Why does your state have the tendency to vote for republican governors but never republican presidents?
theyre RINOs anyway so who cares
If they're RINOs it still doesn't explain why they're even bothering to be RINOs in the first place.
Because Massachusetts doesn't mind "moderate" Republican policy on a state level, but think that federal-level Republicans go way too far (and impact other things they care about that don't apply on the state level).
Massachusetts RINOs are Dems who aren't tight with the party leadership in the state, so they affiliate as Republican. This lets them run as a recognized party. Like Dem-Lite.
The state is mostly highly educated whites or Asian/Indian immigrant. Not super liberal to begin with. Our state level Republicans are true moderate/conservative and generally don't have their head up their ass.
Federal govt. candidates are off their rocker morons appealing to the lowest tier minds, so we pick lesser of two evils.
Nobody has gotten it right so far. It's because Massachusetts is completely corrupted by out of control bureaucratic waste of public dollars.
So far they simply rely on higher cost of living to run unchecked because it means they get more money in tax revenue, the problem is this strategy is burning the candle on both ends without addressing the real problem of entrenched public glut.
The stupid brainwashed voter base feebly tries to fix this problem by voting R because they basically think electing somebody with R next to their name magically makes finances better, except they cry and scream and refuse to adopt any fiscal measures that would substantively change the situation, such as BTFOing unions or allowing charter schools.
It's basically a giant gibs state and it's irreversible considering it's been going on for decades.
Because the dems have a supermajority in the state legislature, which is more powerful than the governor. A republican gov is seen as the adult in charge of the day care. Also, MA isn't as friut-loop as people think. Potatonig social conservative dems are not the same as cambridge SJW's. Basically, the left has won all of the social issues but we still like reasonable taxes, and we like shiftless minorities in their DESIGNATED zip codes, which they don't leave. Genius, really. And you all think we're super lefties LMAO. Only as window dressing.
Not really true. Sure, the state budget is FULL of useless people who have no productivity. Much like IL. The difference is our private sector is WORLD BEATING and rolling in cash, so the McJerbs (public sector Irish) are just the cost of doing business.
new england as a whole stands by the boomer mindset of "i've got mine now go fuck yourself"
they don't care about federal policy because the state has to accept things like welfare and refugees. they love letting refugees ruin other states but will vote out the democrats in new england as soon as they pull that shit there
Republican state values vs. Republican foreign policy.
Wrong, the people for which it is "window dressing" are actually just degenerate alcoholics and heroin users who are nothing but public unions thugs extorting as much wealth from others as they possibly can. Those are the blue collar people, the others are simply middle class paper pushers or arrogant teachers/public admins whoa re addicted to a cushy lifestyle funded by gibs.
The fundamental problem is you can't have an efficient, informed, properly functioning state when so many people are fighting as hard as they can to keep the government way larger than it should be.
MA would be a total shithole on par with Detroit or IL if not for the fact that industry continues to grow there, but it isn't sustainable at all.
>Federal govt. candidates are off their rocker morons appealing to the lowest tier minds, so we pick lesser of two evils.
Both Repubs and Dem federal candidates are equally off their rocker. If the state is mildly conservative it's a farther swing to vote for a dem president than republican.
south shore fag here. we don't vote republican governors, we vote MASSACHUSETTS republican governors. baker is a joke, romney was soft, and we also had that piece of shit deval patrick. we are extremely sheltered and think we're better than the rest of the nation except for california and vermont. fuck this state
Uh, we don't really disagree. Ma would be a shithole if the world-class sectors left. But they are here. And the "commonwealth" means spreading the wealth - at least to the cousins of the state reps and their cousins, etc. Complaining about the 20th century public jerbs takeover by ethnic whites isn't going to change anything. Overall, our tax rates are about average among states. If you want an efficient, informed state.... LMAO that ship left in the 1840's.
can someone nuke worcester
because the Republicans in most other states are dumb. why do you think Trump was so popular here compared to the other Republicans? do you honestly think you're going to get people from Massachusetts out to vote for Bible thumping?
private sector is a joke, it's primarily federal government driven DoD shit
this state is so fucking terrible and the only reason it manages to appear like it isn't is a lack of niggers
allowing the Irish to come to the US was a mistake desu, Irish nepotism is an underrated problem in this state
We have a very high population of retired state and federal employees. He/She/Xe* who protecteth thine pension shall receiveth thine votes.
*for Cambridge
Nah. I agree DoD is a big slice, but MIT/Harvard, BIOTECH, Finance, Chinese (money) laundering into real estate. If DoD died to morrow it would be a recession, but we wouldn't disappear by any means. Biotech has decades of bullishness left in the tank, and edu is a fucking train.
How the fuck does a Aussie know this?
But yea, he's right. The left-right spectrum can be much different on a state level than it is on a federal level.
It was a mistake in scale. You can't have a democracy where one group of people just outbreeds the competition lmao.
But again, the irish public wagon is pulled by the private sector, unlike IL.
The point I'm getting at is the strategy has a limited shelf life and we are nearing the end of it.
Inside 495 is going to turn into Toronto where it's so expensive to live that the only people who can afford it are super wealthy or public leeches? There is already massive influx of foreign money buying units. Others won't even be able to move further and commute into the city thanks to the totally dysfunctional DOT and MBTA that has fleeced MA for decades with a dilapidated system to show for it.
MA will have to pay the piper soon and I hope so deeply that the degenerates who retire at 45 with a pension and laugh with their buddies on a boat about how much money they stole from us get BTFO.
Whites can make fine distinctions between different kinds of Repubs and Dems and change their votes. That's why 'swing voters' are always White.
Non-Whites (California, etc.) just always vote Dem.
All those faggots at New England Patriot football games and Red Sox games vote for Elizabeth Warren.
I say we have the entire political spectrum... of democrats. From wacked environmentalists to hard-hat union saboteurs. But the meaty middle is middle class people who want Hispanics out of their zip code, and Hispanics who want gib in their open air day care cities, Lynn, Lowell, Lawrence, Holyoke, Fall River, New Bedford, Springfield...
Hispanics are the real budget buster. They took the irish model of no-show gibs jobs and just left off the job part.
The boomer pension bomb is insane. We should encourage things though. The first irish to work in the private sector get and award, and the first hispanic who works at all get an award.
They are their own economy though. All of the jails and prisons are FILLED with Hispanics, and all of the union goofs who handle them are making real money. I hate it all.
Universal suffrage was a mistake. I can't believe I'm typing that, and actually think it. But anyone reading Sup Forums knows it's fucking TRUE. Even massholes.
Good connection, MA is the boomer ideology epitomized. I hate public bureaucratic parasitism so much and that's what this state is all about.
Yea, I used to say that ironically. Not anymore!
but then again, I don't believe in democracy anymore.
A few years ago Ann Coulter said letting women vote was a mistake. I was like, Ann, I love ya, but sometimes you're fucking nuts.
>mfw 3 years later she was right
(it might be her best line, besides calling John Edwards a faggot LMAO)
If a 'Republican' is on the ballot for governor in Massachusetts, it is because they are a worthless RINO.
As for all elections in Mass, see: Election Fraud
The truth is that 20/21th century democracy never existed. You can't believe in something that doesn't exist:
Manufacture of consent
When properly deployed in the public interest, the manufacture of consent is useful and necessary for a cohesive society, because, in many cases, "the common interests" of the public are not obvious except upon careful analysis of the collected data, a critical intellectual exercise in which most people are uninterested or are incapable of doing. Therefore, most people must have the world summarized for them by the well-informed, and will then act accordingly.
That the manufacture of consent is capable of great refinements no one, I think, denies. The process by which public opinions arise is certainly no less intricate than it has appeared in these pages, and the opportunities for manipulation open to anyone who understands the process are plain enough. . . . [a]s a result of psychological research, coupled with the modern means of communication, the practice of democracy has turned a corner. A revolution is taking place, infinitely more significant than any shifting of economic power.... Under the impact of propaganda, not necessarily in the sinister meaning of the word alone, the old constants of our thinking have become variables. It is no longer possible, for example, to believe in the original dogma of democracy; that the knowledge needed for the management of human affairs comes up spontaneously from the human heart. Where we act on that theory we expose ourselves to self-deception, and to forms of persuasion that we cannot verify. It has been demonstrated that we cannot rely upon intuition, conscience, or the accidents of casual opinion if we are to deal with the world beyond our reach.
—Walter Lippmann, Public Opinion, Chapter XV
I remember when Tisei almost beat Moulton for Teirney's seat. He beat all of the working areas of course. He lost big in Lynn. They had signs telling people to vote for Moulton of they'd lose their welfare.
>the absolute state of spic-ocracy
Agreed, but with that said, if we had a real democracy, I would suggest that it would not be a democracy if not everyone had a vote.
And I don't believe that would be a good idea.
democracy = everyone has a vote = fuck that
Bullshit. Democracy was NEVER intended to be universal sufferage. When New England was colonized, free head of household males voted, and it worked amazingly. In England, they franchise was limited to what they called "40 shilling freeholders" basically, middleclass men and above.
When you let the absolute bottom vote on their own dependence shit falls apart. Letting our equivalent of "40 shilling freeholders" would allow us to stop pandering to losers, and to institute programs to actually help them help themselves. But of you have millions of 90 IQ wards of the state voting gibs, that will never happen.
>The state is mostly highly educated whites or Asian/Indian immigrant.
^ Worthless shill
Most of the state is low level white trash living on the gibs and crooked side jobs
Quickly being outbred by the dozens of immigrant sectors living on the gibs and crooked side jobs
90% of the state is corrupt
Every true Masshole knows this
Virginia is joining y'all and IL soon I fear.
Much as it hurts to say.
Massachusetts looks like a gun..
I mean, I guess I wouldn't argue that's not a form of democracy, but in the modern since democracy is everyone having a say.
I'd have to do some research on how well it actually worked, i'm skeptical.
The working class in Mass would absolutely support Catholic bible thumping. You know nothing about this state if you think otherwise.
They literally just voted to legalize marijuana.
Organized Christianity in general is nearly completely cucked by virtue signaling. I don't believe it.
Just another worthless leftard, trash state. No wonder they vote for RINO scum.
In the Bay Colony, it was amazing. From roughly 1630 to the early 1800's might have been the best expression of local democracy in the history of the world, in all times. We invented local government and the town hall format. Head of household males had a real stake in their affairs, and it was before mass media was able to be used to manufacture consent. it's no secret why we led the revolution, we were totally sued to running our own affairs, directly, though local elections with free males doing the voting.
Please. Maybe a hundred years ago, the church going ethnic whites now have an average age of 115. And the protestants have splintered into BLM secular worship (see: Moldbug)
t. churchless protestant
Half of the revolutionary soldiers came from New England, and half of those from Massachusetts. We had 150 years or running our own democracy at that point, starting with small puritan church-towns, and so we (voted, of course, in towns all across new England!) to lead the cause.
Would the revolution have had more legitimacy if bored housewives who watch BRAVO, and shiftless spics had the vote also?
One reason why are current wars have no legitimacy is because our current democracy has no legitimacy.
This sounds about right.
MA was 90% white in 1990. It is 78% white now. The Northeast 20-something liberals are in for a rude awakening, their peers are 90% white. When they're in their 40s and realize the new adults are 15% less white, and the next generation even worse so, they'll realize something went wrong. They'll never say it though, so this nigger's point comes to light Demography is key. Massachusetts has pushed liberal bureaucracy but that doesn't work in a nonwhite society. IL and CA will fall first, they're already in freefall, but MA will fall. It can't be stopped.
agreed senpai
Inside 495 is already unaffordable for a realistic working class making under 6 figures, but yeah it will be fiscally impossible in 15 years.
This explains why Obama won in 2012.
Checked. I'm in ma, border of RI. I proudly voted Trump, so did two neighbors and most of my friends. My other neighbor hates trump with a passion, but I think they're just uninformed, they're really nice, hard-working people.
>Demography is key. Massachusetts has pushed liberal bureaucracy but that doesn't work in a nonwhite society.
People really need to understand this. Democracy is an invention of white people for white people. Anyone who thinks that race doesn't matter is a brainwashed fool who needs to read more Steve Sailer. Or at least his twitter feed. Evo-psych is a real thing, it's A LOT more than just IQ (which is HUGE).
>BTFOing unions
What is the highest ranking right-to-work state?
>The Northeast 20-something liberals are in for a rude awakening, their peers are 90% white. When they're in their 40s and realize the new adults are 15% less white, and the next generation even worse so, they'll realize something went wrong.
White Liberals have a genuine hatred for themselves and white people in general. They won't view it as a bad thing.
They defend that idea to their vegan blogging death, but you may notice they never move to
It's just like Jews want open borders for us but a giant wall for thier country. Liberalism is a weapon you force on your enemies
Hello Uxbridgebro
I live in a Liberal hellhole and there are plenty of white Liberals living here among the shitskins.
Normal MA conservative is not hyper religious, is socially liberal/moderate. We don't want any of that nutty jesus circle jerk, so Dems it is.
The suburbs are driving this shit. The poors just outside Boston and the scattered trash in Western MA won't vote.
Yeah, but they are just programmed. They will think whatever the superstructure makes them think.