thinks the update rate is actually that slow. It's pretty much the same rate as Western comics with the same amount of pages or more in its monthly output. Plus, I don't obsess over it. Again, like a normal person.
Why do you think this is a psychic power, user? Do-S got her power from mutating. That's different from psychic power. It's pretty much her just invoking a phenomena with her ability, like that spider monster from the bonus chapter that could infest people and turn them into monsters (presumably) or those electricity generating monsters.
Psychic abilities are a separate dealio and, as far as we know, they've only appeared on actual humans and willpower does actually resist them. As for espers being resistant to mind control in the Mob universe, if we're to picture psychic powers like "waves" like in OPM, in only makes sense that a psychic barrier would block those mind control psychic signals.
Nah, OPM's pacing is fine here, it's the release rates that are slow.
>no Reigen on the cover
Why should i drop it?
current OPM arc pacing was shit until a few chapters ago, now is getting on road again
as said, prison school and bleach are shit since long time
>Fuck, I screwed up that drawing
>Lets just blur it in photoshop
How was the pacing shit? It never ever meandered at all. It showed what was happening, then moved on. The only time OPM's pacing was ever shit was way back during the training session between Saitama and Genos and the meteor chapter because Murata pretty much animated the entire thing. Just because the story is focusing on characters or events that you don't like, that doesn't mean the "pacing" is shit. It just means you don't understand what pacing is.
Whip bitch should just run away now. Fubuki is injured so she might be able to get away. If she really drags this on long enough for Tats to get there, it will be such an ugly end for her.
Swallow the loss to Fubuki and escape intact.
good chapter so far
>normal person
No, you did well.
Who's Itachi?
I'm not ultimateking.
Is that a thong?
basically because we were getting one HALF chapter every blue moon
Oh god don't make me choose. So long as the tournament arc ultimately ends up being a better setup for monster's association(than what we have in the webcomic already) then I'll call it a victory over Claw Boss.
As of the moment though they're both equally boring and drawn out (even if the actual tournament arc part is pretty funny).
ya know,i wouldn't mind seeing a doujin where garou fucks her
and that its a vanilla doujin
But the claw boss arc paved the way for the way superior psycho helmet arc.
It's clearly a random black strap she has on her hips, user. Perhaps a garter for her stocking boots.
She clearly goes panty-less.
>Whip bitch should just run away now. Fubuki is injured so she might be able to get away. If she really drags this on long enough for Tats to get there, it will be such an ugly end for her.
She had been trying to draw Tornado out from the start. She believes she could beat Tatsu and was counting on her showing up. Suicidal over confidence.
LEWD 100%
>VERY fast esper moving at incredibly hihg speed
>Garou doujin
Yeah, that's true too, the Do-S's mind control could come from different sources.
I suppose
makes sense, though, Sweet Mask being somewhat dubious charachter, I took his explanation over his win over Goddess Glasses with a grain of salt, since Sweet Mask seems not to be entirely human
>when they met he scared her shitless
You'll get your doujin in a couple of years but no way in hell it'll be vanilla user.
come on, i want the tournament.
come on, I want more skin
Psycho helmet barely started, who knows if it'll end up actually being good or not (Claw Boss had it's moments too, especially in the beginning but then it went full shounen).
>Garou doujin
>People actually drawing Garou with a girl instead of fulfilling their bara muscle fantasies
I wonder what's going to happen with Amai Mask in general.
ONE seems to be going out of his way to further set him up as an important character with all the additions that have been made since his role in Monster's association.
We got his extra bits in the anime, we had a drama cd segment where he met Saitama when he was still in training and got inspired by him to write a song, and Murata recently drew him staring at Saitama in one of the spreads.
Webcomic wise all we know is that he's currently homo for Saitama and he's kind of fucking crazy but we kind of have a bunch of villains in line already
so while it wouldn't be surprising if he went bad, I can't quite believe that he'll also be added to the villain list.
>That guy playing Pokemon Go
>People actually drawing Garou with a girl
Oh you just wait.
>OPM doujin
>expecting straight vanilla
>so while it wouldn't be surprising if he went bad, I can't quite believe that he'll also be added to the villain list.
He would become relevant on the day Saitama reached number 1 in A rank. That's when he would have to face Saitama and deal with the fact that Saitama is not a graceful person, and not meant to be aesthetically pleasing.
Do we even know if Saitama has improved in popularity yet? Or despite reaching A, do people still think he cheated?
Delet this
What's the matter?
well what about zenko?
surely some guys at comiket might sell garou x zenko loli doujins right?
But it's not like Amai Mask doesn't already know that, until he saw Saitama in action he just saw him as a lame B-lister.
And when Amai finally did see him, Saitama was being Saitama as usual. Picking his nose, being super blunt and not particularly cool and they argued directly about whether or not Garou should live or die.
And somehow despite all that, he's got some weird crush now so I guess for him power>literally everything else (even if Saitama's pretty aesthetic when he's not being goofy).
But again, where the fuck is this going to go? The only thing I can think of is that Amai Mask is going to try to get Saitama onto his "absolute justice" way of thinking and they'll clash that way but it doesn't sound super compelling story wise.
You stop that
Damn I forgot about that.
Yeah when he hits on Fubuki in that weird as fuck SEE I'M A MONSTER way of his the doujins will write themselves.
even if it is a hot sexy female mob