Hmmm, who should I listen to, a bunch of autistic racist virgins or the most intelligent man who ever lived? I wonder...
Einstein on nationalism
einstein is a good example of why jews need to be separated from the rest of us. iirc Einstein was a fervent Zionist, so of course nationalism is okay for the Jews. Typical Jewish attitude really. Great physicist though, fortunately today we have things like arxiv that allow scientists to collaborate worldwide.
>Great physicist though
Always convenient when the ethnostate tribe parrot this bullshit to the masses. Then, to see a britflag, a people who are having their entire culture destroyed, unironically but into it... It makes me kek desu.
The Jew was BTFO of Germany and was then buttblasted about nationalism ever since
Jews are a human disease.
They are the AIDS of mankind.
>Goy nationalism is disease
>But Jews totally should have their own state
Summed Einstein and Jews in general
>He supported the creation of a Jewish national homeland in the British mandate of Palestine but was to the idea of a Jewish state "with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power."[6]:33 According to Marc Elis, Einstein declared himself a human being, a Jew, an opponent of nationalism and as a Zionist.; he supported the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine but until summer 1947 conceived of this as a bi-national state with "continuously functioning, mixed, administrative, economic, and social organizations."
>Greatest physicist who ever lived
>vs little Johnny the basement dwelling online troll from Utah
You're the AIDS.
>an opponent of nationalism and as a Zionist
Einstein was such a Zionist they offered him the role of first prime minister of Israel. He turned it down but remained an ardent Zionist.
ie. Nationalism for me, but not for thee, goyim!
Einstein was a Zionist though. He was only opposing goy nationalism.
lol go the fuck home. Di peitro lives on kike
>the most intelligent man who ever lived
Einstein was literally a zionist
Did your local police department approve this post? Wouldn't want your internet license revoked! How else would you distract yourself from the tidal wave of migrants rapidly turning your once great country into a mass grave in the name of multiculturalism! At least it's better than having a homogeneous culture that was successful and once ruled over vast amounts of the globe!
>Einstein was such a Zionist they offered him the role of first prime minister of Israel
They also offered him the role of second President of Israel
Kikes gas thee
He lived in a time when nations were mostly homogenous and saw them at each others throats.
That's why taking quotes out of context and out of their periods is not generally very telling or smart.
Hey brit, enough of your semitism. The guy brought relativism and irrationality to science.
Um, measles is the measles of mankind I would argue. I'm no genius or anything, but I'm fairly certain humans can get measles.
>most intelligent man who ever lived?
Einstein was wrong about many things.
FUCK. You are retarded.
Suck the dicks of your globalist masters elsewhere.
>falling for the relativity-kike
he plagiarised pretty much everything he is known for from aryan scientists
Can you respond to any of the posts mentioning how Einstein was literally a Nationalist?
Dunno, do you think Japan is a great country or Brasil?
Or your own country for that matter, Ahmed.
Merchant detected. His work is utter bullshit, so is Newton's - both mas0ns and both bill nye tier.
Earth is flat, nukes are fake, dome above us. Check von Braun's tomb quote from Psalms, (((science))) is a reality TV show
SJWs are so much like Biblefags, it's kind of hilarious.
>"LOL What's wrong with following to the letter shit that was written over 2000 years ago? XD"
Wrong. Willelm Leibnitz
>All my life I have dealt with objective matters, hence I lack both the natural aptitude and the experience to deal properly with people and to exercise official functions
He died before DNA was discovered, didn't he?
Einstein literally stole the plans for the nuke from Germany to gain asylum in America and change peoples perception of Jews in general. They don't even make the top of their class. Universally hated until a little lie called the holocaust happened.
The man who made those chocolate biscuits?
>"Nationalism is a disease goy!"
>Einstein supported the creation of a Jewish national homeland in the British mandate of Palestine
>question authority
>lol no just accept what they say at face value
You are a colossal faggot.
>Having a sense of unity in a society is somehow wrong
>Implying social groups are detrimental to civilization
>Implying unity isn't naturally originated from a nuclear family
>Implying this unity isn't extrapolated to your neighborhood, town, city, region, country and even continent
Einstein can suck a dick. Another liar kike stealing success from truly based scientists.
Are you kidding? The man who invented infinitesimal calculus
we know your a retard because you used the word racist unironically
einstein the cousin fingering jew nationalist who stole his signature theory from an italian? Yeah fuck that guy.
I think the biscuits were the better of his inventions and certainly what he's remembered most for
not even close.
Yeah - if everyone had his IQ and was sequestered away from the general public for their professional life they might agree.
Back in the real world though..
Einstein was a physicist, not a philosopher or politician, how would he know any better? He also lived in a world traveling large distances still took a long time and was very costly, not to mention how the internet has revolutionized the way information is shared and spread.
Asking Einstein on the merits of political ideas is like asking Darwin how to build an atomic bomb.
Einstein never took an IQ test you fucking retard.
There is just one flaw. When Einstein was asked the simple question "what is it like to be the smartest man in the world?", he answered "I wouldn't know you would have to ask Nicola Tesla". Tesla on the other hand dispise communism and all the people who stood in his way (((all the juice))). OP is a faggot.
You know i'm right tho
They were btfo of many countries before, too.
Einstein also believed in ancient aliens, hollow earth, and that socialism can work.
They had been banned from Germany till like 1850 where the congress let them back in and it took less than 100 years to destroy Germany.
We have laws against giant petrol companies such as BP, Shell, Mobil, etc, merging into one company. Why is this? Technically, they'd be more efficient, they could share their data, pool their resources, and pass the savings onto us, the consumers, right?
Wrong. We have laws against them merging because we know as soon as they have unchallenged authority on the market, they will jack up the prices of petrol beyond belief and gauge billions out of us.
Now, tell me again why you think it's a good idea for all governments to merge together?
>most intelligent man who ever lived
Newton was more intelligent than him for his time and actively agreed with the pseudoscience of alchemy while the field of chemistry was being established by Boyle.
Intelligent people aren't infallible. This is a simple argument from authority.
Nice post fellow ((((white man))). Of course we can trust ((((Einstein))))). He had good intentions for all us goyim
Nice argument Einstein.
That sure isn't peppered with ad hominem buzzwords.
>the most intelligent man who ever lived?
Newton called.
Also, Tesla trumps Einstein. Einstein was all psuedo science theivery. Honestly do people even truth anymore?
Next they will try to say fraud was actually a psychologist.
Tesla was the perfect balance between theory and pratice
Inter-nationalism is the best.
sage for mental gymnastics
also you should invite more arabs into the uk
wait what even is the uk
borders aren't real
>Great plagiarist though
great argument
Einstein was a big supporter of Israel, but against Nationalism
Fucking kike hypocrite
einstein = jew
so any opinion of his is invalid
>Einstein declared himself
>an opponent of nationalism and a Zionist
illogical and contradictory
>a human being and a Jew
illogical and contradictory
>most intelligent man who ever lived
This fucking retard
Fucking meme scientist, and barely that. I rather look toward Bohr or Oppenheimer for either scientific or political knowledge. (((Albert's))) theories were not needed for the atomic bomb and they are not needed know.
He was a Jew and wasn't as smart as everyone parrots him as, all of his 'contributions' we HIGHLY theoretical
Do u have any proof that nukes are real?
From what I've seen they always stack an equivalent amount of tnt to the kiloton/megaton output of the nuke. So each test should have two mushroom clouds, one of the nuke and one for the conventional tnt pile.
Yet I've only ever seen antiquated footage of grainy mushroom clouds, also how about that guy who eats radioactive isotopes with no negative health effects..
Makes me wonder if it's all a larp to instill fear into the goyim and make us tolerate huge gubberment cos we need them for safety.
>Sauce jt
>Said by Jew
every time...
Most of the Bible isn't really about 'following' anything per se. It's really supposed to bring you closer to God and spur you to action, not make you think and judge everything and everyone. It's about personal reflection, change, and improvement. The Bible actually doesn't contain as much direct instructions as the average normie thinks, but then again I know you've never read it.
who should I listen to, a plagiarizing old scoundrel who was the Neil Degrasse Tyson meme scientist of his day, or the man who raised his nation like a Phoenix out of the infernal Weimar Republic and battled the serpent encircling the world in its scaly coils?
Nukes are real but the fear over the radioactivity is overblown. Is it dangerous, a bit, but things like alpha particles are stopped by a sheet of paper. They have blown the fear up to 11 to control all the radioactive material as it is worth more then gold or silver when you consider how much energy can be produced from it.
Says the Jew with no country.
This is another great lecture you should give a listen to. It basically destroys the idea of M.A.D. as a deterrent and shows the whole nuclear program to be a myth. The bombs will not stop conflict because they operate on the faulty premise that the destruction of civilian centers end wars, something that has never been the case.
he plagiarized a shit ton of material for his theory of relativity though
aside from the obvious retardation of this zionist kike being against nationalism,
>most intelligent man who ever lived
just. fucking. lol.
you have to be:
a brainwashed kike lover
a kike
either way, you're retarded
>Honestly do people even truth anymore?
I bet you believe free energy could exist too
>earth is flat
>Earth is flat
Stopped reading there.
First off did Einstein actually say that?
Second, Einstein was not all he was cracked up to be, in fact many people studying physics can see holes in his theories that were cringe worthy.
He was a plagiarist and a liar, and wrong about everything.
He lived life in a bubble. No one would pay him to teach and he would have never accumulated wealth thinking up abstract problems and abstract solutions without practical benefits to civilization.
You need nationalism for nations to exist and this economies and all that shit that comes with it.
If someone like Einstein in modern days saw nationalism evaporate and civilization crumble, he'd be nigger food. The niggers would kill him and eat him. The world would be dominated by savages who wouldn't give a shit about a unified theory or fantasies like that.
Einstein was full of shit. He would have hung himself if he were forced to live like a fucking savage.
I want to believe you but I need some sources
Doesnt change your kikery
>jew who stole credit from German scientists is anti nationalist
Said the zionist jew who sought to bring about the Jewish Nation. Fucking disgusting trash kike.
If Einstein would have been thrown into the middle of an anarchist nigger savageland in the middle of the congo rainforest... no one would appreciate his intellect but he would be surrounded by people no infected without the "virus" of nationalism.
He'd be surrounded by savages with spears who wouldn't have a need for theoretical physics, numbers, fancy words, etc.
He wouldn't have time to think of abstract shit if he had to spend 99% of his daylight time trying to survive.
Why are hypercivilized people who are completely dependent on civilization and useless without it try to corrupt it and break it down? Civilizations need nationalism to survive.
I never got this meme. Look at him. He doesn't look even remotely intelligent. Cunning, sure, but not intelligent.
I refuse to accept anything pertaining to Einstein as his own or even remotely impressive.
Einstein looks like the kind of guy who played tuba in the school band and then tried to fuck a friend's dog while drunk at a party.
You should try to listen to the sound of the 12 gauge shell blasting through the back of your skull when you end your own life
>a bunch of autistic racist virgins
OP is a confirmed newfag who needs to lurk moar