Is Rakugo still the best directed anime of 2016?

Is Rakugo still the best directed anime of 2016?

Still waiting for S2. It may be drama, but it was damn good drama.

I could agree, also this woman was the worst mom I have ever seen.

Worst mom, worst wife, worst girlfriend, worst whore, and worst influence.

She killed the best character.

Rakugo was trash.

But can you actually provide a coherent argument in essay form to your thesis?

It's an objective opinion, not a thesis.


No, I'd say it's a subjective shitpost, and only adds up to utter shit taste. Rakugo is objectively AOTY (so far), and you're clearly unable to prove otherwise, much less offer a semblance of valid argument to back up your hot and opinionated opinion.

You're trash.

And the award for most disappointing post goes to you, user!

Yes, probably. It has the most artistic merit in general so far.

I already want to rewatch it, s2 fucking when?

The show was good. The direction was above average but nothing special, just like the rest of the show.

"best directed" doesn't really mean a heck of a lot, but sure it's probably still among the best shows this year. I expect fall to take it down a few levels though.

Very pretentious assertion.

Fall has nothing.
IT's already AOTY.

That would be your first post

Bad news, I'm not the one you replied to earlier.

Re:Zero is the best show in 2016.

Eupho 2, March Lion, Yuri on Ice and Flip Flappers. I'm assuming the type of fuck to put Rakugo up on some kind of pedestal celebrates auteur works in general, so fall is definitely something to look forward to.

>Eupho 2, March Lion, Yuri on Ice and Flip Flappers
Good taste user, see you in those threads next season.

Yeah. It had great writing but unfortunately this year hasn't been great for visual direction so it still has maintained the lead for best directed anime series of the year so far.

At first I was really upset about how long the flashback was taking.
Then as soon as we got back to modern time I got upset that the flashback had ended.
I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.

Yeah definitely. Almost as good as Boku dake

When you come to terms with the fact that episode one was a flash forward rather than vice versa it goes down easier. I felt the same way as you at first, but on reflection the structure they went with was definitely a good call, being wise to the characters' futures adds a lot I think.

>Euho 2
Genric high school melodrama
>.March Lion
No forte of Shaft
>Yuri on Ice
Obvious fujobait sport
>Flip Flappers
Moe can only be K-on tier
Come on now you could have said Drifters.

If you can think of a less pretentious phrase that can cover visual and sound direction and writing all in one then let me know. The voice acting too, actually, since it's about performance art and is actually being performed by the VAs.

Anyway I wouldn't praise it that highly if it had better competition. As is, the popular choices on Sup Forums are awful. Boku Dake, Konosuba, Re:zero? Mildly entertaining at best but they're nothing special unless you're an invested waifufag.

Boku dake was too inconsistent.

sure kid

Not even worth a (You)

>Bad news

>new season of Natsume
>implying anything else has a chance of being AOTY

Not even trying to be a dwee muh subjectivity faggot, but you can communicate that stuff without sounding lack an ass. Besides, you obviously want to suck a little dick right? Why not go deep and elaborate on all that shit instead of just dropping the "artistic merit" bomb and waiting for people to mentally fill in whatever the heck you mean?

Sequel doesn't count.

I feel like the only person on earth who doesn't like Natsume. I watched the first season and found it boring, I have no emotional investment in any of the characters, it doesn't have interesting visuals or a stand out OST or anything, and the plot is neither exciting and fun nor as relaxing and comfy as people say (it's no Mushishi). It's very inoffensive, there's nothing terrible about it, but that's all.

Maybe if you haven't seen the AOTY for '08, '09, '11, and ,'12

Not him but seem like you are doing exactly what you are criticizing?
Why not you explain your 'very pretentious assertion'?

>I have no emotional investment in any of the characters
then you have no heart

K-On!-tier would put FlipFlappers as the definite AOTY.

K-on is the magnum opus of moe. It can't be dethrone.

Yeah, I don't hold myself to the same standards I hold others.

I agree. Natsume lacks subtlety.

If you're the kind of pleb who thinks Ping Pong is a masterpiece, sure.

Best directed? It didn't really do anything special.

Rakugo is the best I've seen this year though.

>If you're the kind of pleb who thinks Ping Pong is a masterpiece, sure.
Tell us non pleb. Your 'objective opinion' about storyteller.

Holy ESL, clean that post up.

season 2 when

Well, FlipFlappers is mahou shojo, so it's not even treading on K-On!'s turf.

>it really didnt do anything special

Welp it had some QUALITY times but overall this was handled very good

I love when people say shit like this. It just reinforces that it takes chronic shit taste not to acknowledge either series as great.

Not answering I see.

Same shit.

This coming from a faggot who thinks that a show with mediocre directing has the best directing of 2016 because he likes to pretend that muh not otakubait anime makes me mature.

You're a faggot with shit taste, and you know literally nothing about story telling. Going for a "realistic" story doesn't make it better if the characters and story are still boring.

What do you like?

Since you're clearly the kind of faggot who thinks "realistic non-otakubait" anime is objectively the best kind, 91 Days shits all over Rakugo.

You didn't think the direction of the rakugo performances was anything special? They were incredibly engaging even though the language/cultural barrier made them hard to understand, and considering they could've just been talking heads. It went out of it's way to convey subtle body language and the relation between the stage, audience and performer with angles and perspective. And it framed a lot of non rakugo scenes like a stage too (eg the floor taking up over half the bottom of the screen), the whole thing was a bit theatrical and I love that.

>mediocore directing
subjective opinion
You are not giving any proper explanation

I'm not that guy. I think you should chill your autism.

>subjective opinion
>No complicated, original or interesting shots
>No depth in visual metaphors or nuanced lighting
Please go ahead and gush about how "They zoomed in to show them sweating and twitching during performances and there was that one scene where the guy was LITERALLY in the other guy's shadow while he felt inferior!" means it has good directing.

You fucking idiots don't know anything about directing or scene composition, but you're just desperate to validate your shit taste by pretending to like anime you perceive as mature.

Not an argument.

91 Days is alright but you're clearly less concerned with the quality of a show than the sort of people who like it. Stop being so threatened by people who want to take anime somewhat seriously.

Not really everything about it was pretty simple and straightforward, sure winter and spring were bad but I think summer has a bunch of shows that are already better than Rakugo.

Complete and utter lack of a point. You're circle stepping entirely instead of addressing what I said because I gave you an example of an anime that I know fits your pretentious (and I'm being sincere in the use of that word) standards and isn't boring.

>One guy going alone against whole mafia gang for vengeance
How many anime have you watched?
How old are you?

>Not an argument.
Brilliant observation.

Are you really so fucking stupid that you don't understand what the quotations around the word realistic meant?

Don't answer that, I know you are.

>How many anime have you watched?
More than you.

>How old are you?
Older than you.

You have yet to actually make a point for me to argue with properly, just came in and complained that people are pretentious for liking this and Ping Pong (because they are not good for what reason, exactly?)

Come on answer the questions.

91 Days is shit. How can you watch last week's episode and think it nothing less than a cheap knock off of Bebop or Champloo? Rakugo isn't pretentious. If anything, Rakugo is worthwhile for the fact that hardly any other anime is like. How often anime come around to show you culture? Instead the norm is to copy paste a high school background with bargain bin drama plot. If any you guys like Rakugo, check out Amadeus, also does its story telling by first showing the present.

better than the shit from this year

Nah, there are quite a few shows I think are better. Last season was pretty great.

I sincerely hope this post was made in jest to poke fun at Rakugofags, and that you're not actually serious.

Dunno anything about direction, but Rakugo is my AOTY so far, and I can't imagine anything will surpass it unless Shaft comes through big time with Sangatsu no Lion).

Rakugo just emulates cinema on the most superficial level, very basic composition, it's vulgar Wes Anderson / Von Trier. Has nothing interesting to say, needlessly repeats itself, representation over ideology. Mediocre overall

>all these anons disagreeing
>still not naming alternative choices for AOTY or best direction

Let's get this back on track.

What does everyone think about Mob Psycho's direction?

It's good.

I think mob psycho might give it a run for a money at least so far.

here is (you)

Nothing but trash.


Ping Pong was amazing. Maybe not a masterpiece, but it was a fresh change away from what has become "normal anime".

>You didn't think the direction of the rakugo performances was anything special?
Not really, no

It was pretty average

I cant wait. Also, how many 3gatsu fags will have their jimmies rustled for this season? Its so exciting

Rakugo is meh but Ping Pong is objectively top 5 TV anime of the decade.

It has the best visual direction of the season even besting high budget zestria. The amount of technical work put into it is so astounding probably the best of the year too.

>visual direction
This is just means that "This cartoon that is full of one-note characters, cliches, simplistic themes, which was aimed at pathetic Japanese teenagers and manchildren to buy toys, has more value because the backgrounds are flashy"

Nice fedora.

does the mc plow the girls

MC isn't really interested in girls.

>ping pong
it's shit just like the new berserk series, the animation is trash

>it's shit
No. You are just shitposting.

You're shit posting, no one seriously thinks those shows are good

>implying characters and themes aren't expressed via animation and art direction

Go ahead and explain how Mob Psycho does that

Next time you make a Rakugo thread please don't put shitposting bait in the OP.

Nope , they are explained via monologue and exposition. That's why mob psycho is shit. Too much focus on animation.

>objective opinion
Kill yourself nigger

>intentional heta-uma art style to transvaluate the shounen core values of angst and swagger over the ugly and modest
>dynamic art that expresses Mob's emotional core. In episode 2 Mob loses physical form when overcome with anxiety. In episode 3, it uses a minimalist shot to convey Mob's loneliness. Flashbacks have a wistful feeling to them. Backgrounds come alive, tons of nuance to the character's expressions.

>le intangible shit

Rakugo was fedora tipper garbage

>monologue and exposition
>a bad thing

> 91 days
> realistic
This is some shit bait

>Set in an actual historical period
>No supernatural events
>But the story is dramatic so it's not realistic!
Found the retard.