>the US military is right w-
The US military is right w-
At least they wern't racist.
KEK. I can't wait to see the photos. Guaranteed degenerates.
US muhrines
Anyone know what happened to this guy? Last I heard his unit and his chain of command were investigating him but I never saw anything after that
That is why faggots shouldn't be in the military
slide thread. remember to sage
>we are modern day Rome
Yup, and just as degenerate
Shill alert.
Die faggot
these are guys who willingly volunteer to die for israel what the fuck do you expect form them
Reminder this ZOGbot is also the same one with the "7 countries in 5 years" plan.
this faggot wanted to go to war with Russia for the sake of the muzzies he was protecting, maybe we deserved 9-11 and it was just karma for us bombing the shit out of the Serbs?
>chair force
That guy looks like he's on meth or some kind of speed too
>there is no place in modern europe for ethnically pure states
so why did this fucker support kosovo independence? if that shit stayed in serbia it'd be the perfect multicultural paradise.
Go Army, Beat Communism
Truth hurts.
>not right wing
Jesus is the one who says all people are equal and you should turn the other cheek to your enemy.
He's a jew.
That's Army you non-nation fuck.
Air Force is the trash branch. It's more para-military at this point.
They need to transition the AF into the Navy and increase the volume of marines and cut the army down.
Space Marines are the future.
All the faggots with Euro flags thing they understand american politics, military, and social affairs. It enrages me too.
This guy was subhuman scum.
Modern military is just welfare for whites and minorities that cannot keep a full time job in the most free market
Most unironic satanists are a lot closer to preaching equality than any Christian religion I can think of.
That's Christian religion, not teachings of Jesus himself.
Graduated basic training in the same class as her. AMA
(You have no idea how funny this is for me, Savage was a fucking weirdo)
Satanism is right wing though. The Trump movement is the most blatantly satanic political movement I've ever seen in my life
I feel like a retard but your posted gif just redpilled me on that idiotic song.
How do you sleep at night being a welfare Queen?
[citation needed]
ya military is basically "socialism for me but not for thee" at it's finest.
the military is full of retarded faggots. it's socialism the lifestyle.
nothing will happen to him. the military loves socialism. Don't get caught saying nigger or faggot though or you will face heavy consequences.
Obama did his damnest to put as many radical leftists into the military with all the new diversity and lgbt shit while dismissing right leaning officers. Its to be expected that some of this shit has infiltrated.
He's out of Rangers (for "standards," ie, pissing them off) and will spend the rest of his enlistment under a microscope awaiting one misplaced bootlace. An user at /k/ uploaded a report about him mouthing off to an officer but it wouldn't enhance fully.
Something like:
>officer: hey, who's making all that noise? What are you guys talking about?
>goofus: [seated, mumbling] this is a private conversation.
>officer: how's about you stand up and call me "sir"?
>officer: what the objective fuck?
Got a friend in Advanced training atm says there are more pagans than lutherans
Old-fashioned Satanism yes, it was explicitly libertarian, race realist, and Darwinian. Lots of talk about unapologetic Nature. However, lefties have been appropriating Satanism to piss off Christians (see "Temple of Satan"). Notice that they were committing vandalism.
Tos is a meme amongst the satanic community. Rarely are they ever taken seriously
>satanists are leftists
Not usually, they are typically some mix between libertarians and conservatives. Those that are sjw are usually mocked; you leave the church or some other slave morality only to embrace another? Laughable and typically productive of riddicule
the US airforce is a spooky cult
Wow officers put up with that shit? I thought you would get kneed in the stomach or something
Note especially how they do NOT write MilitaryWOMEN !!!
There is a wiccam or wiccan or whatever they call themselves area at the USAF academy in Colorado Springs. I couldn't believe it.
>you don't discriminate against Satanists do you goy?
>Screaming a confusingly unrelated declaration as an excuse to be a shithead
That is the #1 training a Leftie undergoes. He was obviously subverted by a mentor.
>the US airforce is a spooky cult
Just like NASA?
Of course its chair force
I have seen many officers this guy would be well advised not to try that with.
>taken seriously
Yeah no kidding, because they are obviously far left activists using Satanic symbols to scare normies, who buy it because they know nothing, which effectively means they are taken seriously by most people.
I honestly don't think dying Rome was this bad.
>men were court marshaled for not putting on heels
how was she weird?
It was Jews back then too which is well documented along with their ways of subversion.
>says the nigger that never served
I was fairly blue pilled till I joined the Army. The Army is the biggest racist gang in the nation
chair force used to be worth a damn but the last 8 years or so it's become an employment service for minority females and has become rather dysfunctional and unproductive
keep sniffing wood glue faggot.
>thinks wood glue can get you high
That shit is like elmers glue you dumb faggot. You are thinking paint or model glue for hobbyists.
Exorcise America
Sadly no, corporal punishment has all but disappeared from the US military. Get enough down on paper though and you will lose your pay and rank
that pic is sexy
The US is the great Satan.
no question and satan just got suicided.
still good people left in this country
I think - it is God punishment for bombing christian nation.
>chair force
>doing something
That pic is a dude? .............. you're fake news!!!!
Not everyone in the retarded religious right
we never should have, and never should again
Were they Jewish?
>Christianity is right wing
No, it was two white girls, a nigger and a spic.
>Those eyes
yep checks out
Everyone knows usa is the cesspit of satanism for a long time. You don't scatter occult symbols across your country for no reason.
How is the us military nor an evil organization again?
Why should I support them?
They cause murder.
why are pairs of dumb white girls always getting led astray by a couple of shitskins? I've seen this sort of thing a hundred times before
pics of feminine penis pls
Wheres all the white men at?
Satan is a Christian belief, thus right wing.
First one is just mad because Danny Zuko is taking Cha Cha to the Rydell Hop.
>"Yeah, well I'll give you 75 cents for the whole car including your chick"
He was given a TS clearance and branched Intelligence. No seriously, that's probably what happened. The Satanist too. lel.
>2 "women" a nigger and a spic
what a shock