With hollywood fucking imploding, now is the absolute best time to get any, and i mean ANY...

With hollywood fucking imploding, now is the absolute best time to get any, and i mean ANY, allegatioins spreading like wildfire.

Jontron really put on weight

Sup Forumslywood goes hollywood

holy shit he has perfect canthal tilt

He's untouchable.

It's a controlled burn. If anything too many accusations will just have people dismiss it as hysteria.

>Implying boogie didn't lose weight


Iv bin blasting the meme cannons all day stay on this pol.
Target all of suspected Dan victims
Target all rapeys and pedos
Fire a few at pedosta for good measure all we got is memes and time.
Stay low and KEEP FIRING

I think you're right

Dan "The Hymen Divider" Schneider

Dan Schneider needs to be next on the chopping block, a simple Google Search of his name will make it obvious to any normie that he's a blatant pedo

slide thread. remember to sage

Nice try Dan you fucking pedo


she's definitely getting dicked by bbc with that hairstyle

Fire the cannons anons

Worse time, this drip drip of boob grabbing allegations and crocodile tears will wash this whole thing away, with no real consequences.

Show everyone Dan is Harvey

Post your Dan Schneider memes

Hey guys remember when the catholic church scandal happened and the entire church shut down and every priest was arrested, and the pope committed suicide?

That's not what he tells them