Post photos of gross looking Jews
Post photos of gross looking Jews
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Sarah Silverman is literally my Jewfu. Shut the fuck up.
kys Shlomo
Sarah Silvermansteinberg
If you have a thing for refrigerators with tay sachs
i loved that guy he was awesome in the league
lol, had to enlarge. "some rando guy" i thinks
I don't know his comedy but he looks like how piss smells
no human body can naturally be so refrigerator-like
ooft something about her makes me rock hard
I've been waiting a long time for this.
who dat?
She looks like she smells like onions, all the time
The Rockefeller family is Methodist
a round of cankles for me and me boyz
Nightmare fuel
>Post photos of gross looking Jews
star wars did it first with palpatine
What the fuck is wrong with her face...
She used to have a WASPy shapeshift persona that made her seem poised and sophisticated in addition to being a filthy perverted ratbag. Esp when she was young and hip on Gary Shandling Show and Mr Show. Now she's an SJW who hates America. The mask is off.
Better to get you a woman who can be both because she is definitely only one of those things.
pure evil
>big tits
>cute face
>that thigh gap
If you say you wouldn't fuck, you might be a fag
she's a mixed goy/ kike
perhaps the only thing that is as ugly as a purebred kike
Would not fuck
I think it's mexican
fucking kek
This is a funny jew. Kroll Show was hilarious
What causes that disgusting gleam on Laura Loomer's skin in every photo I've seen of her? Is it sweat? Too much foundation? Is it a protective membrane like the one you'd find on some amphibians? Good lord what a greasy moist wreck she is.
Another oc
Sarah was a solid 9/10 when she was younger
But she Loves America
Sober up Satan
Guess who this is
quite a stretch there Shmuly
You are one thirsty, kike faggot.
>posting developmentally challenged individuals
what the fuck
Hoo hoo
Is this guy living proof of Reptilians?
She's not a jew. she's some brazilian with face disease
Hard to surpass the ugliness of this jewess
Most Jews are developmentally challenged.
Even though most of them are just Khazars from the 7th century they are ridiculously inbred and their cult is an exercise in cronyism and paranoid schizophrenia that has nothing to do with god.
It's been shopped to hell just to improve to that point of ugly
And yet Ashkenazi Jews are the most intelligent people on Earth.
I thought that thing was Lebanese
still is
Would breed then drown offspring/10
I've noticed a large overlap between Opie and Anthony listeners and Sup Forumsacks
Assnapkin ed
guy on the bottom
is that a man?
But she's wonderful to look at. Her ideas may be ugly and annoying, but Sarah is a babe
The jew is the anti race
C'mon guys you gotta do better than that