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but we are the only countries in the world even attempting to treat our minorities with dignity
Western civilization is white culture. They can leave our lands and go back to their mud huts if they want. Hell they'll be headed back there anyways sooner than later.
Unironically yes.
Factually and mathematically wrong.
Asians have historically killed the most amount of human life
we have to can't let them beat us
Every non-white race would rape our fertile women and exterminate the rest of us at the first opportunity. We're the only race foolish enough to treat others like equals instead of enslaving/exterminating them on contact.
Arab nigger slaves didn't even get a tent.
Remove Slavs from the picture. We are not white and we don't like whites. We rejoice when whites die.
Yes, that is true. We're responsible for everything bad that has/had come with the modern age. But when you are responsible for
The modern age as a whole
All of the social advancements in the last 1000 years
All of the scientific advancements for the past 500 years
And everything revolving around the medium that allows us to criticize white people in the first place
When niggers are responsible for the same amount of advancements, either as a whole or relatively, then you can critisize.
I'm 100% certain that diversity was a mistake.
Bring back segregation now.
I want to point out that white people did NOT invent slavery but we DID put a stop to it... after a few hundred years.
>richest man ever to live was a black slave master in africa
>whites are the most oppressive force ever
What did she mean by this?
Your nose is showing
We didn't end it.
It's still practiced in parts of Africa today.
not by white ppl
How is she going to be able to recover from this mighty rodgering?
Weird. It's almost like slavery existed prior to whites practicing it, and continues to exist after.
I don't think the This Week team liked her.
not in the west
yeah, ok nigger
That is all
Rules of the game
I wonder why...
It's almost like white people actually started the abolitionist movement....or something....
Psychological projection
Clearly, blacks are just a weaker and less powerful race because they can't conquer shit or make good countries.
She looks like she's only a quadroon
>Most violent
>Most oppressive?
If you consider bringing civilization to a bunch of backwards savages who rape goats and live in mud huts oppressive, I guess we're guilty of that as well
We brought civilization to the world and no good deed goes unpunished.
Whites are just the most successful. The blacks wish that the Africans had colonized other continents. Many believe in bullshit conspiracy theories like that the South American natives were the decendants of blacks who sailed across the Atlantic and enslaved them and eventually assimilated into their society.
The rare black historical figures of note, like Musa I of Mali, were invariably warring colonizers of opposing tribesmen. That's how they grew their wealth and power, like every other group of people.
They're just mad that whites were so good at it
this isn't true by any metric. By sheer numbers the Asians have us beat by a mile since there is so god damn many of them.
It's whichever uncivilized group you pick that continues to be uncivilized. there are some south american tribes that have insane rates of murder, but I wouldn't put it past the africans to have a higher rate. Their data keeping can't possibly be very accurate about these sorts of things.
I simply don't like what white scum do.
>Slavs are white when it suits us
>otherwise we claim them as subhumans
She got BTFO so hard she has to cry about white people or whatever. THey cannot debate so they want idiots they can easily dominate.
Even if it is true I don't care
American (((history))) class on display here.
Not even including the Pre-Roman warfare that was happening on the continent, white people were fighting each other to perfection for centuries Take away the advent of gunpowder and a Roman Cohort from 55 BC could walk into half of African and decimate village after village.
White people have perfected violence, just like everything else on this planet. There is literally nothing that white people cannot make perfect.
Nigger hasn't been to Africa
>Bait question
>1 post by this ID
per capita most violent is certainly africans since they have been in the tribal state for so long. Just because battles in a civilized society have records for the number of dead in actual battles, doesn't negate the fact that tribal warfare has far more deaths per capita than civilizations that go to war do.
That chart was of native americans not any other people or place