I like fascism but lately I've been growing more Monarchistic.
Would it be possible to have a Fascist Monarchy??
now become Catholic
t. just read Leviathan
Fascism is monarchy. Monarchy literally means rule by one guy.
Don't listen to this spic OP. Hobbes is cancer.
That's a retardidly simple way of looking at it.
That is the definition of monarchy. Not my fault you're a retard.
t. doesnt know what t. means
and you'll always be a tool
A modern monarchy with a sword of Damocles would be for the best.
Isn't there some run down barrio chan you could go to instead of ruining this one? We don't want to hear your Mexican stories of pimping out your 12 year old sister for cocaine.
Fascism is generally a temporary thing. (Think 3 years time)
The effects of a monarchy depends on who is in power, how much power they can actually wield, how nationalist is the populace, (societal cohesion) and how that person chooses to use the power.
Monarchy means rule by king.
Fascism means rule by one. (generally)
There are major apparent differences for what constitutes a king.
Fascism is modern day monarchy, a modern approach to it of you will
Monarchies have more long-term stability.
Fascism is not a viable long-term solution. It's never intended to be, and you're a noob to politics in you don't think so.
I feel like I am losing brain cells reading your post
Please go away
>Fascism is generally a temporary thing. (Think 3 years time)
You what mate?\
You know Hitlers regime was meant to be a 1000 year Reich right?
not where I live. perhaps you should go back to fuck your cousin, right partner?
Fascism was monarchistic from its inception. Italy under Mussolini was still The Kingdom of Italy and Victor Emmanuel III was around the whole time. It's just that the monarchy becomes a function of the state, rather than the state being a function of the monarchy.
Take instead for example something that DID happen, Pinochet ruled for more than 20 years
Thats because jews destroyed them before it was proven to do well
This, see also Spain during Franco’s regime
European fascist states respected the royal institution, latinamerican fascist leaders did not because they were influenced by the US rather than by religious/nationalistic zeal
Absolute monarchy is fascism at its best, the only difference is monarchy is hereditary passed from a generation to the other while fascism is passed from another ruler to its appointed or chosen successor. However the system is almost the same in execution, which is why a fascist is always compatible with a monarch.
How about you just read Hoppe and get your political search over with?
Pinochet wasn't a fascist. He was a crypto kike of free market capitalism. Sure he killed commies but he was literally backed by the (((CIA)))
>This, see also Spain during Franco’s regime
Franco wasn't a actual fascist either. Franco just larped and took the aesthetics of fascism from the previous Spanish fascists. Franco was more of a authoritarian right wing monarchist then a fascist
Mussolini would disagree with you there, after the monarchy got the boot Mussolini said the true extent of fascism could be put into place
Digits confirm that monarchy should align itself with fascism
Pinochet was a libertarian dictator installed by CIA to kill commies
Yes. Italy, Greece, and some of the other Balkan states are examples of that.
you have been going Codreanu and it is possible to be both in Europe i would support monarchy and then fascism in America only fascism
But the monarchists killed Codreanu and tried to kill the party multiple times.
Fascism means rule by the state, which is absolute and totalitarian. It does not mean a dictatorship (though can be and normally is)
yeah he said monarchy is good even tho a monarch might be bad he said we dont destroy christianity if a priest is bad
and mind you we had a bad monarch that did end up killing him sadly
Fascism is the natural extension of monarchy in the modern city-state.