Left or right?

Left or right?

Isn't one of them rich and one of them poor?

If so, the rich one.



I choose best girl instead.

Stop posting kyosykue

I'm not that faggot. I would never go for the blonde bitch having this angel.

Best nerd, best body, best girl!

Left looks saner

Depends. Is right a ninja and a trap?
A trap-ninja perhaps?

Left is literal perfection

Chuuniloserfag detected.

You like violent dykes?


>A violent bitch with fake color hair talking shit about anyone else

>You like violent dykes?
Apparently you do too



Honestly though, kirino reads loli doujins and plays loli eroge, ayase molested kanako, ayase and ruri do weird s&m foot stuff and ruri draws ecchi girl doujins. The only straight one is saori.

If this series was yuri instead of incest everyone would be happy

Yuri is shit, and they're not dykes, bi at most.

Left please.

It's so hard for me to decide between Kuroneko and Ayase.

>which is the best maid

>none of them are Rem

Kuroneko is a hell of a dyke.

I'm going to marry kuroneko!
