Why do liberals get ansty when you tell them you dont use social media or a smart phone?
Why do liberals get ansty when you tell them you dont use social media or a smart phone?
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They think you have something hide or must be a weirdo. The latest shooting is only further enforce this notion.
This is true. I told a liberal woman I do not use facebook and she looked at me confused.
For the same reason Jesus freaks used to get antsy when you told them you didn't go to church.
they're worried that you aren't relatable. i leave my iPhone in my pocket on the subway or in elevators and don't wear earbuds. the number of people that look at you nervously or look down at their phones is jarring. most of the time people are literally on their home screen pretending to scroll to look busy
No, because it makes it harder to push you onto a bandwagon. They realize they have to actually make an point to get you to agree because you think for yourself.
Defense mechanism.
Yeah it's because they fucking despise free thinkers like nothing else on the planet
I have never experienced this.
those outside the borg hivemind must be assimilated or destroyed
Because you dont depende uppon internet validation for your lifestyle
Sup Forums is social media and you're addicted to it
eh... about as much as usenet desu
Its the same as telling a alcoholic you don't drink. It highlights their own demons and weaknesses and makes them insecure about themselves.
>Everyone agrees on Sup Forums.
I usually hear 'man I wish I could, it's such a waste of time' or some shit. Lot's of people want off the train but can't do it.
This is beside the point and further rules 1 and 2 demand that you categorically deny any association to Sup Forums. Thus, if it's the only form of social media you use you should tell people that you don't use social media.
Because you're not obsessed with status and more focused on who has a good personality.
Maybe their personality sucks so they shield themselves with social media. In some cases.
>Sup Forums is social media
I disagree
>you're addicted to it
don't forget, you're here forever
Sup Forums is very antisocial if you ask me
>Sup Forums is social media
>and you're addicted to it
I don't want to blame them, as I have a cell phone and Facebook account myself.
It is annoying trying to be friends with someone who has no way of contacting them. I don't exactly feel like going out of my way to try to connect with someone who doesn't have Facebook or a cell phone.
>social media or a smart phone
are these related to you?
Because it forces them to consider momentarily that their little SJW online echo chamber is not, in fact, reality
lost friends, not getting on social media because they dont care to hit me up in a way that isn't the least ammount of effort possible
cause its a pain in the fucking ass trying to contact you autistic faggots. People want to know you can be reached easily, thats how friendships are formed these days.
How is Sup Forums not social media?
You come here to interact socially with turboautists. Yes it's not as wide open as goybook, but certainly it falls into the category of social media.
The only real argument I can see against this argument is that we have specialised forums for our topics, but given that we don't archive those (or at least, didn't use to), we're hardly useful as a constructive hobbies forum.
this. I want off facebook badly but i know if i leave i'd lose contact to a lot of friends who use it. Fucking infuriating.
>most of the time people are literally on their home screen pretending to scroll to look busy
Oh, how I know that feel... certain people I know bitch at me for being "awkward" if I'm not staring at a TV, phone, or other brightly-lit screen 24/7 like a good Goyim, so I end up scrolling through it like a retard just to appease them.
Normies don't have PC's anymore just smartphones to connect to their social media.
naw real friends make effort and it isnt kikebook makin this happen. doncha be jelly mark
Because its an indication you have no life.
Normies are stupid sheep. Like, braindead. Do anything out of the ordinary, and their mind will = blown.
I'm thinking of buying new Apple watch with LTE so I can leave my phone home once in a while. Any anons done this?
fuck em, not your real friends if best they can muster is facebook likes and happy bdays
Liberals or leftists are like sheep if you don't blindly follow what the herd follows then you will be met with confusion and contempt.
Also these people are so in tune with their stupid social media accounts that they are incapable of meeting and interacting with people in a normal way.
Maybe they don't want to be contacted, ever thought of that ayy
>rules 1 and 2 demand
Too many newfags, those rules are ancient by today's standards.
I d-do this everywhere I g-go in public.
am I autistic? eye contact makes me really nervous.
this is more akin to an IRC or Bulletin Board than a true internet forum or the garbage that is social media.
Normies in general cant understand that
eh, how many calls you gettin G? can't see reason to do this much with the hit to batt life
>being a grids infested nigger loving kike is "life"
good don't want one then.
it's pretty much this t b h
If we are talking about social media is /. social media?
Because shaming you on said platform does nothing as you will never see it nor will you care. It also means they can't stalk you and try to twist every tweet or every post into you being a POS white male.
>nobody even scapegoats ebaums anymore
the whole anonymous thing makes it not very social
>How is Sup Forums not social media?
You don't know who I am, and there isn't really a system to encourage hivemind statements. Other than (You)'s, and the flags, it is anonymous. It is social, you are right in that, but not 'media'. Not as much ability to showboat here.
just buy a Casio and a pager.
Remind me when the battery has 20hr mixed lifetime
his face: all the way in
Stop getting all your informatio about life from Sup Forums. Anybody in this day and age without a phone or social media is either old or a neet or uses steam to socalize instead.
barely a day. less than 4 hours with ltes
B-but how do you eat without taking a picture first? You gotta take a picture first! WTF is wrong with you? You're melting the polar ice caps and killing the bears!
cant socialize people as easy without socmedia accounts fag
Seems Legit
>10-15 years ago
>you actually post pictures of yourself online for other people to see? that's really weird user
>wtf you don't use social media? what's wrong with you?
because they dont like you avoiding the propaganda
I downgraded to a clamshell. I figured if it was worth saying it was worth saying in person
It makes them self conscious about how much of their life they waste and instead of addressing that, the redirect that negative emotion as hate towards you.
I disagree. There's no need to know each other's names to socialise with each other. In fact, we're doing it in this thread right here.
There's nothing stopping someone from making a facebook account called "good goy13" and starting up a bunch of conversations, either. Hell, there's some gaylord who goes around roleplaying as god on Twitter.
> like
I can understand looking at your phone in public. Staring at complete strangers is awkward.
yes you are. it's okay, I have no idea where to look when out in public. it mainly bothers me when I'm walking across a parking lot or something. like, do I stare fixedly at my destination? do I look around for no apparent reason? I usually just look down.
True story.
Except christians at least admit its worship of a god.
15 years ago
>you use internet? Lol WEIRDO
well i dont correlate the two. owning a smart phone is important, if you see smart phones and think social media like the OP and go on attributing the same normie tendencies to the use of both then you are in need of more deprogramming.
having instant access to the internet for news, answering questions, finance etc isnt a meme. social networks are all kinds of distraction and evil, smart phones are a tool and a massive weapon
This. They equate your non-submission to pop-culture, as a translation of being a domestic terrorist.
Eye contact with strangers is creepy cookies. Sometimes when I accidentally make eye contact with someone I wink, and then lick my lips. Just to make it less weird.
According to your echo chamber that you have percieved as reality.
Liberals get social media points for being outraged about things they don't care about, as long as it paints them in a positive light. Their whole cult is based in it.
>mfw used to love the internet. Met all kinds of neat people. Now I'm considering getting rid of it except for very limited occasions.
Why did the normies have to ruin such a good thing?
Is any social group that your not in a echo chamber?
You don't need that to interact with people.
Look straight with confidence.
Never look down, for anyone.
I miss the days when only autists used the internet.
All the SJWs and normies came and shitted things up. Fucking ruined gaming, internet forums, etc.
i took jordan petersons meme personality test and scored in the 97th percentile for neuroticism and withdrawal. however, i've learned never to look down. people treat you like utter garbage if you look timid and nervous whenever you're in public and you don't deserve that.
you look where you're walking, look around, and occasionally catch someone else's eye. on the train i look at one spot and break my stare by looking around every now and then. if someone is egotistical enough to believe you're staring at them, first of all, they'd have to be staring at you and you can just make fun of them for it
Because baby needs her ba-ba.
Take away ba-ba she go wa-wa.
They wany to judge you based on how active you are
>Except christians at least admit its worship of a god.
Horseshit; the God crap was an excuse.
Church was just a place to compare clothing and talk shit about other people behind their backs.
If social media didn't exist, normies would all be christfags, and e-celebs would be preachers.
>literally doing the virgin walk
holy shit
>quit social media
>made a gaming/hobby cave
>never looked back
Personality wise I just make sure that I talk to people to make sure that I haven't gone completely crazy.
>Well what do you do Sunday morning?
Seriously underrated comment!
A few people have aluded to it in here: they can't place you in the social hierarchy accurately without social media.
This isn't the 80s anymore you will never form a strong social in this day and age.
I mean I won't not be without a phone ALL day. but like runs to the store or some errands, just to keep my face out of my phone for a little -- BREAK THE CONDITIONING, ya know
except that normies are usually atheists so yeah, there's that. Nice try though.
Don't use social media
Makes sage posts on Sup Forums
Choose 1
More like literally anyone. They all freak out and the more annoying women will offer to make you an account and post weird things to entice you to join.
I find that wearing my most anime shirt usually shuts them up.
Yep normies ruined the internet by making it cross in to irl.
It used to be its own reality in a way.