ITT: Anime that handled rape and other dark subject matter in a mature manner
ITT: Anime that handled rape and other dark subject matter in a mature manner
Not Berserk.
Elfen Lied
That anime had the greatest villain in anime history
His wispy mustache always pissed me off for some reason.
Why didn't she just abort her rape baby anyway?
All that shit seemed pretty ridiculous.
What is this show and why should I care about this character
mardock scramble
it will hit you hard
detroit metal city
Any work by Nasu-sama.
>Kare No Kyoukai
That opening scene for the third movie will never not make me uncomfortable
>Pro-rape baby message
Funny guy
It was Japanese propaganda about raising babies. As expected since the decline is real.
I always wanted some kind of epilogue to Now and Then, Here and There. Shu looked thoroughly spiritually defeated when he came home. How did he deal with living his old life again?
Got ridiculously tired of Shu's "always be happy and optimistic" bullshit. Even when the other characters told him off and went through waaay worse than he did, he kept it up.
Nabuca was a great character though. Even in a terrible situation, he tried his best and sometimes had to do terrible things. I would watch an entire series with him as the MC.
Agree. Actually killed any enjoyment of this show because of his shounen hero bs. Guy should have been stone dead long time before he got home again.
Ninja Scroll
How was it mature when it was arousing? Hell, she even got to be a happy mother by the end of it.
valvrave the liberator!!!
Black Lagoon.
This. Rapist got what he deserved as well.
Like the other user said though, at the end he wasn't like that anymore. He matured.
Why are women so paranoid about rape exactly? Most of these shows depict it as nothing overly traumatic or anything.
Anythng can be sexual.
I still pop Irreversible from time to time.
>she was impregnated by a freak
pretty sad
> I took her by my authority, and by violence.
It really isn't.
I've been raped (male here). It only made me weary of women at first contact.
It's just sex. You can get the blues and time to time a sordid thought slips in, but it depends on your view of sex.
It's instinctual. Pregnancy is incredibly risky for homo sapiens, so if you're getting knocked up, you want to choose the best possible mate (either high quality genes and/or protection) to make the risk worthwhile. Rape takes mate selection entirely out of the woman's hands.
It's not as traumatic for a male because pregnancy isn't a risk factor. There's also the fact that men and women have very different mental responses to sex; women have a high chance of orgasm during rape (a fucked up holdover from millions of years of evolution), which can really screw with their heads afterward, leading to a lot of self loathing.
Woman-on-man rape is bad sure, but it's fundamentally different from man-on-woman rape.
I've actually raped a couple of girls in college and I didn't feel traumatized at all afterward so honestly I don't know what the big deal is
Rin x Sen + Ran -> Sem
This guy
remember kids: abortions are wrong
Fuck you.
Watched it like an hour ago
It didn't hit me hard
>10 minutes of delicious, no story bullshit rape
If you actually fapped to this rape you're sick and deserve to be thrown in jail.
>you fapped to cartoon sex so you should go to jail
You're the kind who excludes as many tags as possible from your searches to keep your hentai tame, aren't you?
>user having sex
I call bullshit.
an immature treatment of rape would suggest that there's no way a women might feel sexual pleasure while at the same time not wanting that particular sex act
(e.g like all hentai, which transitions from "it hurts" to "muh cocks" in like 5 seconds)
Prove it
Infinite Ryvius
Speed Grapher
Kino no Tabi
Monogatari series?
Blue submarine no. 6
Paranoia agent
Pumpkin Scissors
For rape.
>(e.g like all hentai, which transitions from "it hurts" to "muh cocks" in like 5 seconds)
I think this is because most otakus/neckbeards want to fap to rape doujins without feeling guilty.
>oh w-well it's okay because she enjoyed it in the end
If you're going to fap to fucked up shit, be honest with yourself.
They could possibly have taken that route in a mature way but it definitely didn't. They really bumbled it IMO.
For posterity
Kill yourself.
>women have a high chance of orgasm during rape
Wow, I never thought those doujin were real
Foxy nudes
include me in the screencap etc
sup Sup Forums
upvoted xD
Nah, it's a corruption/control thing. I fap to both mindbreak and non-mindbreak rape without any guilt, but they have different appeal.
Just don't do anything illegal in real life.
Mark my words: this 2c bait is going to be shown on some TV channel as a proof of le extreme Sup Forums community.
>Most of these shows depict it as nothing overly traumatic or anything.
Because showing the aftermath always makes people uncomfortable. Rape is mostly used as a throwaway plot device to add some cheap drama.
You actually have to hand it to Now and Then, Here and There for showing how badly it fucked that girl up in the long run. Not many shows do that.
It's not rape if she enjoyed it.
Turk confirmed
Rape fantasies are all about power and degradation. They play off the idea that women pretend they don't like/want sex but after being forced into submission they're forced to acknowledge their carnal desires and go the other extreme as a result.
It's not about violence or invasion as real rape tends to be about.
Real rape is bad. Rape fantasies can be super hot if handled well.
>Wow, I never thought those doujin were real
They're not. Even if you orgasm, it doesn't mean you magically start enjoying being raped. It's involuntary.
In case you're getting any ideas, raping someone won't make them fall in love with your cock afterward.
corey in the house
Wouldn't the fact that the male needs to be in a state of arousal equally fuck with them in a female on male rape scenario? I
Wew lad. It's almost as if hentai isn't a realistic depiction of sex.
just out of morbid curiosity, how do you define 'rape'?
to be honest, if you're telling the truth I don't know if I you being a fedora would be a good thing or a bad thing
No, because the sexes are fundamentally unequal, especially when it comes to their sexuality.
>Kino no Tabi
>Infinite Ryvius
perhaps it's been too long since I watched, but I don't remember any rape there. I think you might be rusing.
It was the cut episode where Char plundered Amuro's boipussi.
>SHOWS don't depict it as bad so it can't be bad r-right?
Every time Sup Forums discusses rape it's a bunch of oblivious idiots that think women are just like them and is "not traumatizing"
Once someone close to you is affected you know the real effects
Are you serious? Holy hell, Gundam had rape all over in the books and one of the OVAs had a charterer raped to death by the feddies. Ryvius had rape all over the fucking place because it was essentially lord of the flies in space. Kino had some rape in the hare episode and the novels.
Maybe she was crying about how good the dick was?
Ok, so to rephrase it since we'really being pedantic here. Wouldn't the fact that a male being made to pentrate requires his arousal (barring drugs) be comparable the experience of a woman being aroused during a rape situation? Both would be seen as a perversion of natural reactions.
is it still mature if I find it hot?
Still no.
It's bad, but it's still not comparable to being raped as a woman.
Why is there literally no limit here
mezzo forte
Mine Fujiko and the recent Lupin series
She is not the one who was raped, that's her face when she discoverd her friend was gangraped.
>one hour of blackjack
Hokuto no Ken.
Ninja Scroll
i wish there were more anime like that. perfect dark atmosphere, intimidating rapist and actual fear being expressed.
when i was a kid i was watching that movie in the living room and my mum's fat bitch friend got triggered from merely hearing the dub's dialogue. ("i wouldn't mind raping a dead girl")
>one of her rapist sacrifice himself at the end to save the life of a child she was protecting
I loved how the show portrayed that even a rapist doesn't lose all his humanity.
Perhaps she and that guy genuinely fell for each other and had consensual sex? He was young and kinda cute, after all, and shown as a kind, caring fellow right from the start.
It was for a few days I think too.
Mirai Nikki.
The only one who got raped was sensei. No way he knocked up every girl in that class willingly.
I think he felt for her but Sara didn't show any positive feeling for any soldier until that guy sacrificed.