Why is it so red pilled to have kids?
Anyone old fags here married with kids? Would you do it again?
Oldfags without kids? Do you regret not having kids?
Why is it so red pilled to have kids?
Anyone old fags here married with kids? Would you do it again?
Oldfags without kids? Do you regret not having kids?
I'm young, 19, and I would love to have kids- just no daughters. If I do have a daughter, I'm going to be stricter than the KGB.
good luck, your daughters will suck nigger dick just to get back at you.
Not if I take them to an expensive private school. No niggers will be there.
When we first met the girl I'm dating, she mentioned she didn't want kids. The other day we saw a woman holding a baby, she said it made her want to have kids. She knows I want kids, she also knows I love her.
kids are a big roll of the dice
>checks flag
it fits
I have 2 kids and married 35yr
I see older family and friends without kids, and they are secretly scared of who is gonna look after them in their old age.
Your sole purpose in life is to reproduce. That's why you have sexual reproductive organs. Not for enjoyment but for procreation.
How you bring your kids up is up to you.
(sorry fags you can't have kids. And you keep your pedo hands off our kids. Faggots/. )
a lot of women don't want kids when they are on the pill, get them off that shit asap.
Kids can turn out shitty even if you're a great parent.
How old is mankind? How many generations? You and everyone else alive today has had a direct line of ancestors successfully breeding since the start. No one has found the meaning of life so we're buying time by making copies of ourselves and relaying our knowledge to those kids.
So make go make kids and make sure they can survive on their own after you're gone.
your kids don't want to talk care of you. they will find you repulsive and make jokes about you behind your back
i'm old
you have to have growth in a relationship in order to sustain it
children are a the growth mechanism
they're hard work...but supremely rewarding
such is life
being strict doesnt work. youd have to manipulate her hating niggers.
That's pretty rich coming from you, Sweden.
As much of a cuck you are, you're right in this case
Raise your child in a place with a low percent of black people but enough to where only white culture sticks but black culture looks like a cesspool of crime and shit. They'll redpill themselves eventually but being exposed to some isolated blacks will help them.
30 married with 2 kids, wouldn't trade for anything. I don't care if it's considered redpilled or not, it's a reason to live for most people and you wouldn't be here if your parents didn't have you, regardless of how "pilled" they were.
>"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."
Risk is your business. You are merely making excuses out of fear.
You will make mistakes. Circumstances will change beyond your control. Life is change and either adapting to it and doing better, or dying.
You cannot let fear you back. There is only one way.
That's why you should have multiple, nothing worse than seeing an only child family with a disappointment kid who's a druggie or a fag or both.
>dat pedo hysteria coming through
get over yourself m8
>Be me. Wife on pill 11 years. Admits she will never want kids. Divorce.
It's true. Any single ladies out there that want to start a family?
She is on the pill. We're both in college, she really doesn't want kids before she graduates. We talked about kids recently, she said if she did get pregnant, she'd keep it because she couldn't kill our baby. I'm a couple years ahead, If we're still together when she graduates, and I have a good job. I think I might propose.
Old fag here (43). Three kids. Advice to younger self: don't do it. Reality: can't imagine life without them.
2 that's fucking shit you should have at least 9 I have 12
They will take care when there is inheritance on the cards. (capitalism always wins)
Fuck off faggot. Everyone I know has voted NO. Fact.
Time to go to bunnings, buy a $2 snag and then a $10 length of rope.
Homosexuality is degenerate and should be kept away from anyone under 18+.
I live in Sydney, not Romania.
The pill wrecks havoc on girls hormones and body, I'd get her off it even if I didn't want kids desu.
If you die childless, you will be the first in your 3.8 billion years of ancestry to have done so.
>Do you regret not having kids?
No. The women I would have had kids with weren't wife material and I'd have bastard children all around. Going into your late 20's women want to latch onto any dick they can for a kid. It's horrible.
They end up being thankless and expensive, would not advise
hope you noted no cunt
That's pretty heavy, man
What if I'm mixed-race?
Antibiotics will cancel out the pill.
Im 56, five kids, youngest is 24. Three grand children. All 100% anglo blond/blue.
Best thing I ever did was have kids.
But we all have a common ancestor and share 99.99% of our DNA, you are merely suggesting that my snowflake mutations won't live on... we all come from the same toilet.
>Not aborting your daughters
Daughters are worthless.
>Don't pass on your Y chromosome
>Don't pass on your family name
>Less likely to support you in your old age
>Can't sell them
>Less able manual labourers
>Old fag with lots of kids here
I am a much better man due to having to provide for and raise the next generation.
Also taught me tons about how God the Father loves his children.
Having kids and raising them in a stable family is LITERALLY the most natural thing you can do.
Why aren't you having white babies and rebuilding our race?
I'm trying to convince her to.
Is there any truth to this?
I dont regret not having kids. With the way the world is turning out, well it's not gonna change and i really don't see any reason to bring more people into this world only for them to turn into something i hate. No, it'll end with me and that's the best i can do.
honestly i think raising a kid is easier when youre a single mom but i could be wrong (assuming she has money)
how old are you user?
Being overly strict with a daughter can be dangerous and often backfires. It is important to have a good relationship with your daughter should you have one, and be an example of the kind of man she should seek as a partner.
The meaning of life is to procreate, user.
Maybe if you raise them to be materialistic shitheads. Family is all you really have that's worth a shit in this life. I would like to be able to take care of my parents after everything they've done for me.
gays can do surrogacy and adoption
I have 4+3+2 kids. If it takes Sup Forums to convince you that parenthood is your calling, you shouldn't have kids.
Yes antibiotics absolutely cancel out the pill.
Gonna be honest. Not that old. 27, but I've always said 25 was the best age to start having kids. You're still young enough to play with them and not too old to die before you see them succeed. But i don't want a trans child, i don't want more people accepting them, i dont want my kids spewing equality bullshit. This is the worst time like to have kids. and discipline only fucks with them and they will resent you. I honestly don't see any proper way to teach them where they'll still respect you and learn to accept your truths
Yes there is truth to it. I aborted a baby because of it. We waited and waited for their period to come late, it never came. Looked it up and the first thing we read was about antibiotics.
Good to know, don't think I'm gonna slip my girlfriend antibiotics and knock her up though.
>Why is it so red pilled to have kids?
It is literally the sole purpose of human existence. To go against it is to deny your entire being.
Go ahead, try to prove me wrong.
21 years young, but still haven't thought of having kids. I know it's in our nature, but I just can't find any benefits of having children when I can barely even sustain myself because I'm broke with these Student loans.
>doesn't have children
>"knows" what having kids would be like
This is the dumbest fucking reason not to have kids lmfao
Is it not enough to see it? To be around it?? Am i not allowed to judge just because I don't have kids but have seen what it's capable of? I don't have to fucking do it just to understand it dumbass.
Your reasoning is bullshit.
It's your prerogative if you don't want children, but choosing not to based on second-hand experiences isn't very wise.
i have 2 kids at 25 and i dont know how things got so out of hand. I love my kids but wish they never existed and I could be free to do whatever i want whenever. the desire to be left the fuck alone is stronger than love and reproduction. my wife is also a nu-female as red pilled as you can get but still feels unfulfilled - probably on account of being atheist
GenX old fag here. Do regret not having kids. Many people from my high school class/generation didn't have kids. We were taught that the world was overpopulated, etc etc and believed the lies, and also knew that the world was so shitty to bring kids into it, plus who can afford them.
Now I realize it's one of the most important things you can do.
Regret, party of 1, please.
I did not like kids when I was a kid and decades later still cannot stand them. Hate humans in general and their off spring suck. No kids.
>Your reasoning is bullshit
>It's your perogative if you don't want to stick your hand in a blender, but choosing not to based on second hand experiences isn't very wise.
Gee that statement sure sounds fucking stupid now doesn't it? Learning by the observation of OTHER people`s fuckups, is literally the best way to wisdom.
>It's your prerogative if you don't want children, but choosing not to based on second-hand experiences isn't very wise.
I don't understand. Are you saying you can only determine if you don't want children after you have children?
Oldfag here, have sons and a daughter. Red pill wise you widen up when you have kids, and all the infantile hokum you’re brought up to believe when it comes to fairness and how society should run crumbles. You learn that kids need strong figures in their lives, not some crazy liberal handholding. You learn that gender norms are from birth, and that your wife and you are absolutely part of raising them to be like you. Sons look to their dad to not only learn to be a man, but how they treat women. Girls look to their mother for similar, but look to their father as a model for how they should be treated in the future.
Literally every family that is liberal that I’ve seen raised kids has at least one bad egg. Most conservative families usually raise normal kids.
This is coming from a guy who grew up in a divorced household, atheist and fairly liberal. We raised ourselves, but I saw what the damage was done. I have a family now, which is completely opposite, and we’re well adjusted and happy.
fuck off shill
no they are not, the apple doesnt fall far from the tree and all that.