This is your Chaika tonight, Sup Forums. Please inspect her for any damages before you take possession of her...

This is your Chaika tonight, Sup Forums. Please inspect her for any damages before you take possession of her. She will be inspected upon return and you will be charged for any cleaning or restoration that needs to be done.

I want to steal her socks, put ice in them, and put them back on her feet.

Chaika lewd, not for. Chaika hugs.

White Chaika is for hugs and love
Red Chaika is for bully


I want to steal her socks and wear them.



So how much does it cost to clean semen? Just curious.

You must've gotten the wrong place, I have my own Chaika, I have no need to rent.

How do I become a Chaika?

Please no bully Chaika. Chaika grow more. One day Chaika Oppai!

By the way, do not leave your Chaika alone for more than 30 minutes. She is very timid and has trouble coping with abandonment. Keep your Chaika in arms reach at all times, please!

(This message brought to you by Chaika Rentals of America, because every home deserves a Chaika!)


get brain damage

my chaika came with lots of hair is this right?

Purple > Red = Blue > White > Black > Shit > Green

If you're in the mood for a different flavor Chaika, we recently got a whole line of Red Chaika in stock just last week! We've finished testing them and are pleased to announce they are ready for rentals starting tomorrow! same low prices as always, and satisfaction is guaranteed!

(Other colors will be available soon! Sign up for our newsletter online to receive all the latest Chaika rental details!)

>no dick


Chaika is not for anything lewd. Please refrain from sexualizing Chaika, that's not her purpose in life!

Do not get your Chaika wet
Do not feed your Chaika after midnight

but she has got a thick bush user, I'm just trying to figure out if this is normal. Not that I'm complaining

Those are also rules! Have you rented from us in the past?

Our Chaikas are not instructed to shave... there... If you would like, you may give her a razor and tell her to clean up but she may or may not understand. Instructional videos can be rented from us as well if you would like.


Newest version of Chaika.

>those eyebrows

What's the fuckin' point? If they ain't big and bushy, they a SHIT!



My favorite Chaika.


Toru, buy gameu

Oi! Buy me geimu, yeah?

holy shit

CMT is dead meme. Onii-chan buy me hanbaagaa.

Give me a call when you get a blue one.
I feel like STD russian roulette tonight.
Nice double trips btw