I feel like I get red-pilled every time I visit for my latest financial news.
Is ZeroHedge where Sup Forums goes when it grows up?
ZeroHedge is one of those sites you should always be skeptical when reading
Zerohedge is a conspiracy website. So it's fun as long as you know that.
Zero Hedge is too doom and gloom. They have been warning of the financial crash nonstop for years, and while it will come, constantly reading stuff like that can cloud your judgement with regards to how to behave in the marketplace.
If you sold everything 4 or 5 years ago based on their FUD, you would have missed out on tons of gains. You need to temper their message with the fact that you wake up every morning and civilization carries on. You must be prepared but not succumb to going overboard at the wrong time, that's what being an adult means.
In 2011-2012, the ZH comment section was ultra-redpilled on the JQ. Zerohedge is actually where I first began to understand the problem with the Jews.
Tyler must have gotten a call from Tel Aviv, though, because he started banning everyone who brought up the Jews, and the site is now a shell of what it once was.
I wonder what ZH thinks of this ultra bull run. Oh wait I don't care because ZeroBrain is garbage.
Zero Clue just don't want you to make money from the bull market
Zero Hedge is my daily dose of panic porn, nothing more
I've been in finance for almost 2 decades and have gone there almost daily since 2009. When CNBC and the Wall St. Journal were pumping lie after lie down our throats, ZH was there talking about derivatives and systemic failures long before Warren Buffet talked about financial WMDs.
Over the years they've gotten fairly political, and some of their headlines are hyperbolic, but I find they generally use solid sources and cite raw data / research / quotes from good places.
Some of their guest contributors are fucking outstanding, others post total shit, but Tyler's work is usually solid and well researched.
They broke the news on the suspicious stock/options activity surrounding vegas too btw.
They don't do that anymore. JQ is full on discussed in comments now.
zero hedge is bullshit
entertaining but total bullshit
zerohedge is literally /oursite/
>IT'S HABBENDING literally every day
>comments are full Sup Forums tier
It is one of the best sites on the internet.
The regulars are fun to interact with and have some good insight.
There is good financial info in there, you do have to sift the tea leaves a little. They like the doom and gloom. If you go into it knowing they are going to sell a crash that probably isn't coming, you can do alright.
The comments are the best.
When real news goes down, Tyler usually has it near real time. Usually an hour or so prior the MSM.
Their coverage of the vegas stuff is a good example. It stickies and has regular updates.
There are a lot of tinfoil hats though...Just realize that before engaging.
ZeroHedge is truly Sup Forums for grown ups. Some of the OC they publish is outstanding. William Banzai is a goddam genius. Commenters are, hands down, some of the smartest sonsofbitches on the Internet. A bunch of old, grizzled, contrarian shitposters
Quality kind of dropped a bit when ABC Media bought the place and the weekend Tyler's are shit. There are some filler and fluff pieces full of doom and gloom. All in all, I have been consistently enlightened and enriched by the their content. Fuckin love that place.
Agree. Sauces for articles are real and well researched.
They also have started an annual conference where the meet IRL. It was in Marfa Texas. I almost went but was too low on vacation.
You like it because it's what you want to hear, for now.. It's a modern wapo, there are tons of them, created by cia or whomever... They are easy to recognize. Don't determine validity or association by the content, but use other factors to evaluate legitimacy, before you pile on the biases. The second you read the content, is the second objectivity deteriorates.
A good but slanted source of news, I think its fine as long as you can read between lines and generally its free of pro-globalist shilling garbage, just sometimes has pro-goldbug prepper garbage. Generally I use it as my source for world and financial news and discuss current events here on Sup Forums. Its biased but it certainly beats using any mainstream outlet which lies through omission at every turn.
like Sup Forums, then.
another place a shitload of people hang out is Breitbart comments. Wonder if there is any good breaking stuff there that we are missing.
Zero Hedge has predicted 35,000 of the last 2 financial downturns.
Yup you are a fag. Feelz over realz.
>Modern wapo
>created by cia or whatever, easy to recognize
You're an idiot and easy to recognize. I've gone there almost daily since 2009 and it's pretty much the highest profile redpilled site out there.
This thread feels like it was created to shill against ZH. Seems like maybe their power level is getting too high or something.
It's got some interesting analysis but the comments section is awash with retards who have been predicting hyperinflation for the last decade.
one of those sites? how about every fucking website on the planet you goddamn idiot.
Ehh breitbart commenters love Israel too much for me...
ZH commenters understand the JQ
zero hedge is the echo chamber where boomers go to talk about the milquetoast themes the mainstream media told them were edgy. muh 1984, muh millennials, muh inflation.
The average know it all commenter there is saying buy buy buy the system is too big to fail now
Ive been a poster on ZH for years. I spend a lot more time here now. I think I got a little tired of the sky is falling articles. Yes, the markets are rigged and extremely overvalued but I'm starting to the algos will never let the market crash again
>when ABC Media bought the place
Anyone sauce on this?
Pure pottery
Fuck meant these two
Zero Hedge shouldn't be your only source of information, but it should definitely be one of your sources of information. A lot of the shit they talk about is completely ignored by regular news sites - deep financial analysis, geo-politics, etc.
Some of it's bullshit obviously, but so is every news source.
I'd say Zerohedge is Sup Forums for those who came of age during the 80's and 90's, another Sup Forums analogue is Free Republic but it's mostly full of people over 60.
I too have posted regularly for years. And hit it multiple times per day.
Yes, the sky is always falling there for someone. All groups have those types.
-Investigative journalist goes to Jesus Campos's house
-This is the hero of Vegas that saved the day
-Not registered as a security guard for Las Vegas
-MGM wiped him from there system
-Cancels Shawn Hannity show
-And he is no where to be found
-The family has a gag order
-Unmarked car in the drive way
-Armed security guard that works for a company with an expired licences and no real address to reference (Prob a FBI front)
-He won't give answers
Can anyone sit here and tell me this shit isn't a fucking massive cover up of monumental proportion....
Agreed. The Vegas stock options by Adelson was telling
What other sites should I watch? I also like:
Any others?
There is much we are not being told.
Lots of things that don't connect.
The seeds of conspiracy are planted and we will spend countless hours pontificating about the possibilities for years.
I read the following websites daily:
It's important to get your information from a variety of websites, including mainstream liberal sites. I used top read HuffPo daily, but got really sick of it.
I would add Hannity to your list. And cut out the middle man of Drudge and just go straight to Infowars.
Also, there are some great Youtube accounts to follow like Judicial Watch, The Still Report and George Webb's Awan investigation.
>I used top read HuffPo daily, but got really sick of it.
Yeah, that's how I feel about The Guardian. I am unable to read their articles now. Also, the HuffPo never was real journalism unlike, say, the NYT and WaPo that at least have a tradition that some of their employees care about at least making a pretense of living up to. Not that these are in practice any better than HuffPo of course; the tone of all of the corporate media is so spiteful and childish these days. Almost every sentence with a fact regarding Trump is followed by a snarky barb. Everything is an opinion piece. They're like bad, boring student journalists.
Some of the old Above Top Secret threads were cool but that place is a fucking leftist hugbox or was. Also Jew ran so you cant mention shit there in regards to juice or hitler but there are some really well researched and put together old threads on shitloads of conspiracies,X tier stuff and other assorted oddities. I wouldnt try to post there but some good reads if you dig.
For example the South Africa threads here lead me to search ATS for SA related stuff and came across a bunch of good shit about (((them))) knocking out Dag Hammarskjöld.
Breitbart comments are just people venting.