You have been Weinstein
So the Jew and his Niggers have convince many of you that weed is safe and funny
It's better than the pills that pharmaceutical companies shove down your face for anything. If someone feels a less depressed from smoking pot, I'd rather them do that than become hooked on Zoloft or some other bullshit drug that causes kidney failure and God knows what future problems to society.
Stoners are more socially and individually productive than alcoholics
>hey kid, get a weed card and smoke all you want without getting busted
>you can never legally buy a gun ever for the rest of your life but don't worry about that
Citation needed
Stoners are bigger faggots than Milo.
just trying to be cool with the cool kids, its basically how he got famous.
I'll stick to drinking milkshakes which pisses off the jews and niggers.
Medical marijuana can proven to have breakthrough results with those suffering from depression, anxiety, and a slew of other psychological problems so long as it's taken responsibly.
(((They))) see the effects it has on normies, lethargy and apathy, and see the perfect pill (think Soma) to make society docile, controllable, oblivious, and most of all dependant.
For a lot of people, this isn't even an issue.
I had depression and used weed for it, medically prescribed even. It made it much worse.
The cure? Stopping all sensory pleasures and mind altering substances like weed, beer, liquor, porn, became Christian, read bible everyday and gave my heart to God. Life still has ups and downs, but the peaks and ups are unbelievably high and the dips are rare and don't last long.
No it doesn’t you dumb faggot. Milk is shit for your immune system. Drink coconut milk.
not it doesn't the jew owns the shop you get your milk shake from the few niggers that do work will make your shake.
Kek manlets when will they learn
No, they high jacked the weed.
The weed has always been around.
The jew and the nigger and the RINOS are just pimping her too.
All you're talk of jews and niggers and you forget your devil worshiping ancestors. Your Albert praise the kike pike and his bitch bitch worshipping Satan. A good Ole southern boy yeah? You cheeky Lil wank.
The Confederate runs the prison systems and hires illegal workers mab. You're Wal mart. Oh wait, they're rich and think you're just trash. Liberal democrat trash just like the original Democrats.
Jk man, but weed isn't that bad.
If you were drinking at the same time that's why
Read Bible everyday.
Sounds like you gave one crutch up for another
Weed is a medical drug.
When it is abused it messes up your mind though.
It should be legal so that people have access to it. But it's up to people as individuals to not abuse it as a recreational drug.
Are you high right now?
wait what really? I'm in NJ, if they legalize weed and i buy it i can't get a gun if i wanted?
This guy is high as fuck right now
weed's a depressant you were feeding your sickness literally
Idc about a gun. I just hope i live life until i can die without taking my life or an accident. After that i dont give a shit about earth life
False, you retard.
Weed gave me brain damage. I smoked so much of it that even when I'm not stoned I think like a stoned person.
false. you just cannot get a chp at the same time as a mmj card. fucking moron
snoop acts normal
but jewgan always acts like he just smoked for the first time
dead giveaway
It's actually true on the Federal level as per specific ATF instruction in protocol to all FFLs ever in perpetuity throughout the universe.
Bigger fish to fry than reefer.
>Stoners are more socially and individually productive than alcoholics
How is milk bad for the immune system?
You're a faggot. Gave your heart to an imaginary being. Go fucking hang yourself, you weak minded pleb.
Don't listen to this heathen leaf cunt.
i'm way to fucking old for those two faggots to make me smoke weed.