>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
PREV APPEARANCES (fuck poo in the loos too)
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #37 10/13/17
>TrumpTV Weekly Update (Lara) #12 10/13/17
>D&S Clap-back @eminem 10/12/17
>BUILD THAT WALL #2 10/13/17
>The Trump Cock penetrates Seattle 10/13/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/Sarah visit SS Training Center 10/13/17
>Pres Trump statement before leaving WH 10/13/17
>Pres Trump declares iranian guard terrorists 10/13/17
>Pres Trump Speech to Values Voter Summit in DC 10/13/17
>Bill Bennett @Values Voters Summit 10/13/17
>Steve Scalise @Values Voters Summit 10/13/17
>This week @State 10/13/17
>Pres Trump announces DHS Sec nomination 10/12/17
>Pres Trump signs EO to promote Healthcare choice 10/12/17
>AG Sessions on immigration review in Falls Church VA 10/12/17
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
the Iran Nuclear Deal is the single best piece of international policy under the Obama administration. BY FAR. It's probably one of the best pieces of international policy in the past 10-15 years period. And I say this being very critical of Obama's foreign policy in general (I think it was one of the weakest aspects of his administrations).
Letting go of the Nuclear Deal could break apart the stability Iran achieved since then. I hope the rest of the world will hold on to the Deal even without the US. One can hope. Especially considering everything points to Iran fulfilling the deal to the letter.
trump didn't do a thing
Can I get a quick attempt at an unbiased rundown of the deal? I am literally totally uninformed about Iran. All I know is neither of us like Israel very much.
Donald Trump is such a good negotiator he can sell rice to China.
First for knife hand Mattis.
This shit is just so fucking comfy and adorable, brehs.
We winning?
>Best piece
>Doesn't even mention ballistic missile program
>Our ability to verify compliance under JCPOA is so poor we have to rely on the Germans to tell us when they're violating it
It's literally just giving Iran billions of dollars while they still continue their nuclear program, only with the blessing of the US.
I fully believe (You).
>the Iran Nuclear Deal is the single best piece of international policy under the Obama administration. BY FAR.
I agree with this but probably not for the reason you want to hear.
I want to hug the First Lady
20.1% of Whites are 17 or younger. 43.4% of Whites are between the Ages of 18 - 49. 36.5% of Whites are over 50.
Goodnight, /ptg/
Why is Melania so lewd?
Commiefornia here
I know you guys hate my state, but we can make it great again, the state is worth it, especially what it used to be back when it was 90% white
Think of all the nature, the weather of the Southern region, everything except for the people is perfect (except the fires and earthquakes)
Nighty night.
So the deadline for DACA is this weekend which means congress has to do something about it by March or its adios for "dreamers", right?
Goodnight user! Sleep tight!!
How much do I need to make a year before I start looking at a mail order wife?
nn, /ptg/
sleep tight!
all historical events over the past 300 years have been false staged realities using actors from the same 12 illuminati bloodline families.
Fuck california and everyone living there, join your brotherly degenerates and get murdered by spics and sharks. My only regret is that all the wild fires can't burn everything there down.
The natural resources are literally the only reason I don't advocate strategic nukes as a solution to the mexicrats in your shithole of a state. Do something.
My mother and father grew up there. It's a great state landwise, but with horrible politics. I hope it can get a redemption arc.
>I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the UnitedStates of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 15 through October 21, 2017, as National Character Counts Week. I call upon public officials, educators, parents, students, and all Americans to observe this week with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs.
>Character can be hard to define, but we see it in every day acts -- raising and providing for a family with loving devotion, working hard to make the most of an education, and giving back to devastated communities. These and so many other acts big and small constitute the moral fiber of American culture. Character is forged around kitchen tables, built in civic organizations, and developed in houses of worship. It is refined by our choices, large and small, and manifested in what we do when we think no one is paying attention.
>deadline for DACA is this weekend which means congress has to do something about it by March
clear this up for me
He died. F!
Everyone knows Lutheranism is the one true teaching.
The cities are also complete shitholes (other than the tourist areas)
It's going to be a lot of work to fix this state
Arizona's full. Better tell everyone to stay in Cali
DACA is already closed to new applications and the deadline for renewals is this weekend. The great debeaning begins in March.
good night, user
I want to hug Liberty-chan!
cut the shit
In time Calibro, in time.
Your people will be free again.
>the Iran Nuclear Deal is the single best piece of international policy under the Obama administration. BY FAR.
lol The sad part is it's true.
>we have to rely on the Germans to tell us when they're violating it
Shit, I didn't know that. I wouldn't trust the german government as far as i could throw them given the current state of muslim cock sucking they are engaged in.
Morty, Morty, ***bbuuurrppp*** awoos are fucking gay, Morty! They're ***bbbuurrp*** fucking gay!
Saw something a while back that around 25% of the people eligible for renewal didn't get around to it
dumbass beaners
Wasn't the deadline last weekend?
>One-quarter of DACA renewals not in on deadline day
Always Awoo !
No one cares, why do you insist on advertising yourself? It contributes nothing to this thread or any sort of discussion in any way.
Fuck Iran, fuck Israel, fuck the Middle East, fuck Obama.
>"For whatsoever you bind on Earth I will bind in Heaven, whatsoever you loose on Earth I will loose in Heaven"
First of all, you’re relying on the word of Peter for this particular quote, just to be clear. Peter also said that the rapture would happen in Peter’s lifetime. Peter has been dead for 2000 years. Therefore Peter has lied about at least one quote of Jesus. Now I know that you Peter worshippers have spent a lot of centuries and brain power trying to contort the meaning of the word “lifetime”, but I’m not buying into any of it. Peter was either a liar or Jesus was, take your pick.
More about the next American Century
All economic activity is fueled — and limited — by the availability of three things: land, labor and capital. All three factors indicate that the United States has decades of growth ahead of it, especially when compared to other powers.
The United States is the least densely populated of the major global economies in terms of population per unit of usable land (Russia, Canada and Australia may be less densely populated, but most of Siberia, the Canadian Shield and the Outback is useless). The cost of land — one of the three ingredients of any economic undertaking — is relatively low for Americans. Even ignoring lands that are either too cold or too mountainous to develop, the average population density of the United States is only 76 people per square kilometer, one-third less than Mexico and about one-quarter that of Germany or China.
Demographically, the United States is the youngest and fastest growing of the major industrialized economies. At 37.1 years of age, the average American is younger than his German (43.1) or Russian (38.6) counterparts. While he is still older than the average Chinese (34.3), the margin is narrowing rapidly. The Chinese are aging faster than the population of any country in the world save Japan (the average Japanese is now 44.3 years old), and by 2020 the average Chinese will be only 18 months younger than the average American. The result within a generation will be massive qualitative and quantitative labor shortages everywhere in the developed world (and in some parts of the developing world) except the United States.
Anyone who thinks China will supercede the US is a fool.
>False Choice Fallacy: The Post
The Germans want to keep trading with Iran, it's a wonder they told us about this at all.
Mommy not for lewd !
Delet this now
this picture literally describes Sup Forums xD lol i just started coming to this site like two weeks ago and i gotta say you guys are fricking killing it hahah. i love being "red-pilled"
Thanks for understanding and in the future rectifying your mistake by posting more normally.
Oh my lawd, did she really?
Yeah I think you're right. I don't know why I thought the 15th but I'm finding the 5th. Also seeing mixed reports about what Trump will actually do come March. Some news outlets say the program will be extended while others say it will end.
Hard to really predict what Trump will actually do. I get the feeling he wants it to fall solely on congress. It'll probably be a big campaign issue for 2018
Even Styx says California is done. Give it up.
Implying Peter didn't see the kingdom of heaven in his lifetime, or implying the Bible is untruthful, in which case why even have this conversation?
Defeatists don't get to enjoy it when we fix it
Hey, wait one minute here
What about the HIV outbreaks and radicalized campuses? You can oust the corrupt politicians that rein it all in, sure, but I just don't know about all that other shit.
No doubt. God only knows what intel they held back.
Regarding China
Most Americans perceive China as the single greatest threat to the American way of life, believing that with its large population and the size of its territory it is destined to overcome the United States first economically and then militarily. This perception is an echo of the Japanophobia of the 1980s and it has a very similar cause. Japan utterly lacked material resources.
China, which faces regional and ethnic splits Japan does not, has copied the Japanese finance/export strategy as a means of both powering its development and holding a rather disparate country together. But the Chinese application of the strategy faces the same bad-debt problem that Japan's did. Because of those regional and ethnic splits, however, when China's command of this system fails as Japan's did in the 1990s, China will face a societal breakdown in addition to an economic meltdown. Making matters worse, China's largely unnavigable rivers and relatively poor natural ports mean that China lacks Japan's natural capital-generation advantages and is saddled with the economic dead weight of its vast interior, home to some 800 million impoverished people. Consequently, China largely lacks the capacity to generate its own capital and its own technology on a large scale.
None of this is a surprise to Chinese leaders. They realize that China depends on the American-dominated seas for both receiving raw materials and shipping their products to global markets and are keenly aware that the most important of those markets is the United States. As such, they are willing to compromise on most issues, so long as the United States continues to allow freedom of the seas and an open market. China may bluster — seeing nationalism as a useful means of holding the regions of the country together — but it is not seeking a conflict with the United States. After all, the United States utterly controls the seas and the American market.
Hollywood is burning to the ground as we speak, so yes.
As of Fiscal 2017 each generation of whites supports “Seperate but equal” to this extent.
>1900 - 1920 (1.2% of Whites) support this quote at a rate of 80%
>1920 - 1940 (8% of Whites) support this quote at a rate of 77%
>1940 - 1960 (26% Whites) support this quote at a rate of 48%
>1960 - 1980 (18% of Whites) support this quote at a rate of 45%
>1980 - 2000 (24.7% Of Whites) support this quote at a rate of 40%
>After 2000 (20.1% of Whites) support this quote at a rate of 46%
F brian kilmeade
>All three factors indicate that the United States has decades of growth ahead of it, especially when compared to other powers.
Maybe if this were 60+ years ago and people had kids, instead urban regions are absurdly expensive and noone has kids in them
These foreigners are not "American", nor are they "Canadian", the fiction will fall apart as their numbers grow.
Average IQ has been declining steadily
Chinese population is 8 times the US white population, THEIR IQ is not declining
Even with Obamacare and Iran, happenings have slowed too much.
Were we spoiled by two years of nonstop election fever?
Need. More. Habbedings!
>tfw already making California great again
We're gonna make it
They're getting sick of your shit.
I'm sure they are getting tired of the tinfoil aliens and conspiracy theory tier threads.
Did the rapture happen in Peter’s lifetime?
>china's IQ calculation only takes in account their upper echelon and ignores the peasant rural west
>china's population count takes into account everyone
really boils my dumpling
Do not lewd the Melania
2018 and 2020 will be epic. Maybe we will get some commie suicides this time out of frustration.
maybe it did, but God thought nobody was worth saving
Their minds will never recover from the devastation of Trump winning again, especially if all the media and Hollywood telling them Trump will lose.
>implying He said it would
>Chinese population is 8 times the US white population
That's a bad thing considering they have much less arable land than we do and their economic system is an unsustainable house of cards. If they don't import food they'll have mass starvation, riots and rebellion.
>These foreigners are not "American"
We can just change our immigration policy, not a big deal when dealing with a timescale of a century.
Some nice stats regarding births in 2015:
Non-Hispanic white baby share:
South: 46.37%
West: 38.88%
Midwest: 65.51%
Northeast: 54.29%
This officially marks the Midwest as the whitest region.
Diabeetus user, if you are in this thread I hope you dont die anytime soon.
Mommy is mine, all mine...
>doubling down
>“We cherish the sacred dignity of every human life"
>“We are all made by the same God in heaven"
>“The American family is the true bedrock of American life”
>“We know parents, not bureaucrats, know best how to raise their children."
>We don’t worship government, we worship God”
>“We protect religious liberty”
>“We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values.”