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Who /TeamZeke/ now?
Shingeki no Kyojin
First for BRA deserved better.
I hope Reiner kill Armin. First Annie, now Bert. Fuck that little shit.
Who /teamarmin/ here?
Bert went out the same way he lived, like a bitch
arminfags are the cancer that killed everything
nth for Armin a shit and worst shingeki.
Zeke abandoned Bert and Annie and left them to die, and he would do the same to Reiner. Fuck Zeke. I want Annie and Reiner to topple Zeke and the wall military
>no desperation move
>no spinal fluid bullshit
at least he had an honest death
I dont feel sad Erwin died, just a bit of calm washing over me. I thought I would be furious or some shit but I am not. Just a weight being lifted over my shoulders.
Anyone feel this way regarding Erwin or even Bert?
I'm glad Bort is finally dead
Is the chapter already up?
I don't mind the deaths, but I'm mad that Armin is alive
I was hoping Bert would have blown himself up or something killing all 3 or disintegrating his body so they wouldn't have a shifter
I don't even have the energy to shitpost. What a horrible chapter.
>an honest death
what is that?
I hated all 3, maybe Bert was okay enough for me to tolerate. I wanted them all dead and I'm pissed anyway Armin is a shifter now.
How do you Erwinfags and Bertfags feel about your favorites dying for Isayama's Gary Stu?
Can we talk about how Bort died on Reiner's birth month?
no titan power asspulls like crystal prison or spinal fluid horseshit. No human asspulls either like Armin surviving his fat being burned off and falling 50 meters
this. I'm an Arminfag by all means but imo this whole serum drama shouldn't have happened to begin with.
This is how I feel.
I'm happy Bert is gone, but I wish Armin had died too.
Pretty pissed
I dont even think even the most stupid of all stupid asspulls in the history of manga can top this one
So what ships got BTFO forever?
83+84 was a fucking disaster, it's a shame because 79-82 was godly
I hope to see Hange using it on Levi in the next chapter
>more Arminfagging
Isayama pls
>exposing reiner for what he was
>Reiner flat out tells Eren he's a titan
Eren has shit taste.
First Kenny, now Erwin. If Zeke dies I have no reason to live.
Everything except EM. Since BR didn't happen, no gay shit at all will ever happen, since Reiner was the Yayoi day man.
Kek. Are they seriously giving Armin credit for outing Reiner when he literally revealed his identity on his own?
He's the only reason I haven't considered dropping the series
This is disgusting.
Reiner can still remember Bertolt in a gay way before being killed by SL.
Honestly, I was 100% prepared for my shingeki to die.. but that he died like this? Absolutely disgusting.
What in the fuck?
I can't believe LM fucked right in front of Eren
Reiner has already forgotten Bert because of his brain damage.
Mikasa is the sort of asshole that would kill everyone she met in a zombie apocalypse.
anyone got a link to the full translation yet?
I am truly praying for an ending where they all get waxed and it starts over again just so I can get the satisfaction of seeing these faggots die a miserable death.
They did know previously, Armin outed him when Annie changed directions after grabbing and fake crushing him.
Mine finally got reunited
Team Zeke anyone?
I can actually see Reiner committing suicide.
I think he mean when he exposed him in this mission.
Feeling exactly the same desu senpai. Genuinely felt happy or amused at every spoiler week but this is just crap
I like how Mikasa completely overpowered Levi and pinned him to the ground even though he is a skilled fighter.
Me too.
Oh my darling! I hope Mike gives him a reassuring hug in Heaven.
>Reiner escapes death seven (7) times
>Bort loses to a single ragetard and dies as a Shifter McNugget™
doesn't matter, doing that did jack shit because Reiner flat out tells them anyway. Besides, it was just speculation at that point
People? No. Only "people".
So fucking lame.
While screaming for Reiner to help him nonetheless. Fuck you Isayama.
Armin is Isayama's self insert I guess.
Acker-adrenaline is a powerful substance
>Hanji will die like a bitch just so Armin can be commander
My nigga.
Is Mikasa just going to get off free for threatening a superior officer? Are they just goin to keep bringing her on missions and completely deny the fact that she's emotionally unstable and doesn't respect authority?
I'd prefer him going out like that instead of the bullshit Reiner/Armin pull, at least he keeps his dignity as a character
what I don't like is Reiner/Armin having bullshit abilities but not Bert, it's very inconsistent
I hope he snaps and destroys the walls.
He was completely exhausted.
no that would be ymir, still not feeling it....
nigga this is a mango
Well honestly he wasn't expecting to get jumped
Levi is an Ackerman too
>even though he is a skilled fighter.
To be fair he's been killing dozens of titans and had a little chat with Zeke, only to have to go all the way back to the wall while dealing with other titans while Mikasa chilled around in the SNK's version of Hiroshima.
He's a little tired.
Not a Bertfag but seeing him die like was makes me wish that the rest of the scouting legion suffer the same.
This. I hope they fucking execute that stupid bitch when they get back.
We never got to see Bert fling spaghetti everywhere upon seeing her again
My heart is in the realm of the dead.
If that little coconut shite gets my darling's bolo tie I'm going to lose it even more than I am now.
>this delusion
Hange is indestructible
If Hanji dies so he could replace her I will lose my shit.
It's all good Mikasa overpowering manlet gets his little manlet up so he won't report it.
Eren a cute
Oh boy. Can't wait to see Armin become the Coconut commander and defeat Zeke and Reiner by himself.
Don't worry. Hange will get that tie.
I feel like this was just to give Bort some personality and for Armin's bait.
I had so much hope. At least he finally found peace ;_;
Any and all Bert ships are crystallized in their current status quo. You can still ship BA, it just won't ever be canon.
Does this mean we'll be getting a huge time skip?
We have to make the best of a shitty situation
Never mind reporting it,is everyone who witnessed this still going to just forget it ever happened and trust Mikasa again?
What's [s]bort's[/s] favorite chocolate bar?
>idiots thinking Armin will be commander when Levi/Hanji exist
the guys shits his pants at every occasion
Armin could pull that off. Reiner has turn into a pathetic jobber and Armin is probably smarter than Zeke.
Since BA never amounted to anything I'm assuming the crush was only established just to make Armin look smart after all.
So when is Armin going to claim his prize?
At least she will bring honour to the role and the successor Erwin appointed.
Seeing all the amount of bullshit that has happened, nope.
Thats why he is unfit to live