Monster Musume

How can one girl be so best, while the others are all equally worst?


Well, some girls are clearly superior to others, that I think we can all agree upon.

Pic related.

Goat > Rabbit > Cow > Dog > Horse

>Literal ebony pussy


No user. Don't love the muscular girls.
>Dat art

>user! Did you drink my coffee?! You know what that means. Would you prefer a black eye or a dead arm?

gotta have to do one apart for the anime ones
I know it's messy, but LEGS!

Since Zombina's birthday is coming up on August 15th, can we bully her before it happens?

>make her another cup of coffee
>plus another to make up for the one you drank
>no black eye, no dead arm, and a very drunk spider


Zombina is for sexual, not for bully

Smithfags approve of this, user.

Tio is literally perfect

what kind of clever one liner would Arnold Schwarzenegger use in this situation?

user please!

>not taking your punishments like a good little boy then making her coffee

Are you gay?

Dick is diamonds

I see no flaws

But user, it's a ritual for us to bully the next birthday girl.

>Are you gay?

Drink this! *unzips dick*

But user
For sexual

She cause destruction to our doors.

>not wanting an extra-drunk spider to easily seduce
I think you're the gay one m8, better chance to fuck her in a drunken stupor, and will probably be grateful for making more than enough ;^)

i'm 6'3/192cm. so it woudn't matter to me.
tio is love, tio is life

Why doesn't the cow have hoofs?

>just wanting sex out of your fuzzy spooder

Fuzzy spooder is for love and beatings not sex

isn't her horn supposed to be very sensitive? woudn't that hurt her?

Dat back needs to get rubbed. Vigorously.

That's necrophilia, user. You have to bully her since she has a diseases and infect people to be Zombies.


does suu get wet or does wet get suu?

She singlehandedly made me fap to horsepussy multiple times Only downside is that you wouldn't be able to see her face and chest. Sadly is still not enough to keep my interest in monmusu.

>Snake cloaca

But user, she's still a moving person. She can still talk. It's only necrophilia if they're completely dead ;^)
And what if I let her make me a zombie? Can't be necrophilia if you're dead too ;^)

Newt is cute
I want to pledge my life to her service



>he doesn't know Miia's vagina is a part of her human body

I always imagine her vagoos was like alice's
with seas anomes and such.

I know, It is godly.

Face it user, is a cloaca

But when are we gonna get some tail pussy up in here?

Alice's pussy can be whatever she wishes it to be. She's the fucking monster lord, not just any common-ass lamia like Miia. It's not like Miia can turn her pussy into a sea anome pit like Alice can, she doesn't have monster lord magic.

Killing men with her tits.


Of the devilestest.

user, don't love the Zombie. They only exist to force men into yaoi shipping.

So you saying she can create a cloaca on herself?


That is entirely possible. I mean, she could turn herself completely human to fool common humans, what's to say that she can't make herself animal pussies if she feels like it? Not just restricted to snake cloacas, either. She could make horse pussy too or whatever else perverted you could think of.


why was she changing in darling's bedroom?
I really need the translation for those pages ;_;

We lilith posting now?



Im going to assume you have a png version, and like to know which is which when the pics are side by side.

Otherwise, for what purpose?

>She could make horse pussy too or whatever else perverted you could think of.
Luka needs to kill her. He shouldn't have work together with her.




There's a non-canon ending just for you, friend. Feel free to make it your headcanon and claim the entirity of Part 3 isn't canon.


>Loving a Devil


Didn't he use the elementals to kill her? Remember one user showing a gif of that.
Also thank you.

I'm 3ft nothing and live in a swamp
I'd wreck you

This thread needs a lot more snek


>mfw every time I think militias like Oathkeepers learning about existence of that flag modification and their faces during first encounter with it

Depends. You really have two options for killing her. You can either just finish her off with a basic attack or a sword ability, or you could just overkill her with quadruple giga, which basically just ruins her entire throne room with that one attack. The latter is what is shown in the GIF, while the aftermath of the former is the basis of the fanart I posted.

Best way to die

Crab thought the same about 43.

Miia is the cutest.

>Top scales underneath

At least he did a good job. Especially since she stoled his virginity. And thank you for providing this information.



Boobs kill people, user. They need to deport all bimbos like her out of our land or force to reduce their breast to a A or B cup.

Holy shit thats disgusting, who honestly finds the shithorse attractive.




Might color something today, any requests?

Tio is now a man killing rapist with that smile.


>Implying I wouldn't sport that patch

Papi had balls, who knew

I want to do lewd things to that snek




Big girls need big love!


Absolute perfection

The best

The last snake is in captivity.

The monmusu thread is at peace.

>rabbit thighs that small
>dog doesn't have soft paw pads
>goat hasn't fallen over in shock
>no hooves on cow
>no milking machine in the pic

There's so many thing wrong here


Consider the following:
Smith/Lala/Lilith tripple footjob.