Hey Sup Forums I hope you're not going to be anything offensive for Halloween this year

Hey Sup Forums I hope you're not going to be anything offensive for Halloween this year

kek the suicide bomber one is actually funny





So the Japanese one is actually what Geishas look like. Sorry that's the facts stop getting fucking mad over the truth. Geishas existed and they looked like that.

Asain girl is hot as fuck though

Wtf I love chickens now!!??

Nigger, you better watch out for that vampire.


What could of gave you that idea


Thats what they are complaining about. To a leftist dressing as anything but your designated culture (unless your culture is 'white', in which case everyone can dress like you) is cultural apropriation


If that's not who they are then why do they fucking care?

Now I just want to dress as a rasafarian bandito terrorist geisha gypsy in blackface (that's also a vampire).


How come there isn't a nord there complaining about viking costumes?


im gonna dress up as a fucking white male

>No you can't dress up as a samurai, it's my culture.
>Yes I can dress in lederhosen. German culture is everyone's culture!

I'm Irish. You know who never gives a shit about this? Irish people. There is a whole holiday where people say "I'm Irish" (when they're clearly not) and "Kiss me I'm Irish" and people put out leprechauns and wear red beards and hair and there are chocolate coins wrapped in gold, and shamrocks all over the place. "It's a culture, not a costume" "this is cultural appropriation" Fuck. That. Dress up like a leprechaun I don't give a fuck and nobody else does either. Fuck.

Maybe we could expand on this idea and go way over the top with it
>no Vikings
>no white people
>no vampies
>no witches
>no ghosts
>no zombies
Nothing is allowed this Halloween

oh saints be praised. I guess we're not ginger niggers after all laddie.

Notice that all of these SJW phrases sound like something a mother or condescending girlfriend would say. Men don't use phrases like "it's not okay". This is what women empowerment has given us.

the only thing allowed this Halloween is racial shame.

Let's larp as sjws and go way over the top BAN EVERYTHING

I already have my Vegas shooting victim costume ready for the party I am going to

>no vampires

What better way to celebrate diversity than by crushing it into nothingness?

Ya they're trying to sound like your parents so you'll cower in fear over them.

I really don't think it's working anymore. I've had women try this on me and I start smirking or laughing and then they start laughing and the whole thing just ends in her getting wet as fuck.

Is it considered antisemitic to dress up like the Devil for Halloween?

I'll just be a ghost, nothing offensive about that is there?

>black guy with a diploma
>woman with a ballot
>obama with a white house

money says they didnt even hire a japanese model for that photo

chinese got no right to complain about geisha

Niggas better not dress like the police.
>This is NOT who I am and this is NOT okay.

>no Vikings
Offensive to nords
>no vampies
Offensive to Romanians.
>no witches
Offensive to Brits and Germans. Offensive to Wiccans (even better).
>no ghosts
>no zombies
Offensive to liberals.

I don't mind desu

who's got the one with the clown holding a pic of a juggalo?

Hey, one of you cumskins should dress up as Shaun King for Halloween.


I bought a 3xxxl orange hoodie that I am going to draw a jack o lantern on so I will be a pumpkin


thanks user I looked but couldn't find it

>this is not okay

Part of equality is getting poked fun at equally. These people want SPECIAL TREATMENT, not equality.

These are probably the type of people who unironically say the word "problematic" in public.


This is a very bad idea, because SJW's will think it's a real protest and start rioting along with the LARP'ers.

>implying that would be bad
it would be hilarious

I think it's ok if that's not who they are. They need to stop being so hard on themselves

Dressing as a ghost is obviously offensive to anyone who's ever lost someone. Ghost costumes disrespect the dead.



The effects of Post-irony in a nutshell really.

oh god, we can't even have Halloween.

another example of liberals ruining everything

i might do black face, i want to go as eazy e

>black people


Last year I wore a costume of a christian priest and a hapa that I was fucking occasionally stopped talking to me because she couldn't believe iI wore a ''racist costume'' lol.

I ended up fucking some other bitch on that day, but man, it amazes me to see so much stupidity.

The fall of the west

ok seriously, i have heart burn.

No, bronies are the effects of post-irony.

>literally just bored trolls making stupid mlp threads for shit's n giggles back in like 2007/8.

>autists get word of this, actually develop a fetish over a children's show because of these threads.

Stupidity is a self-correcting problem, the only downside is the length of time it takes.

This is not who I am so why should I give a shit

Better than the original

Halloween is the one day of the year you can dress up in full SS uniform and walk around saluting Hitler, right?

Multiculturism was a mistake, its time for people to go back to their countries where they won't be offended or visually attacked so often.

Tired of non whites and white guilt complaining about how non inclusive white countries are. And its absolutely pathetic citie normies are garbling this shit up.

these are great

That's one of the other problems with hapas. They tend to be way more left wing than pure asians.

>could of

Could HAVE. I'm getting sick of seeing this first-grade linguistics around here. Aren't you fuckwads the ones always talking about IQ? Stop writing like yours is nigger level.


Alright so all these non-whites should stop speaking english, because that is our invention

Not all birds were Vikings. Mostly farmers.



>this is not who I am
I can see why they would be offended. The Muslim costume supports the idea that they're all suicide bombers, but they aren't. Some plant bombs instead of wearing them, some are hijackers, and others like to drive trucks through crowds of people. The Mexican one is inaccurate because he isn't surrounded by ICE agents, the gypsy is holding a tambourine instead of a pickpocketed wallet and the Native isn't passed out drunk.

>ultimate Frisbee

I'm going to be offensive as fuck, I'm fighting the Bush Wars against Mugabe and his ZAPU thugs for Halloween

pic related

lol shitskins feel ashamed of their own culture... disgusting




It's all okay, fuck off leftist false-moralists.


We should just spam his twitter with that. I hate that fucking scumbag

i'm going as a donkey-riding, towel-headed, spear-wielding blackface geisha. and whatever that is on the bottom left too.

you can all fuck yourselves.

Fun fact: Every single race, religion, color, creed, sexual preference etc. Has a sample of retards. Sup Forums just likes to pretend their retards aren't as retarded as the niggers' retards. The problem being, they have the same opinion, so it's hard to tell who's actually retarded when they're all shouting the same thing.

beat me to it.

>tfw no FAL

No offensive costumes this year goys

>Viking birds
>Farmer birds

Pretty cute. The Viking birds would be Ravens.

This got attention on some new stations.

Pink Floyd a shit

and the native isn't grossly obese

>It’s NOT okay

Maybe with you, but it is with me. Fuck off. I wish I could dress up as all of them at once.

>tfw marylander who can't buy an FAL even when he has the money
I will have hundreds of rounds of ammo on me, short shorts and an eye patch if that makes it better

How the fuck do SJWs have fun?

Copious amounts of meds

by ruining everything for everyone else

he's based chicken yodelmeister

Shit. I didn't even think of that. I didn't hear a single word about cultural appropriation then. Expanding on that, wouldn't non-whites celebrating Christmas or Halloween also be cultural appropriation too, as they're based on white European traditions?

That black one is hilarious, fucking straight trash.

Praise Allah.