/leftypol/ vs Sup Forums it's on

/leftypol/ vs Sup Forums it's on

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you mean Nazis vs Pol...

but we've always been here.
we are the Sup Forums

Lefty pol are actually ok guys. Did you know that a lot of them don't believe in the "gender pay gap" ?
I've suspected for a long time that a lot of left wingers actually hate progressives as much as us and that, in progressives. My experiences on leftypol have reinforced my suspicions.
The possibilities...

*looks at corporate hollywood*....

Terminal cancer vs advanced aids in a nutshell

I feel fairly confident that I could step into that room and literally beat all the dudes asses by myself, bare handed, then rape your... "women??"

Maybe I'll just rape the one in black on the left. I'm not even sure the others are woman desu

>tfw leftpol meetups is whiter than pol meetups

Absolutely pathetic. Sage.


this, You'd only have to beat like 2 or 3, the rest would just give up.

>/leftypol/ is whiter than Sup Forums

This is /leftypol/ retard.


They will stop at nothing to slide threads


Sup Forums is a libertarian board and only ironically racist

this is the thread being slid
>plz give bump



how did you find our secret hideout?

>implying true Sup Forumstards would go to a public meeting to be doxed

Just aim those useful idiots against Sup Forums's eternal struggle with the Jew. Commies hate Israel, (((corporations))), and (((white men))), right? Time to point them in the right direction.
>Have your enemies kill each other
>Whoever wins gets the privilege of getting destroyed by Sup Forums; weakened, they shouldn't stand a chance