Why are Karin's suburbs the most perfectly sized settlements in all the Brave Clab?
They all wore halter top swimsuits. My dick.
Sexualize the Yuushas.
Why are Karin's suburbs the most perfectly sized settlements in all the Brave Clab?
They all wore halter top swimsuits. My dick.
Sexualize the Yuushas.
Best girl
Best ass
Fuu is better desu
>Sexualize the Yuushas.
It's hard which to decide on which though. Yuuna, Itsuki. They're both so delicious and make me feel beyond lewd.
I want Fuu to be my sister. Or my wife.
Or both.
What would you do to Fuu-sempai?
Lewd and perverted things such as holding her hand, kissing her on the lips and cooking for her.
How do you have sex with a wheelchair-bound girl?
In bed
A-user, this is a Christian-board!
Better question yet, how good do her inner thighs smell? Togou is quite plump.
Reminder that Karin saved Christmas
Tougou is fit now.
I could tell, her boobs got smaller.
I just want the Yuushas to be safe and happy.
Literally dead fish sex. I don't get this fetish.
Tougou needs a proper sports bra.
You're embracing them with all your love.
They can't resist much and they certainly can't run away.
Perfect for some kinky rape play.
Do NOT sexualize the yuushas, ESPECIALLY Karin!
But Itsuki's smaller so you can have more of her in a hug
I doubt you can fully embrace Tougou
>tfw so many potential cripples
>no diaper fanart
Reminder that being a heros is all about GUTS
Spilled out?
Posts like this are why the world will become fire.
I want to cum to Karin with an user.
ESPECIALLY this user!
Absolutely not!
Karin is for cute not lewd!
But you are!~~
Karin is CUTE!
>best ass
>Not the Yuushabutt
Post it, you fag.
I want Shiratori to whip me and bully my feminine penis
I want an user to ejaculate inside Karin-chan after I'm done with her!
Hey guys can I join this thread?
Reminder that this is this user.
He's secretly SUPER lewd.
Itsuki's always the one that gets ignored in threads like this.
Itsuki is secretly the lewdest yuusha
I want to watch _S2_!
No cripple girls anymore, no point in it.
Who would you rather be?
Did you see my awesome breasts?
How about not the crazed lesbian nationalist?
Tougou is the perfect human pillow!
The third post was me talking about how delicious she is.
Itsuki is unsexualizable, personally. Too sweet, too pure.
Currently rewatching the series. Taking notice of the little bits I missed in my other rewatchs.
It also made me a bit curious about why the jukai degenerates faster when the Vertex are being sealed, I wonder if that is a plot point.
Just finished the Karin arrives episode. Man, we talk a lot about the big stuff, but the heart of the series is in the girls' cuteness and bright smiles.
Even Shutendoji can't take away from Yuuna's heroism!
You know, unlike any other show, yuyuyu actually makes me want to become a decent person. Especially episode 3.
Same here. It's such a delightful rewatch, especially the beach episode and every time Karin spills her spaghetti. Can't wait to get to Fuu losing her shit.
Really helps that the entire series is only 1-cours, which is easily done in one night/sitting.
Yuuna kinda made that joke too.
If they make S2 more serious I hope they also animate the yuusha-bu 4koma so we can still get all the heartwarming cute stuff.
I'm planning on finally starting to read NoWaYu once I'm done. Before I just kinda followed the threads.
I need to shop Scorpio's face on taisha masks once I'm back home.
>A chatting app for heroes only
I bet Taisha monitored all of their conversations.
>following the threads without reading the novel
You're missing out a lot. Nowayu is best to follow each month in time with all the stuffs released inbetween.
>That Baton of Courage followed by chapter 11
>That bonus chapter right after
>That radio show the night before chapter 13 and the manga chapter 2
I bet they're going to time the end of Nowayu with S2 climax for maximum effect just like what they did with Wasuyu and Yuyuyu.
Being a decent person won't make Yuuna real
Remember when Togo ruined everything
You ask too much from Tougou. She's not made to be a hero. She's made for sex.
I don't think we should get greedy.
3 threads was already the most active /yyy/'s been since the release of NoWaYu, any more and you-know-what is going to happen.
In episode 4 Yuuna is the one who comes up with the idea of writing the messages of encouragement for Itsuki.
I had never noticed how cute that was before. They are on a completely different area and out of nowhere she pulls a notebook and says she got an idea. She probably spent the whole day thinking about how she could help.
Hey, if Y-san of the chiba prefecture can do it, I can do it too.
They're just resting right?
They're gonna be okay right?
She's just upset about having slipped in a bunch of ketchup.
Classic Tamacchi-senpai.
It's really jarring to recently read the Shiratori side story and then ewwatch Tougou try to commit suicide by apocalypse. She dropped the Baton of Courage so hard she pretty much spiked the damn thing.
I find it hard to judge Tougou when her position is so unclear.
She is supposedly the yuusha messiah, the closest you can be to Shinju-sama, but even so, she rebelled.
Either way, if she didn't do anything they would have still died out, Sonoko has pretty much made it clear that the situation was hopeless.
>Either way, if she didn't do anything they would have still died out
That argument doesn't fly because she didn't know things were gonna turn out that way. The fact is, she tried to kill everyone. That's not unclear at all.
>Sonoko has pretty much made it clear that the situation was hopeless.
But she didn't tell Tougou "go and kill everyone." Tougou made the decision on her own, so it's her responsibility.
The moral issue aside, she did fail as a hero. A hero is all about courage, but Tougou gave in to despair and gave up her duty as hero.
>if she didn't do anything they would have still died out
She didn't change shit. At the end of it all, there is still an innumerable horde of Vertex outside the wall waiting to fuck Shikoku up. What Tougou succeeded in doing was creating a shitshow where all her friends not only explicitly rejected her justification of "But I'm doing it for you!" but also had to mankai a grand total of 8 times to stop her and the mess she created. She is responsible for 8 sanges, and I seriously hope she felt like absolute shit before everyone's recovery because she absolutely should. And in my heart, I hope that Fuu beat the shit out of her after the battle (and then forgave her).
Giving up hope is a character flaw for a normal person, but it's a complete failure for a hero. She wholly failed where greater girls have trod before. Gin would have loved to have the ability to mankai, even with the sange side effects. Shiratori and Tama and Anzu and all the NoWaYu crew would have loved to have that option.
Shame on Tougou. She doesn't deserve to be called a Hero, at least not with a LOT of recompense.
Sonoko did not tell her that, but the Taisha did ask Sonoko to stop both Fuu and Mimori's rampage, Sonoko did nothing, despite having the power to stop it all.
Well, yes, Tougou despaired and lost her courage.
Maybe I jumped a bit too fast into posting here, Yuuna bashing has messed up my standard of when to argue.
Yes, Sonoko was also complicit in that she also failed as a hero. Whereas Tougou failed by giving in to despair, Sonoko failed in that she did not give a shit as to the outcome. Heroes care for the greater good; Sonoko didn't in that particular moment.
That doesn't remove or justify Tougou's failings at all, though.
The situation was conpletely hopeless though.
Either keep going Mankai and end up like Sonoko, or don't and die to the Vertex.
Tougou having seen what's on the other side of the barrier doesn't help either. She came to the conclusion that it would be easier to just end it all rather than delay the inevitable.
I'm not trying to justify her actions, but she's a 14 year old faced with such an unfair reality so of course she would break.
>Mimori messes up in the series and almost destroys the world
>Mimori the VA messes up in real life and might make a season 2 even harder to get
Like poterry.
With the plotline they are setting up for her, I doubt she will not get into a redemption arc.
In fact, I bet that in S2 she will be closer to the tree than ever before, perhaps too close.
>Mimori the VA messes up in real life
Basically a shitstorm ever since.
Umi was even voted for the Enjo Kossai award this year. Things aren't great.
Her actions aren't totally unreasonable for a 14 year old. But she was a hero, and a hero has to be more than that.
Let's hope she gets a proper redemption arc in season 2 (if it ever comes out).
I see the redemption arc as being how she stayed by comatose Yuuna and didn't give up hope until she woke up.
>forced to quit for getting married without permission
I know different cultures and all that, but that still sounds really fucking retarded to me. Is that because of stupid "purity" things from fans, or is it an actual issue with professionalism?
Did Yuuna hook any other mentally unstable maiden into her web of love?
Every fucking time with these fucking idol otaku retards.
Maybe Tougou should just have ended it after all.
The thing would be funnier without the spoonfeeding
>I see the redemption arc as being how she stayed by comatose Yuuna and didn't give up hope until she woke up.
She needs a proper redemption arc to get proper character growth and show she can face extreme situations without despair.
Idolshit, not even once.
It's good that she dismissed it like that, though. Didn't bend over or anything.
Unlike Sumi though she never signed up for it.
Fron her perspective she was just unreasonably flung into the midst of this mess and told to fight.
I'm sure Tougou could have given up her hero app if she didn't want fight anymore.
Also, the Nawayu girls didn't sign up for it either, but look at Shiratori. That's a real hero, and it's that kind of courage what will save the world.
Again, I'm not trying to justify her actions. What she did was absolutely wrong.
I'm simply trying to understand how it must have felt from her point of view.
Top Yuusha like Gin, Shiratori or Karin are what the world needs, but not everyone can be strong like they were.
cripple homu did nothing wrong
>Umi was even voted for the Enjo Kossai award this year.
based Umi
>Top Yuusha like Gin, Shiratori or Karin are what the world needs, but not everyone can be strong like they were.
Shinju should re-evaluate its hero selection methods. Tougou should be appointed as miko rather than hero. She doesn't have the psychological strength the job requires.
Post Gin's death Sumi was a fine hero. She would have been the first hero ever to kill a Vertex (and it was Leo to boost) if Shinju hadn't been such a dick and took away all of her exp and guts bonus points.
Now that I think about it, isn't it funny how the moment Sumi discovered Leo's core Shinju decided to erase her memories?
Vol3 of the 4koma will have a bonus chapter which set a day after the final one (the day after Chrismas).
Are there colored versions of Anzu's, Shiratori's and Gin's deaths?
Stop bullying the divine tree.
Yuuki Yuuna & Takashima Yuuna both basically have the same reaction to this guy "Shrimp!"
could you tell me why there aren't any other good Sonocchi fan arts?
Living in Shikoku, I'm surprised the series is set there
I have found only this
Pics or didn't happen
It'll just get censored by Taisha anyways so why bother.
Tamako's VA will appear in the next Ponycan zenbu live on 10th August. live.nicovideo.jp
What a cruel world.
What do you think is the price for using fairies in NoWaYu?
I think it's safe to assume not even Taisha really knows at this point.
The fact that Tamako couldn't pinpoint what exactly felt wrong might suggest that it could be a mental thing instead of a physical one.
I look forward to seeing how this turns out.
The price for invoking spirits/youkai/gods...
Slowing becoming inhuman from residue/side effects left behind? Getting possessed by the spirit?
I am more intrested in if Mankai is a refined version of this. I mean Mankai is basically just exchanging body parts with Shinju.
>I mean Mankai is basically just exchanging body parts with Shinju
>here take my hand
>here take this log