"Stephen Paddock" is alive, but "Luis Francisco" is dead. It's unclear who originally put the (((related photo))) together, how that side-by-side was pieced together, why it exists, but someone did for some reason. Please consider the following.
The biggest piece of loose hanging evidence is this video of a young girl claiming a couple warned the crowd before anything happened. This was on live television on the ground when CIA/FBI had the least amount of control of information. This young girl says, approximately 45 minutes before the shooting started, a "Hispanic" couple, both about 5'5, were telling people they would all die. She heard it, and a WOMAN in front of her was also bothered. Eventually this couple was escorted out. This interview was on live television at 12:22 a.m. Please note the time of this interview, and the headline the official news outlets are running with at this time: 2 dead, 24 injuries, 1 suspect down.
"There was a lady who pushed her way forward into the concert venue into the first row and she started messing with another lady, and told us that we're all gonna die tonight... "It was about 45 minutes before the shots were actually fired, but then she was escorted by security." - Let's construct a viable timeline!
LVMPD timeline on Oct. 4 says first shots fired by "the suspect" at 10:05 p.m. PT. 45 minutes back puts you at 9:20 p.m. PT. It took some digging, but I finally found a schedule for that day of the concert.
Regardless, video of footage taken during the RT. 91 festival taken that has any visuals of the front row, around 9 p.m. PT (give this girl some space for not knowing exactly when she just survived this) is key to locate on social media platforms and wherever. The search for anything that validates that girls claim, or an ID on a couple that may fit the scenario we're looking at, is incredibly valuable information to investigate.
If it's a girl seeking attention, that's fine, nothing to see. If there's a couple that does match this scenario? It's at least worth discovering who/what they are. Please keep in mind this live television interview is not something that any investigators would have control of. It happened, raw, when they had the least amount of power of the investigation.
The timeline LVMPD released almost all have Paddock's final shot at 10:15 p.m. So in the span of two hours the shooting had stopped and the (((LONE GUNMAN))) is dead, but there's no official word beyond this? Was this damage control and assessment?
That same station, News 3LV, said on television at 11:00 p.m. PT (confirmed timestamp) that they had live reports of shots still being fired, and that 20 were dead. They were one of the first (and perhaps only) stations to broadcast the death toll was beginning to look staggering. Keep in mind they are local news. (((Paddock))) stopped shooting 45 minutes before that. They waited for "official" word from authorities before going all-in on the 20+ deaths, not changing their chyron (lower third death toll).
Damage control and assessment at an official capacity is happening in these blank spaces. Conflicting raw reports as the situation remains live. Large gaps in official updates while this is being contained, which is obviously going to happen in any actual crisis situation. It goes either way, though, right? Back to Paddock being alive.
Blake Cooper
Public was very quickly misdirected by a gruesome "leaked" crime scene filled with BLOOD and GUNS by the FBI - the one many postered looked faked due to the slide of the blood. Strange that the leaked photos didn't have a full body shot of 6'4 Paddock, right? Just the split, conveniently, at from his upper body and bloodied face. I haven't done the math or tried piecing it together, but it's safe to say they (((you know who))) could easily manipulate it without having a full body shot. Especially with blood covering large portions of (((Francisco's))) face.
FBI effectively has local police by the balls, showing what they're willing to do to protect their investigation.
There is a very important video I need to find. I saw it previously in one of the 100 million threads, but it was the best debunk of the 4th floor muzzle flash. The video showed the concert going, but you could see the muzzle flash clearly blinking on the fourth floor with absolutely no gunshots being fired. It was near the front row. I have no idea who was on stage at the time, or what time it was posted, I was just looking through any numbers of videos that are out there.
ANY footage that can get us around the front row at 9 p.m. PT is invaluable right now.
Thank you, stay safe.
Jayden Sanchez
Fuck off /x/. Quit shitting up the catalog with this nonsense.
Xavier Clark
Gavin Bennett
>shitting up the catalogue I suppose you prefer the usual blacked threads?
Connor Ramirez
Aiden Hall
>shitting up the catalog Learn how to filter you quad wasting faggot
Brandon Morris
she is on facebook, ive seen her subsequent accounts. basically she backtracked warning and said she thinks it was just redneck threats. they would start messing with people, then back off when security came around. after a few times people decided to have them ejected. drunks.
Dominic Jackson
Thank you for following up. Still think locating footage is valuable right now, and I'm certain the muzzle flash debunked video I saw is close to that timeline.
Jose Peterson
So... we all agree this sudden Harvey Weinstein shit is just a distraction right? (not saying the accusations are false at all - quite the opposite) >they realize people are digging into shooting >"hmm what can we distract them with?" >"..well they hate powerful jews so lets give them something big that pretty everyone already knows anyway - hollywood sex scandal - big producer has sex with young actresses to further career!" >"we'll throw weinstein under the bus, i never realy liked him anyway"
Hunter Miller
There is the beginning shooting video that is on the jimstone.is website.
I have a copy of it. I downloaded it from the site. It is about 30 seconds before the shooting starts and than carries on.
Carson Gonzalez
can you make (be bothered to make) webms?
Gabriel Murphy
Asher Davis
Will have to poke around. The video I saw ran for a bit, was shot from the front crowd POV, and did not run into the shooting portion of things. I saw it once and didn't catalog it much, basically using it as the evidence I needed to disregard the "4th floor muzzle flash" theories since it clearly debunked that disinfo.
Luis Lopez
It is only going to bite them in the ass as they all fall one by one as all the women join in on the meme and start naming the jews who molested them.
Luis Watson
you guys literally can't tell faces apart. does this become problematic when you are engaging in normal day to day activities?
Josiah Fisher
Shut. The. Fuck. UP!
Ian Bailey
Thanks for stopping by and being particularly helpful!
Grayson Powell
i;m digging through endless vids of jake's set. get comfy
Carter Gray
it's philip wood. they killed him because IBM is competition. it was an execution
Hello anons, vegas user here, I would seriously like all of you to consider organizing a flash mob type protest event at FBI HQ in las vegas. This story is going to disappear unless we keep pressure on them. Its been two weeks and we know nothing. How do you like it when a federal agency tells you, you have no right to know why 500 people in your community were injured and some killed. YOU do not HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW. Idk about you but I'm fucking livid. Spread this idea to your normie friends. Keep circulating it. The more traction it picks up the more real this idea becomes. Thank you and god bless.
Levi Moore
Fishy. Every union person i talk to here says we need medal detection in casino. Its a scam.
Connor Jones
So is Paddock on the run undercover ? Was it him that broke into his house ? He is familiar with living as a fugitive because of father's history.
Colton Flores
Ba dum Bump
Xavier Williams
Feels bad when you find what may be the video you had recalled of the muzzle flash debunk but it's not at the front row as recalled after watching the 5 second clip one time.
For timeline purposes, this is captioned as being taken 2 hours before the shooting: instagram.com/p/BZwofXcgzh9
Hunter Phillips
nostrils match niggas
Jayden Murphy
well the ears dont
Carter Rivera
that guys nostrils are much more unique than his ears, and are at a much less ambiguous angle. the ded pic is foreshortened as fuck for the ears
Henry Torres
That tells you everything you need to know about their agenda. Adelson= right. Gun control= left hmmmm
Logan Hughes
Frank, please stop.
Nathan Rogers
You find vid yet? If not I think I have it
Xavier Cooper
>shitting up the catalog all the blacked threads you like should be there
Jack Morales
what about the 13 tattoo
Hudson Martin
I've got that particular video but it's not worth anything besides debunking muzzle flash as it's obviously just a blinking strobe in the vid.
Bump, it beats the same old same old if nothing else.
Ryder Cruz
Are people randomly fucking in this picture?
David Bell
oh god its impossible for two people to look alike fuck face
sage >sage sage sage sage sage
Gabriel Reyes
Except when it doesn't even look like the person the media says it is and this is obviously a closer match.
Bentley Watson
Bless up.
Spent a few hours digging through youtube and embedded most of the relevant videos I could find above. I don't see anything that stands out in particular.
(((SNOPES))) had this to say about reaching out to Breanna and her mother Shawna Hendricks:
"After the shooting started, there were reports and rumors on the ground that the shooting was coming from multiple assailants firing from more than one direction. According to Shawn, this is what caused her and Breanna to think that the woman’s earlier comment that “they’re all around us” might be related to the shooting.
"Just in case there was some connection, Shawn and Breanna Hendricks decided they should provide statements to police officers about the earlier threats, which they say they did. We asked the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department if they had received any reports of an incident of this nature during the concert, but we did not receive a response."
Sebastian Myers
Has Fransisco been reported dead?
Charles Mitchell
Checked Nice pali digits in the OP btw 869 rotates on itself
Checked as well my friend
Landon Jenkins
Ayden Foster
>(((SNOPES))) had this to say about reaching out to Breanna and her mother Shawna Hendricks:
I'm sure you meant ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((SNOPES)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Isaiah Harris
>Harvey Weinstein
new info suggests Amber brainwashed QT and they conspired with others to get Harvey off the board so QT could take Harvey's place. Harvey would trust QT as they had been friends for 30 years. It was not QTs intent to destroy all of Hollywood, he only wanted Harvey's job. What has unfolded, hundreds of producers agents, and other hollywood elite being accused is completely off script.
Brandon Reed
Getting sleepy while everyone walks in same circles in other threads. So. sleepy. slee
>According to Sheriff Lombardo, Cook who sustained wounds to his shoulder, through his bicep, into his chest, and out his back, asked Friday if he could return to work.
lol Total bullshit. I got my gall bladder removed and could barely move for two weeks. If the bullet hit a muscle, he would be in a lot of pain each time he moved his arm.
Tyler Diaz
Bumping in the night makes me sleepy but /pol too busy running in same circles. Op at least smoked a lot of weed to put this together. Never waste weeds.
Levi Ross
Asher Brooks
bumping this truth
Brayden Allen
Most likely the truth, check obituraries to see if francisco died recently before they made use of his stiff for the paddock character. Recent gunshot murder victims, etc bodies are often be used in set ups.
John Brown
Austin Gomez
Related thread
Blake Turner
Matthew Howard
Robert Edwards
Getting my jammy jams on before bed. Goodnight sweet princesses.
Levi Scott
what does it all mean?
Brody Ross
are they fucking??
Jace Kelly
Don't invest your resources into this lead anons. Paddock is very much dead, old farts tend to look alike when they get wrinkly. Fuck I've seen some white guy turn into asians when they get old.
Gabriel Cooper
thats a fake photoshop user the fuckery was deliberately put there. lurk some more please.
Jeremiah Flores
no leg
Cameron Gray
Not sure If helping or hurting theory dead body isn't (((Paddock)))
Asher Bailey
>mentally ill autistic incel with way too much free time on his hand LARPS on a Malaysian basket weaving forum day and night to compensate for his lack of a social life
Noah Murphy
holy shit that's the same person. >Nostrils match >Flat chin match >Wrinkle under adams apple match >Beard is a match The ear is the same, the top curves in twoards his head, the middle slightly curves in, you can kind of see it in his death pic but its not as extreme because of the angle. Earlobe has the same point. Shills are kill
Eli Davis
So why did they off Francisco? Pro Jihad? Anti Semite? What was it that made them target him?