There's only a 2.5% chance to give birth to a child after unprotected sex.
>dont date single mothers
>dont fuck single mother raw
>NEVER marry a single mother!
Single mothers literally got creampie'd 50 times at least
why so many islamic feminists? New intifada against the holes when?
No shit. This is common sense. Unless she's a widow and her husband died. But even then, u don't want to take care of a kid that ain't yours.
Based Burger. Redpilled on the vaginal jew?
How come? Was it PUA or Tom Leykis? Tell us a story! Most of pol would cut off their own balls to protect the honour of Muh Ladeh.
Absolutes on single mothers...
Please explain the absolute ban on marrying a single mother
This isn't hypothetical
If the child is white, you're saying stay away from her?
>Please explain the absolute ban on marrying a single mother
Reason 1) not raising another mans child like a cuck
2) they rewarded a bad man with sex and a child and then left or chased that man away
>inb4: hurrrrr its the mans fault for leaving the innocent single mom!!!!
No! The single mom let the bad man cum inside her at least 50 times and she liked it. Then she blamed him for everything because women never take responsibility.
>huuuurrrrrrr if the skin of the THOT is white just marry her bro!
No, man, WTF! All women are the same! The man that squirted his semen in her at least 50 times is nigger-tier anyway.
I agree--bringing someone into this world is not to be taken lightly
This board never ceases to amaze me--I was wrong on all the big questions
My parents did like you said
I will too
This thread is littered with gets
It's like there isn't a bad post ITT
My teacher showed us Kramer vs. Kramer
She said it was part of the revolution on how divorce was viewed
Two parents acting like children
The little boy was expected to be adult about his mother finding herself
Meanwhile, the boy only wanted one thing--his mother and father together
Lord KEK endorses the truth wherever its spoken.
btw Kramer vs Kramer is basically:
>girl rides cock carousel from 16-30
>then (((falls in love))) with rich business man
>has exactly 1 child to entrap him
>then divorces and leaves the child with the man
>fucks as much as she can for 2 years, son was abandoned
>then realises she can easily get child support if she rips the son from the father
>she sues the father to get the son
>will not tell ending: IRl she would have gotten the child and 50% child support.
Why do guys date single Mums?
Savior complex, speaking for myself
The thirst. Lack of standards.
Wait only 2.5% chance? I fuckin like those odds bro
>Savior complex
Translation: vulnerable women that you think are easier to control.
She plays vulnerable....until you get married: then the mask slips off and its Do what she wants or get divorce raped.
If im right, let me know, we are all Anons here!
Yeah, standards are definitely being lowered
Can't let them be lowered on the most important relationship
I failed to look at it through the son's eyes
He really just wants his mom and dad together, unless they're at each other's throats
No, I liked her, found out later about her son
You know who I'm going to read--Jane Austen
Need to forget about that divorcee
If the creampie is completely random and you are trying to have a child and there is no type of birth control the chance for SUCCESSFUL child birth is 2.5%. This includes any miscarriage. But if you dont want children and use morning after pill or abortion this chance becomes zero. Point is: single mothers are literally massive whores who all pretend they only got creampied 1 night and it was an accident. Fucking cancer!
From experience, that 2.5% number is bullshit, nigga. That, or my kids are half-triton.
I understand the risk or pregnancy and STI but I once got a girl from a girl back to my home and I fucked her raw. I then came deep inside her.
But at the time I just didn't care. It felt so fucking good.
kikes will be kikes
The scientific medical school number in the West is 2.5%. Mind you: this is if the creampie is at a random day with no protection and results in a living breating child. Dont forget that 1/7 preganancies fail spontaneously forno reason (usually because the woman gets a flare of vaginal Herpes or gonorrhea but Doctors are never allowed to say that)
No fuckhead. Chances are 40%. Not 2.5%
Im against dating single moms but don't bullshit scientific dates out of your ass
1 - (1 - 0,025)^50 = 0,5
First of all, the actual chance is ~15%, which means that the average single mother got creampied just 4 times. That's still pretty awful.
>don't bullshit scientific dates out of your ass
I will go to my medical professors and tell them that you told me they were talking bullshit. Fucking KEK!
can i get a source?
>1 - (1 - 0,025)^50 = 0,5
Thats why I said: at least, nigger-san.
Im not joking 2.5% is the medical number that they teach in med school. This is the red pill.
You are getting a legit medical consultation today: free of charge.
+expert information is a source too LOL
post a link ya swamp jew
2.5% of pol has the brain power to put their socks on in the morning
Based post
Holy shit
What you did was just multiplying the probability by the number of times, which yields 100% for 50 times, but the calculation is:
probability_of_pregnancy(num_of_creampies)=1 - (1 - 0,025)^[num_of_creampies]
That's 100% never (obviously) and 0,5 at 25 times.
Actually, if you have a pregnant woman and want to calculate the expected number of creampies she's been through, it's a bit more difficult (function is not linear), but I am too lazy to do it right now.
Nice made up statistics you black pilling kike.
What you did was just multiplying the probability by the number of times, which yields 100% for 50 times
Please user-san, give me some credit! I know basic statistics. I meant approximately.
>black pilling kike.
here comes the 80IQ white trash to tell us how wonderfull women are.
Ok, sorry for the misunderstanding, wrong-color-order-kun.
Shut the fuck up nerds
Well, now that we all agree that single mothers are cum dumpsters for bad men, this htread can be closed.
white women are fucking evil
2.5% is 1 in 40 not 1 in 50, bet you're from south of the netherlands you mathematics illiterate
>2.5% is 1 in 40
>He does not understand compound chances
>His IQ in in the 90-100 category so too stupid to know he's stupid
>thinks he can talk among the big boys
>hasn't killed himself yet
>not a single troll or bad post in the first 30 posts
how can one thread be this based?
Also, stories on how everyone took the red pill.
So, you're both wrong. 2.5% is the average chance, but it varies depending on the point in the ovulation cycle. At peak, it's 9%, while at the bottom it's 1%. Theoretically, 8-10 times would be sufficient to cause a pregnancy (also assuming average sperm production on the man's side, but chads are a bit higher on average). But still, consider that that's just the number of times with that one guy.
thats not even how statistics work, you don't need to have one single woman taking all of the 40 (or 50 lmao) creampies if there are 4 or 5 different women, each one taking 10 there is a decent chance that one of them will get pregnant, or out of a group with 40 or 50 women they only get creampied once there is a fair amount of chance that one of them will get pregnant. It is not 100% guaranteed but taking a wider model with more people that will be a tendency. So being pregnant doesn't equal taking 40 or 50 creampies.
Other than that I was obviously joking and actually agree that it is no good taking on a single mother for all kinds of reasons.
Based user. Yes, 2.5% is based on randomly timed creampie without contraception.
>Also, stories on how everyone took the red pill.
The redpill on the vaginal jew?
I have to be honest, I used to be Sup Forums tier pussy worshipper but not anymore.
Now I see the light: women are the driving force behind degeneracy like socialism and SJW crap. The 14 words are now: we must ensure the existence of sexbots and the future of the artificial womb.
thank you.
It took me less than 6 times to impregnate my wife.
that bitch in the middle is hideous