Just got my test back... 5% subsaharan Africa DNA. Looks like I'm finally free knowing I have nothing to lose in this fight. Bye Sup Forums.
Just got my test back... 5% subsaharan Africa DNA...
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You're still basically White. But whatever
u wuz kangz tho
>Bye Sup Forums.
See you later, nigger.
by American standards, he's right
falling for the DNA test Jew, huh? lol
way to go, you're helping them collect genes that will allow them to create a virus that kills only white europeans you fuck
>Already on the train.
Good nigger, close the oven door as well will you?
That's not the end of the world.
I'd even think that's to be expected of someone from the US.
Be a good soldier, fight the good fight.
Procreate charily.
He's possibly 97-99.9% white. 23 and me has been shown to fake white people's results.
See ya bitch
Haha, You guys are so fucking afraid of DNA Test. Even if they aren't perfect, they actually still give you a legit estimation of your ancestral makeup.
I acutally took a dna test and found out i was 14% southern european and 6% Northwestern european which is completely in line with what I know about my ancestry.
Btw, There are tons of whites who've gotten 100% White European on these DNA so that blows the whole manipulated results thing out of the water. If you score 5% subsaharan then chances are that you at least have 0.5% subsaharan DNA.
Fact is, Most whites just aren't as pure as they think they are and the jews have done job of ensuring that.
You guys know the truth deep down that at least 10% of white supremacist are crypto-niggers,arabs, jews, etc.
Literally found out I was 25% native American today OP.
You had a good run. Well, maybe not. Who cares? F.
Looks like your great-great-grant grandad fucked one of his slaves. Better luck in the next life I guess.
>the average American "white" nationalist
>paying for the privilege of a private company selling your genome to research corporations and the government
>willingly giving up biometric data who will inevitably use it against you
>b-b-but I have to find out my percentage of white genes!
Why would anyone do this?
Well someones got to put my genes to use because I'm not ejaculating into a fat black woman anytime soon nor will i defile a pure european woman's womb with my seed.
Also, You learn about who you are and were your ANCESTORS are from and what kind of people they might've been.
Unlike you I'm priviledged to have a diverse lineage that spans to the northern mountains of scandavia, to the beaches of spain, to the elaborate jungles of wondrous africa, and through dense humid terrain asian and finally the vast woodlands of north america.
I may be a nigger, but I'm a nigger with history! What about you white boy? Your line 1-
generations back is probably but nothing but serfs
Finish that gruel cracka!!
Well when you put it like that, all the downsides disappear! You'll have my genome in your lab by tomorrow, Dr. Shekelstein!
>this is supposed to be a bad thing
Yeah, bye fag.
Bye, nigger.
cya later you filthy nigger
>ITT: I dont understand how the geneology works
The listed percentages arent your actual chromosomes. Its a representation of your phenotypes and how similar they are to phenotypes typical to the listed populations
You arent actually 5% black, your phenotypes are similar to 5% of phenotypes belonging to Sub-Saharan Africans
Besides, race is 99% based on congenial perception, with exception to mystery meat mulattos
Dumbass, everyone has niggergenes in those bullshit kosher DNA tests.
Save your shekels.
that thing looks like a goblin retard
I mean she's cute and her tits are glorious but she's still mystery meat.
That's bullshit,
If he's pure white then how the fuck can his phenotype makeup resemble up to 5% black to begin with? Wtf qualifies as a 100% African phenotype or European phenotype?
you may be eligible for reparations, user. contact a chief of whatever tribe you're a part of
Build an ancap society with me, user. We'll create the best society ever and as long as you're productive to the free market, you'll always be loved.
funny how poor peasant immigrants 250 years ago are more white than rich slave owners...
ancestral karma
I am 100% white
Feels good man
Kill yourself shitskin
What did you expect?
Americans are mongrels
Unfortunately for you, the niggers won't accept you when they destroy America
This except don't procreate
Here's your (You). How's it like not fitting in with any ethnic group and being the colour of your own shit?
>I'd even think that's to be expected of someone from the US.
It literally isn't though, for non-hispanic whites, despite the maymays
We dont take kindly to your kind round here monkey boy
I'm starting to see a pattern here
fuck off nigger
Mate, I dont think you realize that self-identified categories for race have a best-fit correlation of .99 with their genetic clusters. You can easily label certain phenotypes as Sub-Saharran, East Asian, or Scandinavian
Considering how genetics is essentially a massive loaded coinflip, only there's a thousands of coinflips for each trait, its bound to happen where some long-distant phenotype from your genepool becomes present. Each trait must be flipped for multiple times, using loaded coinflips based on his genetic pool.
In this case, 5% of the time for traits in the wide variety of his general phenotype, those traits are similar enough to be categorized as belonging to Sub-Saharan Africans