What are the identifying tattoos of Neo-Commies?
What are the identifying tattoos of Neo-Commies?
the kind that use permanent ink
all of them
Surely there's at least some way to differentiate skinheads from Neo-Commies though?
Holy fuck
why did you delete your post?
>bottom pic is cropped
>too wide to fit in whole picture
99.9% of white nationalists dont have tattoos
Skinhead have shaved heads. Are white dudes. And look like they probably do drugs. Sleeves usually
skinheads are commies, they just dont like brown people
I still see it.
Of course not all of them have them, but there is a sizeable portion that does
Depends on where the skinhead is from I suppose. Nice noticed that euro skinheads don't get facial tattoos a lot of the time for example.
It's so nice of them to mark themselves. It's one less communist that needs to be marked when they go to the camps.
*I noticed
getting tattoos of a passing cartoon show
no, that user was the first post and said "all of them", then deleted it and responded with
>that fucking show
Yea pretty much
I like rick and morty, but seriously the fan base needs gassed
>What are the identifying tattoos of Neo-Commies?
Anything faggy.
No, we gotta endorse and support that shit. When an idiot wants to literally brand themselves with an "i'm an idiot" sign, let them! It makes our jobs of who to take seriously a hell of a lot easier.
Tattoos in general are pretty fucking stupid...
If you ignore the gay culture-warping shit, that heart has some nice fading to its edges and the lines are spot on.
>Random butterfly underneath
I'll never get people who get tattoos like this. If you get tattoos, shouldn't you make sure to coordinate them somehow? These people look like these doors with random stickers on them, no thought, just pasted on there randomly.
>I like rick and morty
>the fan base needs gassed
Maybe I'm retarded and I'm missing something but I still see it
Mmm i know irish, spain, mexican, general white supremecy. Few have facials. Usually the mexicans. Shaved heads all the way. Skin is differents, but they all generally act the same. Its kinda wierd now that i think about it.
>everybody that likes rick and morty is exactly the same
We'll gas you too
Just any tattoo in general
Millenials were a mistake
Tattoos can be beautiful. I want a beutiful tattoo to cover a line tat i got at 17
the one above mine that just says "all of them"? cause he deleted that one and then said fpbp and all of them in the post below mine. Strange really.
I have several left wing tattoos.
Doesn't really bother me but meh, could do without the knuckle tats
>getting a tattoo of evil morty before the evil morty arc is even finished
why? does he not see how short sighted that is? I hope evil morty ends up representing everything this person despises
Ah I see what you mean. Based on the time stamp he might have responded too late, so once he saw yours he thought it would be better to delete to concur and give is input in one post.
Wait never mind misread. You're right it really is strange. Some sort of reverse samefagging
tattoos are a bourgeois fad which serves to promote self importance and seeks attention of the individual.
No real communist would ever get a tattoo to make them stand out from their comrades.
Would wear this on my arm in an unironically ironic way.
lol true story
>Its kinda wierd now that i think about it.
Easy way to make some sort of uniform. It's more intimidating to be confronted with a group that kind of looks the same.
And it saves on shampoo.
Why would you like it?
Any tattoo besides military service, and any tattoo on a chick is always the sign of a dipshit whore
Look for the negro mushroom stamp on their butt cheeks, particularly the males.
where does this fall on the spectrum?
You've been conditioned to the point where this gif is something you automatically post as a reply to tattoo comments.
The existence of a leaf is truly a sad one.
nothing is ever real communism with you goys
Nice digits. I'm also one of the good Rick and Morty fans not the annoying type. Pic related. It's me
Fucking lost. Underrated.
You goys don't like communists, because we are evil collectivists who hate individuality, but you also want us to be special snowflakes who desire to show our individuality to extreme degrees.
The double think with you is real. You should understand that those stances are mutually exclusive.
>tfw my D&D group are playing Spelljammer and they named our ship "Pickle"
This fucking fanbase
Thank god you're not an overgrown man child like the rest of the fan base
>wife divorces me
>gets with some degenerate
>also gets like 10 tattoos
nice projection buddy
I don't think you know what that means.
>canadian education
full retard
>that heart has some nice fading to its edges and the lines are spot on.
>He thinks that fading will be there in 2 years, let alone a decade
>He thinks this was a good long-term idea
Enjoy being unemployable.
Holy shit why
no I'm pretty sure you are projecting you're insecurities about your bullshit ideology onto a mongolian basket weaving forum.
That's easy to understand. You don't signal your "individuality" in terms of economic output or leadership, but by pointless displays of degeneracy, body art, cutting off your genitals - because when you cannot be successful at accomplishing great deeds, peacocking is all you have left.
I just hate you niggers because you expect me to work my skill which I learned over the span of years and devoted my life to for free.
I'd rather die. Can't wait nigger.
National socialist is a stepping stone.
In short, the fact that you think self-debasement is an expression of individuality and the pinnacle of Self demonstrates how fucked up you are mentally.
this is an true hero standing up for what he believes
only an true hero can live the life they want for them self.
we will always remember you as an hero
>You goys don't like communists, because we are evil
Post concluded there.
The swastika was a religious symbol before Nazi Germany go hold of it. This guy probably thinks it represents some spiritual bullshit. It's still horrible, though.
>I'd rather die. Can't wait nigger.
Stay awhile, day of the rope soon. They'll get theirs.
I fully support this, it lets me know who to avoid. I wish all leftists would get identifying tattoos.
das rasis
I wonder what he'll feel like in 30, 20 or even 10 years. When Rick and Morty has become passé, barely anyone remembers it and whenever he takes his shirt off he has to explain the premise of this Back to the Future parody from the late 2010s. It'd be like having a Ren & Stimpy tattoo today.
Yeah we need to create an infofraph database of this shit. Might help identifying affiliations in the field, at protests, etc.
is that why i get weird looks when i tell people i don't want to get tattoos?
When you're watching Rick and Morty, just remember that it's not like other shows. It's structure and dialogue are incredibly deep, almost to the point where you have to be paying complete attention to them to even remotely understand it. I remember watching an episode on Adult Swim (though I can't remember what it was), where I thought the show was absolute bollocks. Then, I closed my eyes for a second, and all of a sudden the episode had an entirely new meaning. It was insane the way Rick and Morty could just become something so different when you take a look into the show.
Another thing you should note about Rick and Morty is that it's easy to get a headache watching it. Not because it's a bad show, but because of how many ideas Rick and Morty is riddled with and how complex they are. Soon enough your head will fill to the brim and the the show will just sound like noise to you. Just turn it off and give it a watch the next day.
If you don't like the show itself, you'll definitely at least enjoy reading through the scripts and clips on Youtube, and picking apart the episodes themselves and all of the artistic and academic values that go into making it the complexity that it is.
HAHAHAHAHA nice tattoo, what a fucking drop kick!