Why the hell are these monsters pushing war?

Why the hell are these monsters pushing war?

>being a pussy faggot

Previous generations of men BEGGED for any opportunity to die for their country, but now you sit here and cry at the mere idea on the internet.

You are a fucking disgrace, off yourself.

It's not like there's money to be made or anything.

You sound like a boot licking turd.

>Previous generations of men BEGGED for any opportunity to die

No they didn't. Accepting responsibility of fighting a war doesn't mean most of them were begging to do it. Since you're so eager to die, why don't you go fight? The Kurds are literally letting anyone come help them fight terrorists.

Because they are either jewish neocons or jewish neocon pawns.

Regardless they are agents of a hostile foreign government that controls the US through massive shill campaigns and bribery.

Every american has the inherent right to die for Israel in some jungle or desert shithole somewhere.

Fighting Iran is not dying for our country. It's dying for Jews

Money money money.
Iran is the last place for big markets for many corporations to expand.

They are battling the neo-cons and arms industry and zionists.

>Literally dies for zionists. arms corps. and saudi

% GDP, fuckwit.

more like using israel as a pawn to secure the middle east and its oil, fuck off subhuman

Why are people so retarded when it comes to empire building?

Fuck yeah imperialism and resource wars xDd

USA: 3.2% GDP
CHYNA: .018% GDP

absolutely nothing wrong with american imperialism you bleeding heart libshit

Retard, why is GDP % sacrosanct. Also have you seen the state of your debts and deficits?

You spend double as muh % on healthcare as GDP and can't provide BASIC healthcare delivered by other countries for half the GDP%

You also ignore your own Arms exports industry which fucks the world politically too.

Are you literally ignoring Eisenhower's prophetic words?
Are you ignoring the arms corps. influence on your foreign and domestic policies?

Money money money. That's all you worship as a country. Forever cucked by the money men.

oh well, looks like more mudshits will have to die, oops

They need a war to cover up the financial collapse. The hour is late the goyim must not know who is responsible.

>secure the middle east
>by handing it over to Jihadists armed by Saudis/Israelis

fuck off, jew

>nothing wrong with american imperialism

You mean besides supporting a bunch of worthless kike wars that kill off nationalist/secular rulers and replace them with ISIS?

I bet you supported killing Gaddafi too. Just vote Clinton while you're at it.

Gotta look at who owns most of our money. Shows why these neocons are pushing for war with Iran.

>le based Israel le based imperialism XD

>We must secure a future for Israeli and Saudi children

You're clearly missing the point. Wanting to fight for your country is one of the most nationalistic things you can do. Why would anyone want to fight for the Kurds who isn't a Kurd them self?

What mental gymnastics are required to come to that conclusion? Afghanistan doesn't have any development in it's mining or energy industries. Literally no one can invest because they never passed legislation to allow it. Only the terrorists benefit from it currently.

That statement really sealed his fate. Wasn't the French air force heavily involved in that war?

reminder that neocons are cryptotrotskyite infiltrators.