Why is Evangelion considered "deep?" So far it's good, but it's completely entrenched in obnoxious anime cliches. Is it just the finale/movie where the depth" comes in?
Also Misato is obviously best girl.
Why is Evangelion considered "deep?" So far it's good, but it's completely entrenched in obnoxious anime cliches. Is it just the finale/movie where the depth" comes in?
Also Misato is obviously best girl.
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I get that you're obviously a newfag and all, but seriously, If you don't like anime cliches then why the fuck are you watching anime and posting on the anime board?
dumb misatoposter
Miyazaki, Takahata, and Satoshi Kon all made movies that are deeper than anything I've seen in this show.
I like Evangelion so far, but it seems to embrace rather than "deconstruct" the tropes.
Misato's deep enough.
I'm gonna talk out of my ass for a second because I've only seen the first few episodes but from what I understand there's a lot of metaphor in the ending. Like, God fucking the world is a metaphor for something, or something is a metaphor for God fucking the world, or whatever. It's just supposed to be a really good anime that handled its storytelling masterfully.
Also, I think Evangelion set the precedence for a lot of those cliches. They're only cliches because people mimicked Eva.
Please, lurk more.
I'd go deep into Misato.
>I like Evangelion so far
how far into it are you? I can understand how cliche it might seem if you haven't made it to at least episode 16 or so
I'm at episode 15 which I just watched.
It's totally straight-forward until you're finished and complaining about the plot and character arcs you followed easily, then it turns out everyone else interpreted each detail completely differently.
you're not yet at the point where the show can no longer be summarized as "cliche". just keep watching mate
Most of those obnoxious cliches started with the show.
Explain further
The fact is still that a significant amount of the show actually thrives in it's willingness to rely on cliche and blunt characterization. Very few of the characters are actually much deeper than what you'd see in a 'typical' anime, and this remains true to the end especially when characters like Gendo are essentially revealed to have far more shallow motivations than you'd expect.
>Why is Evangelion considered "deep"
Because of the pretentious visuals that don't mean anything (creator admitted it)
Why do you think people never praise the actual core plot? Because when you strip away all the gimmicks it's just a generic anime teen drama.
>obnoxious anime cliches
The main characters actually subvert the common mech archetypes. Although the characters still act like cliche characters for the majority of the anime, kinda defeating the purpose. And they stay redundant and repetitive till the very end, very boring characters. Even if they're trying to subvert, it wasn't done in a very interesting or entertaining way.
>"depth" comes in
Evangelion is NOT a bad show. It's just overrated as fuck by pseudo-intellectuals. Evangelion is great when it comes to visuals and music. Everything else though, just mediocre at best.
Sup Forums always gangs up on anyone who dislike Eva but don't listen to these nostalgia faggots. This anime is not deep or amazing.
>And they stay redundant and repetitive till the very end, very boring characters.
>Evangelion is NOT a bad show. It's just overrated as fuck by pseudo-intellectuals. Evangelion is great when it comes to visuals and music. Everything else though, just mediocre at best.
Agreed in both respects. Eva's writing is overemphasized and overrated and mostly isn't what matter. This is something I've been saying for a while now.
It's nothing more than a journey of a faggot, insecure bitch, and autistic. There is no "deep". "Deep" is what people don't understand about the show, and that's a lot, because most of it is unexplained and a bunch of shit plastered on there last minute.
Mindless Christian imagery. That's literally it. And these fucking morons gobble it up.
Run while you still can, newfag.
Good taste in waifus though. Have you got to the part with Asuka yet?
How far in are you? The series changes tone about halfway through.
I'll bite.
At the time of broadcast, the character traits of the cast had not been explored to the levels Eva does. Just one example is Asuka as the ace pilot. Every show in the genre has this fag but it's rarely ever shown what comes with that skill. Which is, it turns out, a whole bunch of emotional baggage.
I know Evangelion isn't that old and isn't the inventor of all the anime cliches of today, but to complain that a show from the past is riddled of cliches of modern day is fucking retarded.
It's like watching The Matrix and then complaining that it's using the bullet time cliche where they bend backwards and dodge a shit ton of bullets
It gets really fucked later on and if you understand everything it's even more fucked and you may find that if you really do understand everything you'll start asking yourself some really hard questions about everything.
It's worth the watch though.
I wonder what EVA would've been like if Anno didn't get that book on mental illnesses from his friend, probably would've been generic monster of the week right until the end.
>Kaworu = Pen-Pen
Every time
There really isn't much to explore with Asuka though.Her baggage honestly doesn't make her all that interesting and most of the time her character doesn't offer much to think about.
You can be unimpressed but I'm letting you know it's there.
>but it's completely entrenched in obnoxious anime cliches
You didn't understand the show. The main point is that the characters seem cliche at first but deep in their mind they're not cliche at all
So it's the anime equivalent of "I was just pretending to be retarded!"
Stuff is there, but throwing in the backstory about her mother isn't this super unprecedented thing, nor does it save her from behaving very repetitive and without much deeper reflection for the vast majority of her running time. You you say she's a deeper or more well written teenage girl than, say, even Nadia?
You're obviously baiting but I will respond anyway.
It's a show where the main thematic is the difference between how you see people and how they really feel deep in their mind.
You're just being retarded.
Misato is 2nd best girl
>Write generic show
>Friend realises what i'm doing and sends me a book about psychology
>Use it to cover up my mistakes
>Children who saw it on Toonami spend the rest of their lives writing wiki articles about how deep it is
>All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.
Ok nice bait, I'm proud of you, are you happy now?
I haven't found myself experiencing anything different rewatching any of their works. All the themes, message and narrative are presented in a rather blatant fashion. With Eva you've actually got layers. The first minutes of the show gain different meaning once you've rewatched the whole thing.
You found Rei's introspective sequence in episode 14 cliche as well?
>[the show's] willingness to rely on cliche and blunt characterization
This is true but firstly, it isn't enough to generalize the series as cliche in its entirety; second, this aspect of the show is part of what makes its subversions and characters that *are* interesting stand out
Their motivations might be shallow, but I think the reason behind those kinds of motivations being presented are not. It just shows that even in the face of world-changing events people still can't overcome their basic insecurities.
Protip, Evangelion is the source of the modern anime tropes.
They are only tropes because Evangelion spawned them to begin with and everyone afterwards tried to copy them.
Is Kabaneri the modern day Evangelion in that sense?
They are so fucked up
I don't know what that is, I don't watch most modern anime in general.
How come?
>people with taste different from my one shouldnt be allowed to post on the anime board
Why the fuck would I need to explain myself to a random user?
>So far it's good, but it's completely entrenched in obnoxious anime cliches.
I'm not an anime connoisseur, but couldn't one argue that those cliches came from that show?
Answer me bitch.
Suck my dick, choke on it.
>Also Misato is obviously best girl.
Yeah I have to agree but in a twisted way I enjoy a little drama and I'd rather the feisty red head.
Bitch you better not post that again.
Suck my dick, choke on it.
I got a tablet and I'm trying to figure it out. Can someone suggest to me something cute and Eva-ish to try and draw??
>he hasn't watched Winter AOTS
Ramiel screaming geometrically
i like NGE but i don't understand how casually people handle things
>Shinji is dissolved in eva 1 and then reconstructed
>no one cares
>Misato shoots Kaji
>no one cares
>Asuka gets mind raped and turns into a suicidal angst monster
>no one cares
>even when misato found out about adam she barely made a big deal of it.
its just off putting.
I'm on it
They all have more pressing matters to attend to.
thats a stupid as fuck reason if that's actually the reason.
The fucking world is ending. There are giant monsters attacking every other week and ever resource needs to ggo toward repelling them. There's no time to worry about some personal issues.
Also Misato didn't shoot Kaji.
What does a geometric scream sound like?
If you've ever been in situations like that then you'd understand. I've seen friends ripped in half from a motorcycle accident and a few weeks later at the track people fall off and break a few bones no one cares and they laugh it off because there is much worse that can happen and far worse things out there. You get used to things.
A bit like Ramiel.
Good enough?
Bretty good
Thanks user
This + this at 2:28 = chuckles
It MADE a lot of those obnoxious anime cliches, you dumb faggot.
>Tfw you knew ever since the beginning that Shinji was destined to fail anyways and not win against Instrumentality
Evangelion started them. I hope this is bait.
Well of course, it was written in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
>discussing a show before you finish it
Seinfeld Isn't Funny
Kind of like a frog.
>that intire image
everything below evageeks is totally bonkers.
1) Asuka best girl.
2) Evangelion became anime cliche. It is the father.
3) Religion and Psychology. Digging into humanity at its deepest roots is what Eva does. "Deep" is what is Eva does.
4) It's only love.
>shinji in naked apron
is this how asuka gets off? because however she does, it's probably fucked up.
>best girl
I agree
You are an acceptable and upright person.
My mind just came undone.
>Asuka best
My kin.. Summer dress is best and pure.
A new Mari for the collection, Cheers.
So these guys are girlfriends, right? All I'm saying is that 14 years can make a girl lonely.
babby's first "mature" cartoon
In my honest opinion, I think Asuka loves Shinji, but has fucked Mari.
More than likely.
Head canon established*
She knew the kid for two weeks.
Ever met one of those people that convinces themselves the love someone, but there's no real reason for them too? I think this is one of those cases.
Evangelion is my favorite anime, but there isn't anything particularly deep about it. The most interesting thing Eva does lies within its visuals.
>Misato killing Kaji in the facility
>something they've never seen happen before
>personal issues
i am concerned that anime is rotting your brain anons.
i have no words
Well, Shinji and Asuka ARE destined but I've recently learned how common it is for Japanese girls to have girlfriends.
Mari totally knows it too. I just want to know how she can drink so much juice.
Get hype for Kaji / Mari confrontation in the timeskip filler